The pigments are so clear and vibrant. I also had no idea about the fundraising! OMG, these paints are wonderful! Rating Required. The painting comparison between the Strathmore and Arches paper was so helpful and really illustrates the difference in paint flow. Thank you for the visual on the paper comparison. If more comparable colors had been chosen you might have come to a different conclusion. I’ll make the disclaimer that I paint wet and most of the composition of these were painted using wet in wet technique. Email to a Friend. GUEST ARTIST: “Wonderful World Of Watercolors” by Vishal Jain, GUEST ARTIST: “Give An Ear To Your Inner Voice… It Ushers You!” by Ashwini Rudrakshi, REVIEW: Zebra Pen Mildliner Double-Ended Highlighter Pens. I wrote it on with a Sharpie. Schmincke quality control is very exacting. For the last 130 years, Sennelier has combined the innovations of modern chemistry with the traditions of the Old Masters to produce internationally regarded art materials used by Cezanne, Picasso, Bonnard and Soutine. The unctuous consistency of these colours enables the creation of regular backgrounds. All watercolors presented are artist quality. Purchasing a complete set of Sennelier paints will ensure that all your oil painting needs are accommodated to the highest standard. At the time of writing this Dick Blick has a Half Pan Metal Case, Set of 12 (plus 6 FREE!) I also got a great little set of Sennelier from Amazon earlier this year. Thanks to your reviews I’ve been able to narrow down the brands I’d like to try to a manageable list that I’m slowly making my way through! Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment, much appreciated. They also make an Acryla Gouache line, which has a closed surface after it dries, meaning water won't dissolve the dry paint. Founded in the year 1881 in Germany, by Hermann Schmincke and Josef Horadam. I don’t remember what time of year this happens, but if you are a member of any Facebook art groups, word gets around. 3:05 minute video from Sennelier of pigments being mixed and processed and packaged. I wouldn’t exactly classify this book as classical Urban Sketching. Sort Fields. Daniel Smith- totally worth saving up for. That’s why let me know your experience with Sennelier Paints, is picking sennelier over Holbein worth it? But better paint than crack I always say , Another post full of interesting titbits, thanks! The Gum Arabic and honey combination offers incomparable quality of application, producing superb washes. As you can tell I am lurking here! “L’Aquarelle Sennelier has been produced in the same way for more than a century using the best pigments and top quality Kordofan Gum Arabic as a bonding agent. Recently the range has been reviewed in the company’s development laboratory – the result is a wider range of 91 colours that are smoother than ever. For gouache I am using Holbein’s Acryla Gouache; their pigment […], […] (The Netherlands), Sennelier (France), Schminke Horadam (Germany), and Winsor & Newton (UK) are some of the watercolor […], […] watercolor florals are created in realist style. Now so expensive. For water-based work, a sable or soft synthetic brush is best. For the record, I started out with Mameriblu and dint like either. I do have some of the other two brands. Best decision I made to upgrade! Luckily, the gurus on YouTube and elsewhere […], […] I use are Schmincke paints, Saunders Waterford 300g ROUGH paper and various brushes. Read more: Sennelier Extra fine Gouache Tube 21ml S4 Madder Lake Deep Hue ₹ 597.00. This mix of natural ingredients produces colours which have a smooth, bright texture and offer lively, colourful shades. The smooth and creamy consistency works hard and multitasks by being both pliant and adherent. I wouldn’t have ever thought that […], […] manufacturer UMTON (manufacturing since 1919) and some international manufacturers like Renesans, Sennelier, Schmincke or Roman Szmal Aquarius. Sennelier Artist Watercolour is a technique and medium derived from its predecessors egg tempera and gouache. They’re highly pigmented, vibrant, and transparent. Hi Sharon, thanks for taking the time to comment! OR if outside the United States, then please donate directly to The Dreaming Zebra and let us know it’s for World Watercolor Month in the comments with this link. They rewet nicely. Gouache 21 ml>Bronze Gold Yell . I have had only student grade paints until this last May when I received the 18 half pan set of Sennelier’s paints for a birthday present. No. 3 In Stock . Honey gives the paint a creamy consistency and brilliantly luminous colours. I have an 8 paints tube set from Sennelier and chucked out my Koi 12 pancolors to reuse the travel kit for the Sennelier paint tubes together with a couple from Mrs. Grahams from the Art Snacks box. Thanks Jessica, great review. Mission Gold are not as traditional with their colors, they are very vivid with brighteners/dyes and I like that Sennelier comes in pans. It’s totally worth getting if you want to try this brand- $22 on Amazon. “Founded in 1923 by noted Italian impressionist painter, Gianni Maimeri, who was searching to satisfy his own burning desire for artistic excellence in paint.”. Sounds like a wonderful trip. Out of stock. The consistency is different too, but the main point is gouache is opaque, whereas watercolour is very transparent. Watercolor swatches done on Strathmore 400 Series watercolor paper. This creates a very smooth appearance and makes it ideal for opaque coverage. The colors in the 12 + 6 set are marvelous for a first set of paints. The reason it’s mainly known as ‘designers’ gouache’ is because designers and illustrators initially used it. Woot! It’s super lively, creative, and fun. A ready-to-use product made from natural gum, glycerin, water and a preservative. A little price comparison of the tubes between […], […] watercolor pad about 270-300 gsm. If you haven’t already joined the Facebook group for this first ever celebration of World Watercolor Month, come join us, we are having a lot of fun over there! Indigo in MB is duller for sure and it is a blend of pigments (PB27 PBk 7) where a PB66 single is a nicer Indigo. I’m almost relieved to know that changing paper will likely help with some of the issues I’ve been struggling with. Thank you again! I agree about getting the best if at all possible! The Sennelier half pans are a great price on dick blick wondering if to try them out as supplements to the shinhan? add to basket. I’ve found that, as with everything in life, it comes down to the person’s personal preference. Sennelier (reviewed June, 1999) - 80 colors, 48% of them single pigment paints. Full Pan Set, 12 Colors in a metal box at Dick Blick- $140. Enter your email address to get notifications of new blog posts by email. To maintain consistent quality, Schmincke’s laboratory conducts extensive tests and selects only the best crop of the respective year.”. Awesome Carrie Lynn! Thank you so much Jessica, fabulous review! Founded by Gustav Sennelier, this company has been around since 1887 and started making watercolors in 1893 and it looks like their l’Aquarelle line went through a revamp in 2012. That’s a small 4.25″x 6″ block below, I got it from Cheap Joe’s for $11.25, which was the best price I could find. Which paper I use depends on the subject. Don’t know how that happened! Both are water based, but gouache has a matt finish whereas acrylic is glossier. Ultramarine Blue, Burnt Sienna and Yellow […], […] mostly in 300 g m2. You find Sennelier watercolors in 98 colors, available in 10 and 21 ml tubes, or in half pans and full pans. Over 700 Free Reference Photos For Artists & Writers, Art Supplies For The Artist Who Has Everything, DOODLEWASH REVIEW: Koi Sketch Kit and Cotman Pocket Box, REVIEW: Hahnemühle The Collection Watercolour Blocks and Sketch Pads, DOODLEWASH REVIEW: Rembrandt Professional + Ecoline Watercolors, Day 23: #WorldWatercolorMonth – Doodlewash, DOODLEWASH REVIEW: Winsor & Newton – Doodlewash, GUEST DOODLEWASH: Watercolor, As A Tale – Doodlewash, Paris Est Fermé Le Dimanche – Doodlewash, DOODLEWASH REVIEW: QoR Watercolors – Doodlewash, GUEST DOODLEWASH: A Combination Of Planning And Intuition – Doodlewash, GUEST DOODLEWASH: Sketching Memories – Doodlewash, GUEST DOODLEWASH: Capturing Beauty With Watercolour – Doodlewash, GUEST DOODLEWASH: Inspired by Watercolor – Doodlewash, GUEST DOODLEWASH: Sketching Has Given Me Fresh Eyes And Breath Of Life – Doodlewash, GUEST DOODLEWASH: An Artist Afloat – Doodlewash, GUEST DOODLEWASH: Surrounded by Color and Paws – Doodlewash, GUEST DOODLEWASH: One Special Ingredient – Doodlewash, Doodlewash® - GUEST DOODLEWASH: A Watercolor Passion That Won’t Let Go, Doodlewash® - DOODLEWASH REVIEW: Schmincke 2017 Custom Set & New Colors, Doodlewash® ~ Day 23: #WorldWatercolorMonth, Doodlewash® ~ Paris Est Fermé Le Dimanche, Doodlewash® ~ GUEST DOODLEWASH: Inspired by Watercolor, Doodlewash® ~ GUEST DOODLEWASH: Keeping Art Journals, Doodlewash® ~ GUEST DOODLEWASH: Sketching Has Given Me Fresh Eyes And Breath Of Life, Doodlewash® ~ GUEST DOODLEWASH: An Artist Afloat, Doodlewash® ~ GUEST ARTIST: "Painting In Watercolor Is Learning To Let Go!" The medium is all about colour pigment and consistency, so a good gouache gives a strong, glowing colour with no bits in it. Add to Basket. I really enjoy your reviews, very though! That seems the best type of gouache. Fill in the details below to register for your account. Great! I approach artistic expression with a light-hearted point of view. The Primary Yellow (PY97) of MB is bright and transparent. I also have the Blue Green (PG 7 PB15:3) from a tube and it is a deep color with more life to it then your photo of the Blue Green which is a pan paint. How to paint with gouache and watercolour, subscibe to Artists & Illustrators magazine. I have an incentive to get that set in use now. I appreciate it . Hi Peirs, hi five on the book, it’s so much fun! I usually paints Anime and Manga most of the time and some Architectural Paintings. to the Sennelier. They are also known as Natural Pigments. They were the first artist grade paints I ever bought, and I have never regretted making such a big investment – the intensity, colours and translucence are superb, and the way the paint handles is a joy. I took the railing out of this metal palette box to fit more pans in. Your garnet lake (PR 88) surprises me, I have it in tube form it is a very deep rich wine color and is exactly like Daniel Smiths PR 88 in depth. Schmincke from Germany, Sennelier from France and MaimeriBlu from Italy. What you already have is also great. I’m super glad it’s been helpful for you! Perhaps find one of the Sennelier AquaMini sets and give it a try? My favorite was Schmincke, I really like those vibrant colours. You can read the Holbein review here, there are big swatch samples: I encourage you to go with your gut, check in and see what appeals most. Sennelier Egg Tempera. Sorry for the late reply, I was out of town and offline. Colors are vibrant and transparent. 17 years ago was a long time, maybe something in their paint recipe changed. One of the things I appreciate about Doodlewash is the opportunity to interact and learn and be inspired from so many different people. Gouache. I take them all in the same place, and similar lighting. I have also a travel watercolor kit that contains a 12 colors of Schmincke Akademie watercolor set, 2 little brushes and a little watercolor pad to sketch […]. Tell them you are trying to decide between brands. Discover the best brands at Blick. But I have one tube I bought separate and I use that paint all the time. Arteza Gouache Metallic & 60 Color Set Review I have been using the 24 color set of Arteza gouache for a year and loving it. Because opinions vary- here is the link to a review done in 1999 on he gave them a good review. Dick Blick usually has a good deal on the Sennelier with some free pans included. Special offers and product promotions. Great review Jessica,the difference in paper was amazing. i am currently using Holbein Watercolor Tube, and i love the transparency of its transparent line of paints, Holbein is very transparent , vibrant and very smooth when compared to other brands, but i read a lot of review about the Sennelier paints are glowing so it made me think of switching brands. Sold in 15 ml tubes and half pans. The French company suggests the range can be applied with an airbrush or quill, too (there’s a great Silver and Bronze Gold Yellow for ornate illustration). See the post on Metal Travel Palettes for more ideas. 57 products in this category, displaying products 1 to 57. Full of step-by-step practical advice, readers’ own work, exclusive features on famous names and expert product tests, this is the top publication for every artist seeking inspiration, whether they favour painting, drawing or printmaking. Holbein makes a set of 12 colors of the normal size 15 ml tubes. I liked your review. I have Holbein sets, and I have a bias towards Japanese products and aesthetics. For more technical info- see Read more: Sennelier Extra fine Gouache Tube 21ml S4 Helios Green ₹ 597.00. Sennelier Extra fine Gouache Tube 21ml S4 Cobalt Violet Light Hue ₹ 597.00. Since you do lots of review, please tell me your experience on Sennelier Watercolors and Holbein Watercolors both in its own pans and tubes, and tell me why you pick and use that brand over the others. Gouache is a water based paint consisting of pigment, water and binding agents. Got a small space to work in? Gouache is an opaque watercolor paint. I would love to know if you end up trying the Sennelier, and if so, how you like them. They might send them . Artists & Illustrators is Britain’s most popular magazine for practising artists, whilst also being equally relevant to professionals, aspiring amateurs or to those who paint purely for pleasure. Bellow is a comparison, not only in the three different brand of paints, but artist grade paper vs. student grade paper. Find your favorite gouache and gouache paint sets at Blick. I have the set of 48 Sennelier half pans, and absolutely LOVE them. How do you use gouache paint? Sennelier also creates watercolour paints with the highest quality standards using the best possible pigments via traditional techniques and methods. CHARLIE O’SHIELDS Usually I’m a little heavy handed with the paint. Sennelier Artist Colors and Neptune brushes used for this […], […] are some of the watercolors that I use: Winsor and Newton, Turner, Van Gogh, Rembrandt, Lukas 1862, Sennelier, Schminke, Sakura Koi and other brands that I like to test. That was very satisfying, I agree. I like that their watercolor pans have the brand name and pigment number on them, but it would be nice if the color name was printed on them also. Very interesting. Life, it ’ s so much fun the medium has a pan... 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