Edit: choosing both isn't an option. because the note states that he left while Sapphire's mother was still pregnant, meaning Sapphire wasn't BORN yet, thus, he would be unable to have seen her face. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71054?tab=description. Sign In. There are three characters who you can marry after meeting certain requirements. 0. Elder Scrolls and Fallout community: character builds, lore, discussions and more. Remember, you need to use the main Mod File also but I personally like all of the Mod Packs made by this person, they are not too ott on looks, body. 20 Best Skyrim Wives You Can Marry BY Ana Benkovic This post may contain affiliate links. If I married Ingun it would be political. When Mallory realized she was pregnant, he ran because he did not want to end up a farmer. Ive always wanted to marry her or at least have her as my follower. By Eric Switzer Jul 21, 2019. © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. If you buy something we may get a small commission at no extra cost to you. In case you're infatuated with this awesome thief, she's also marriable! cass-the-fairest-cucumber. It was a favorite of mine in the other iteration of Skyrim Pyro Foresight Conspiracy Mar 11, 2017 @ 5:51pm If I move to a new town with her, will she still hang out in Riften? List of Skyrim Marriage Candidates Love is love in the land of Skyrim. She's a member of the Companions and … Who is this character?? Marry - Sapphire! 2. I said no, wanting to keep my options open. The Elder Scrolls IV: Knights of the Nine. And why? This article is about the Sapphire gem. And if it doesnt exist, would anyone be willing to make a mod for it? He's talking matrimony, man. Aela is an elite warrior and part of the Companions. The simplest way is to head to the Riften Temple of Mara and buy one from Maramal for 200 gold, but they will also show up in random loot and at merchants. For other uses, see Sapphire. Like x 1 The ends you serve that are selfish will take you no further than yourself, but the ends you serve that are for all in common will take you even into eternity. Jump to: navigation, search. #brynjolf #vex #sapphire #thieves guild #skyrim marriage #Skyrim #SRS FANGIRL PROBLEMS. Eeewwww Her stuff was destroyed by them bandits that kidnapped her. Ever wanted a chance to go on a thieving quest with her? Same with mine, she always says "back from a job I hope it went well" or "what can sapphire do for you" she says some other things too, but I can't remember what else, haven't been to the guild much after becoming guild master. Close. User Info: HON0R. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim; Can you marry Sapphire? When Hearthfire first came outfor PS4, i got it and the first person i asked to marry me was Sapphire. Sapphire was conceived during the year of her mother and Glover Mallory's relationship. 0. Gamepedia. In Skyrim, you can marry anyone of any gender or race.If you're a male Nord, you could marry a male Orc if you wish! Archived. Is there someone else with similar dialog, and i just had been mmistaken or is that her dialog and she still refuses? I been playing skyrim for almost 50 hours now. Mines Sapphire Geodes Loot Sapphire, the woman Flawless Sapphire Exquisite Sapphire. Tue Jan 01, 2013 7:04 am. Wow this is back in 2013, heh I'm late (remastered though) If you could pick one of these two to marry, which would you pick? Can't get Sapphire to marry me even with console. GT: Combat 00. Holding a small room in the College of Winterhold, Brelyna shares her small space with the player upon marrying her. Sapphire or Olfina Gray-Mane? Post Comment. Follow. Plus you bring the thieves guild back to life for Maven, sort of. Au cours de vos aventures dans la province de Skyrim, vous rencontrerez des personnes susceptibles de vous porter un intérêt particulier pouvant conduire à un mariage. As for Sapphire though, it might just be you can't marry her because of Maven like I said. Sapphire {{{extra}}} Type. Too bad the only person I am interested in is Sapphire from the thieves guild. Image source. Sapphire is now marriageable and will follow you in battle! Dans Skyrim, votre personnage peut épouser l'un des nombreux personnages non-jouables (ou PNJ) différents, indépendamment de la race ou du genre. User Info: hpwong87. Location: Jorrvaskr, Whiterun. Unfortunately, there isn't any easy way to prove it because we have no idea weather her pig-farm was in Skyrim or in another location, so we can't go and figure out what her real name is. This has been bothering me for quite some time now. Its time to settle down and find a partner to settle down! The first time I did this, an NPC named Alvina attends the wedding ceremony. Sapphire is cute, & I would probably marry her too. The most popular and best wife in Skyrim, according to the community, is undoubtedly Aela The Huntress. I don't know, probably for the same reasons they won't let you marry anybody from the Dark brotherhood. Nope. As the title says, I can't get Sapphire to marry me even with the use of console. #i jUST WANT TO MARRY … Everytime I'm in Riften, I see her, & she says "It's a fine day with you around" but she too is unmarriable. Table of Contents. User Info: Schweinsteiger. Wife’s Property: None. Share Share Tweet Email. Hi I just started a new game in skyrim becuse I miss doing all the fun quests and I thought this time I'm guna marry the girl that I've always like and not say yes to the first girl and I really like sapphire and she just told me about her child hood and I just finish...SPEAKING WITH SILENCE what do I half to do to get her to marry me? So the title pretty much says it all, if you could marry anyone in skyrim who would it be (male or female)? Skyrim: How To Marry The Vampire Serana. While Sapphire probably isn't the nicest character in the game, she's certainly one of the coolest! Sapphire (item) From Skyrim Wiki. To marry Camilla Valerius you need to complete “The Golden Claw” quest. Karliah is kind of thieves guild, but shes never there except when you become guild master. While you aren't able to marry vampires, we'll show you which mod you need to do it anyway. Marrying Sapphire in Skyrim? Could i get some classification on what happened. Race: Nord. I think Sapphire & Ingun are the two best looking girls in Riften. Marriage | Other TES V: Skyrim - Dragonborn Guide. Elder Scrolls is a FANDOM Games Community. How to Marry in Skyrim. He went through the door and that's it, … Thank Mod for the opportunity to even have this problem. After we had the ceremony, he walked away saying where should we go. Next time round I'll marry the girl who works in the Alchemist store in Markarth, she's cute or Mjoll the lioness in Riften who looks hard, but attractive (i read she can't be killed). so. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Dragonborn Game Guide. Sapphire (item) - Skyrim Wiki. Sapphire or Olfina Gray-Mane? - posted in Skyrim Mod Requests: For as long as i can remember Ive always admired Sapphire, the thief in the thieves guild who hangs around Riften. In a nutshell, married Farkas... we were both members of the companions, and recently we both became members of the Blades before marriage. Can anyone point me in direction to a mod that will let me do that? Male Orcs can marry female Dark Elves, female Bretons can marry … Never-ending adventures can get exhausting. I know marriage sucks in Skyrim, but at least let me marry someone awesome in my favorite group. Feel bad for the girl, especially because she is one of the best looking npcs in skyrim. I have to admit I've fallen in love with this character, digging around the internet I've heard a few "yes"s and a lot of "no"s about whether or not the player can marry … ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Schweinsteiger 9 years ago #1. Maybe I was mistaken but her dialog said simething like "I'm not saying i will, but are you interested". Comment . etc. log in sign up. Discuss the uesp.net site and Elder Scrolls topics. Pour procéder à la cérémonie, rendez-vous au temple de Mara à Faillaise et achetez une amulette de Mara (image1). I actually looked this up myself when I first spoke to her, __B__ posted...EeewwwwHer stuff was destroyed by them bandits that kidnapped her.---GT: Combat 00. For me I would probably choose to marry sapphire from the thieves guild. La plupart des followers peuvent se marier. I always wondered why you can't marry Ingun either, after you do her plant gathering quest. I actually looked this up myself when I first spoke to her . Description Discussions 0 Comments 25 Change Notes < > 25 Comments waynepmyers Oct 29, 2019 ... lee.jeppson Nov 18, 2018 @ 12:17am Hope this mod will work in Skyrim SE. __B__ 9 years ago #2. Everytime My character passes her she flirts with him. Crampedbuckle32 Apr 30, … She just tells me, her life story, then at the end say maybe someday but not today. She likes to play the tough girl attitude. Once you hit create mod this will ask you where to place and esp file and some other file, just put them in your skyrim/data folder. I'm not sure if this is requried or not but I just did it anyway. So if you’re ready to settle down there are plenty of ladies to woo. r/skyrim. Feel bad for the girl, especially because she is one of the best looking npcs in skyrim. You're free to marry anyone of any gender or race. There are several ways to obtain an Amulet of Mara. 0. Posted by 2 years ago. And the whole backstory with bandits makes her not really comfortable with that. 0. Yes, it is possible to marry a non-playable character (NPC) in The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim. One night, after gaining the bandits' trust, she took a dagger and slit each of their throats as they sl… & you do the same with the Dark Brotherhood, mine as well be able to court her daughter too lol. How to make the guards to stop attacking me? 400 ID. Also I don't know if you can ever learn her real name or not, she hasn't told my character yet. Or be able to adopt Babette I would adopt her. You should be able to marry her though. This wikiHow teaches you how to marry someone in Skyrim by acquiring and equipping the Amulet of Mara and speaking to an eligible non-playable character. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. 63 notes. Prev Unmarked missions Karstaag. FAQ; Can't get Sapphire to marry me even with console. And sapphire isn't one who'd do well with relationships because of the obvious, that thing people do when you ask were babies come from. Especially after you become "friends" with her I guess you could say, she tells you her life story, & what happened to her when she was younger. She has a ghostly appearance and she can even follow me. Help . Skyrim-Help; Bottom of Page; Board index. I downloaded the Marry anyone mod on the PS4 and wanted to try and marry Sapphire in riften. 0.1 Base Value. Copy link Author boss-robot commented Feb 1, 2015 Sign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub. for those who wish to marry her it can be done through console commands. Even in the frosty land of Solstheim you will find some place for love. Well, I'm guessing the reason you can't marry her is because of kind of the same reason with Serana: Register. Nope. Well, with Marry - Sapphire, now you can! Enables the ability to marry any eligible NPC in Skyrim, as long as an Amulet of Mara is worn. This Forum is for you! Oh, the possibilities! You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. where do you get the key to access Saarthal. You receive one during the Book of Love quest, which you keep when completed.You will not be able to marry anyone until you have spoken to Maramal about marriage, even if you have already obtained an amulet from somewher… Sapphire marriage/ follower mod ? Yea, but her equipment doesn't matter in this situation. Years later i see that its not possible to marry her. -Next you want to go into your plugins via NMM or skyrim launcher and check your esp plugin for that file. Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReport Ad. Misc Item Weight. Aela the Huntress is easily at the top of the Skyrim wives list. whose grand idea was it to have 0 marriage options in Skyrim that were characters remotely related to actual storylines . 3 . Already have an account? I know I am late, really late to these Party but if anyone is still interested in Marrying Sapphire  and if you use Mods, the person who made 'Bijin NPCs' a person by the Name ' rxkx22 ' made a patch for their NPC Mod, which does this for you and, I would guess...not crash your P.C. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim; after marriage., where the heck does your spous go? Need Help? One day, banditsattacked the farm, killed her unarmed parents, and abducted her, repeatedly violating her. I find her the most interesting. . HON0R 9 years ago #3. User account menu. Aela the Huntress. Why isnt gunmar at fort dawnguard after i completed the main storyline sorine is there but some reason he isnt? As a young child, Sapphire lived on a poverty-stricken pig farm with her mother and a man she believed to be her father. User Info: __B__. I would marry her for non political reasons she seems like a good wife. Sign in to comment. You can check out our best Skyrim companions guide to find out exactly who you can or can't marry, because, just like the real world, you can't always get what you want. Sapphire is cute, & I would probably marry her too. I am wondering why the Dragonborn can't marry Sapphire after you give her the letter and bring the guild back from the brink, Sapphire seems to flirt with the Dragonborn. And a Dragonborn wants someone they can return to at the end of the day. Serana is introduced Skyrim expansion Dawnguard. La plupart des PNJ bons à marier ont des pré-requis avant de pouvoir les épouser, tels que compléter les quêtes qu'ils offrent. Thieves guild already has few women in it anyways, the loss of Sapphire would mean only Vex & Tonilia is left. < > Although, as I mentioned before remastered has been out for some time and mods are here, so I married her with a little thing called "marriage all". Brelyna can serve as a follower as well as a wife, where she provides powerful offensive spells in combat, granted she doesn’t take many hits to be defeated herself. Especially after you become "friends" with her I guess you could say, she tells you her life story, & what happened to her when she was younger. I'm trying to decide between the two but it's really tough. Sapphire is now marriageable and will follow you in battle! She doesn't want to be married because of her past (being a vampire and such) Stuck? open console command and type, It crashed my game when I typed that command and asked her . Or to me it doesn't seem to fit Sapphire's character either to be a stay at home wife. in the official guide it says you can't marry any thieves guild members. hpwong87 9 years ago #1. Maybe because it's all related back to Maven, that's the only thing I can think of. Just buy an Amulet of Mara, talk to Maramal, and ask her to marry you! 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May contain affiliate links rendez-vous au temple de Mara à Faillaise et achetez une amulette de Mara ( ). That were characters remotely related to actual storylines you need to complete “ the Golden Claw ”....