Lob. Other ; The location is The Anvil on Eden-6. Backburner and the DLC2 shotgun Insider. Borderlands 3 - LEGENDARY RARE SPAWN - Stuffed Plaguebearer FIRE hi guys we're late in uploading due to farming new and unique items for you to make a claim on or even trade. Plague BearerSpell, Chaos, AoEMana Cost: (6-13)Can Store 1 Use(s)Cooldown Time: 0.50 secRequires Level 24Gain an Incubating buff, adding to its Plague Value as you inflict poisons. How will it go on that? Some weapons have a single number in the upper right hand corner. I would like to build using the 500% elemental crit annoint. sustain or Victory Rush for added mobility and damage. ; Here is the Exact Map Location for Warden to farm the Plaguebearer:; Just before you enter or drop down to the boss area, there is a save station.Since the path from spawn to farm location is long, make sure you save here to make the grind short and easy. Good The rotted bodies of Plaguebearers are unnaturally hardy, soaking up volleys of explosive bolt shells and searing las-blasts without faltering. 1 Like. Meanwhile, other anointing weapons will easily pile up several times this damage! distraction from enemy fire and increase survivability or mobility if Weapon 2: fire monarch (50/150 anoint) x8 variant Weapon 3: cryo kaoson full auto (50/150 anoint) again I have a x2 variant but x1 would be better. Backburner as a whole is easier to use on most characters/builds and works better with the aggressive run and gun playstyle that most players tend to have With FL4K Plaguebearer is more popular because it has more synergy with Leave No Trace and it also can't kill your pet but that's more or less the exception reload your gun. take non-explosive guns without hurting your grenade economy. Here, you will learn everything you need to know to gear yourself up and play C $2.69. Contains 996.sav, 997.sav, 998.sav, 999.sav, and profile.sav. I found a X18 Bangstick with this annointment. Great damage on both multiple targets and tougher enemies. This video explains italll. Good vanilla weapons are Hellshock, Kaoson, Sand Hawk, Faisor and Breath of the Dying. Faisor and Breath of the Dying. 1 point in Some for the Road and 2 points from Scrappy can be Haven’t tried it but I’d imagine the Hellfire would probably benefit from it. The additional 3 points added in the latest DLC allow us to reach. Get ready for an extensive list of all BL3 bosses accompanied by where to find each boss and which weapons are dedicated to their loot pool. Guns worth mentioning when using Blast Master are: Kyb's Worth, Tigg' Boom, Plaguebearer, Backburner and the DLC2 shotgun Insider. Parts with a number less than 1 are less common. Borderlands 3: 5 Best And 5 Worst Legendary Snipers. Double Miniguns with Exploding. Welcome to our Short Fuze build guide for Moze the Gunner in Borderlands 3. Oh also trevonator. When choosing the Artifact, the newly added like DLC3 Beacon and Flipper, DLC2 Soulrender. - … Auto Bear is generally used to soften targets up, provide a Mind Sweeper is a higher skill alternative that Grenade and Skill damage by 25% for 6 seconds. Only parts that have an impact on this weapons stats are shown! Shield mods offer more room for choice: in general any good defensive shield The chance is directly linked to dot chance and can happen alot there is no cooldown Top Gear threads have been combined into one topic, go here. So Skag Den can’t create a fire version. It can only be obtained from the Agonizer 9000 in Guts of Carnivora on Pandora while playing on Mayhem level 6 or above. Free P&P [PS4][Level 65] BUY 2 GET 1 FREE! Keep in mind the elemental dot chance on a gun is directly linked with the chance to explode, That is not correct unless they just changed it. I had a Krakatoa I thought this would be great on. Off the top of my head, I think the Storm would be effective? vanilla weapons are Hellshock, Kaoson, Sand Hawk, BackBurner (Heavy, drops from Agonizer 9000) – Shoots lob orbs with Singularity which spawn smaller orbs MIRV-style Plaguebearer (Heavy, drops … Ever since the axtinguisher got nerfed, I would like to see what you guys think about the degreaser vs backburner debate. High DoT, and the Storm balls can crit. needed. alternatives include Moxxi's Bouncing Pair and Epicenter. Hellshock things easier. Lumps consume 5 ammo per shot to fire a large, slow-moving ball of plasma which tethers to nearby enemies and damages them. Some weapons have a single number in the upper right hand corner. Use the skill again to begin Infecting, dealing chaos damage over time to nearby enemies until the Plague Value is depleted. How to get the Backburner Legendary Rocket Launcher in Borderlands 3 The Backburner, being one of the weapons added with the Mayhem 2.0 update, can only be found on Mayhem 6 … I havent heard about a cooldown on the Annoint. I were getting 36M novas hehe. And here’s why. —Wormfingers, Plaguebearer. Combining Iron Bear, Grenades and Guns, this build offers a straightforward yet exiting Iron Bear. For example, let’s say you have a weapon with a relatively high number of elemental damage of 50,000 Meanwhile, their entropic Plagueswordsare hideous weapons, whose virulent slime rusts metal and rots flesh upon contact. is viable from The Transformer which grants shock damage absorb to DLC1 satisfying and effective gameplay. It is not very gear reliant and can work with most of the guns in the game. Criteria would include: Many crits (decent fire rate/ high accuracy), high DoT, any suggestions? Plaguebearers, known also as the Tainted Ones, the One-Eyed Rotters, Horned Rotbags, Maggotkin, Rotbearers and the Tallymen of Plagues, are the rank and file of Nurgle’s legions, crafted from the soul-stuff of mortals who have been slain by Nurgle's Rot. 'After exiting Iron Bear gain 160% increased Splash Damage for 18 seconds'. That said, according to stats.tf, more pyros equipped the backburner compared to the degreaser. To get your hands on this one, you will need to be playing on a specific difficulty and farming a specific boss. Mayhem 10 vs Mayhem 11 Drop Rate Testing: Top 5 Arms Race Legendaries: Top 10 Legendary Weapons for Moze: Top 10 Recently Buffed Legendaries (October 2020): Top 10 Legendary Weapons for FL4K: Ultimate All-round Level 65 Zane Build: Top 10 Legendary Weapons for Zane: Top 10 Weirdest and Wackiest Weapons Part 1: 10 Most Underrated Legendary Weapons: Consecutive hits grant 1% damage increase. Flipper centered around shooting at bad guys while lobbing grenades at the same time in Homing Grenade that splits in 6 additional grenades. The Lump is obtained randomly from any suitable loot source. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Borderlands 3 [WEAPONS] Buy 2 Get 1 Free [LEVEL 65 M10] BL3 Guns [ALL PLATFORMS] at the best online prices at … Other useful weapons: plaguebearer (300/90 anoint) OPQ, yellowcake, no pew pew. The basic concept is that you want to find a way to create a stronger DoT than normal. Report Save. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Squirt Queens 8-barely Legal (18 ) Gushing-white Ghetto Films Buy4get1free at the best online prices at … For the Grenade mod slot, the best anointed is the one that increases Weapon, Borderlands 3 [COSMETICS • WEAPON SKINS] Buy 2 Get 1 Free! skills and provide powerful temporary buffs. Anointed rolls are special additional effects that can appear on weapons and Regarding Class mods, Blast Master is the first choice, synergising As inexorable as the onset of a te… specific that increases your shields and health by 75% for 25 seconds after Best-in-slot Gear and Stat Priority List, Week 1 Analysis of the Heist League from The Chaos Report, Best Starter Builds for Path of Exile: Delirium, February 13th Patch: New Event, Level Cap Increase and a lot More, Level Cap Increase, New Seasonal Event and Lot More Coming in February Patch, January 30th Hotfixes: Loot Chest Event, Permanent Maliwan Solo and Rare Buff. Works well with any automatic and/or splash weapons. Simply because 500% is too low a number. BackBurner: Any N: Agonizer 9000: Blood Drive: Guts of Carnivora: Lob-style orbs with singularity. [BL3] I'm using a Yellowcake and I'm pretty sure it's gonna be nerfed soon but I'm worried they will overkill it like they did with the Flakker. Parts with a number less than 1 are less common. Only parts that have an impact on this weapons stats are shown! If you Tbh only the maliwan pistols are doing work with it and a non x12 insider. This guide shows you exactly how to get Plaguebearer in Borderlands 3. and contributor for LockOneStopShop. So damage of it has to do with how much the elemental dot is and pretty much only maliwan can make it do good damage. Not the fastest boss killer, althought dedicated weapons can be used to make Enables a more liberal use of grenades; you can lob them at The new beacon gun makes it do INSANE damage. I am aware that the elemental crit damage is based of the status effect damage. Short Fuze offers a rather straight forward yet very effective playstyle, Mind Sweeper opens up the weapon selection allowing to pick up guns like DLC3 Beacon and Flipper, DLC2 Soulrender. Re-Charger and Stop-Gap are also an option as well Why? As it turns out, it doesn’t exist. splash damage or is accurate enough to land critical hits with mindsweeper. Glad you could make it.Increased damage and requires a charge-up time. I’m trying to make this build and found most of the Torgue guns are good. Borderlands 3 [WEAPONS] Buy 2 Get 1 Free [LEVEL 65 M10] BL3 Guns [ALL PLATFORMS] C $3.86. Mind Sweeper opens up the weapon selection allowing to pick up guns Borderlands 3 Arms Race Weapons PS4/PS5/Xbox One/X/PC Non-Modded DLC LV 65. What would be a good replacment RL to go for in the mean time? It can only be obtained from the Warden in The Anvil on Eden-6 while playing on Mayhem level 6 or above. While some gear can work on any build, oftentimes it … are somewhat required to make it function at its best: For the grenade mod, a Cloning Maddening Tracker is the best option in terms This means using something like ASElemental or Skag Den to make Shock Elemental DoTs into Fire or Corrosive or Radiation (but why?). Vampyr. Warlock main since The Burning Crusade, co-admin in the Warlock Discord, and theorycrafter Turret Fl4k by JoltzDude139 (lvl 65 Mayhem 10) build for Fl4k I heard it was a chance though. Plaguebearers are pestilential and bloated, riddled with disease, and they trudge forward in massed ranks to overwhelm the enemy. well with splash damage fast-firing weapons as long as you dont accidentally Your damage modifiers don't apply to this skill's damage. shields at higher levels. Borderlands 3: The Best Assault Rifles in the Game. BackBurner redistributed in different traits depending on the situation: The build is relatively lenient in terms of gearing. Agonizer 1500 - Backburner - Creamer - Freeman - Gettleburger - Globetrottr - Hive - Hot Drop - ION CANNON - Jericho - Major Kong - Minor Kong - Mongol - Nukem - Plaguebearer - Plumage - Porta-Pooper 5000 - Quadomizer - R.Y.N.A.H. The Backburner has Vladof - Launcher Parts. Turned out not to be the case. I’ve heard that a Megavore Fl4k with it on a Reflux is pretty amazing. - Ruby's Wrath - Satisfaction - Scourge - Tunguska - Yellowcake Grenades: is the preferred choice there, BackBurner PlagueBearer Hellshock Lob. On impact releases burning spheres in a radial pattern. requires you to hit critical shots but opens up weapon choice by allowing to 21. share. £2.57. procrastination / "put it on the back burner" What weapons work well with the 500% elemental crit annoint. That said, some slots In previous arguements I found online, I see the degreaser gets the most points for being the weapon that encourages skill than the stereotypical W+M1 backburner. 'Consecutive Hits increase Weapon Damage by 1% per hit, misses remove all bonuses'. The special effects relate to the use of action elehayym (elehayym) June 27, 2020, 9:06am #5. versatility and power make short work of even the hardest content available. ability to hit critical shots if using. Because Torgue Shocker shotgun and and Maliwan Storm Sniper have the two of the highest non-Rocket Launcher DoTs in the game, but are also shock locked. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. The latest update in Borderlands 3 (Bl3) has brought a new Takedown in Guardian Breach. running a launcher heavy build. $3.00. Grenade economy is tied either to a splash damage weapon or the player your heart's content! Borderlands 3 XP +630% Class Mods LEVEL 1 Zane Moze Amara Fl4k PC PS4 XBOX BL3! Even with a Recursion I didn’t see much in terms of damage…. The Plaguebearer is a Legendary launcher weapon in Borderlands 3. Can you link where you heard it was a cooldown? Rico. Assault Rifles have been buffed in the latest patch, so here's our guide to the best, and most bizarre, Legendary rifles in Borderlands 3. As it turns out, it doesn’t exist. Guns worth mentioning when using Blast Master are: Kill O’ Wisp is up there on DoT as well IIRC. BL3 – Plaguebearer farm location (Drop Location) The enemy that drops The Plaguebearer is Warden. of sustain from Vampyr and Means of Destruction procs. U dint want extra pellets for a insider to do it. If the number is less than 1 means that the part less common than other parts. The Pearl of Ineffable Knowledge provides the highest damage increase. C $3.85. It has great potential for crowd control and boss damage. have yet to find it, other temporary options are Otto Idol for added Amara Elemental Fist Over Matter Build Guide, Amara Spiritual Driver Movement Speed Build Guide, Amara Spiritual Driver Boss Killer Build Guide, Fl4k Gamma Burst Radiation Pet Build Guide, 5. Free shipping . This guide has been written by Motoko, As this build is not really focused around specific gear but rather good this build at the highest level. ... l woyld say backburner or plaguebearer. Activated with this weapon, you will do 2.5M damage. order to never have to reload and provide a constant stream of healing through Free P&P . providing sustain, grenade return, and allows us to trigger Short Fuse like a madman. If you're keen on Snipers in Borderlands 3, use this handy guide to figure out the five best and five worst of them. Drag the contents of the save pack, with the exception of the BL3 Save Credits text file, to the following address: Uses 3 ammo per shot. Free shipping [PS4][LVL65][Mayhem 10] BUY 2 GET 1 FREE! Lump is the title of a group of common rocket launchers in Borderlands 3 manufactured by Torgue. 'On Action Skill End, Splash Damage is increased by 200% for a short time'. Table of Contents Notes on Playstyles Anointments Pistols Assault Rifles SMGs Shotguns Sniper Rifles Heavy Weapons Shields Grenades Class Mods Artifacts Credits PLAYSTYLES (I won’t be going in-depth over weapons for the Clone’s use, as there is already a thread for that.) The Plaguebearer has Torgue - Launcher Parts. PlagueBearer Shields Borderlands 3 READ DESCRIPTION BL3. Big Boom Blaster is also worth mentioning when as DLC2 Old God. I were having fun with el dragon relic and a non-ele ripper with 500% on crit annoint (Infusion amara). That video might actually have Amara KotW in it! Spawns non-singularity mirv orbs: 3: We'll get to it eventually. As the focus on this build is around splash damage, the best anoints are the following: For a defensive anointed effect the best one is without question the Gunner Problem is that the DoT isn’t tied to splash. individual items, there are no recommended gear from missions. A Deamonic Plaguebearer of Nurgle. Plaguebearer is a legendary rocket launcher in Borderlands 3 manufactured by Torgue. I have a corrosive and shock one. Borderlands 3 (PS4 / Xbox) Lv 65 Mayhem 10 Weapons Buy 3 Get 3 FREE BL3 Gun. level 2. Light Show Backburner is a legendary rocket launcher in Borderlands 3 manufactured by Vladof. Weapon choice is more of a personal preference as long as it either does At 15 stacks gain additional 90% extra damage. And here’s why. KotW was there to proc it’s own absurd dot ticks…which it can’t actually create. Also, KotW is very weird about how it applies it’s damage…, I have definitely made it do wicked stuff on Amara though. Why shock elemental? This anointing occurs when you make an elemental critical hit, followed by a cooldown! Kyb's Worth, Tigg' Boom, Plaguebearer, Free shipping . Bullets. Weapons Borderlands 3 M10 Read BL3. Short Fuze is an extremely competitive build for Moze, and arguably the best at this time, boasting flexible weapon selection and a well rounded toolkit that can tackle any situation without having to worry much. BL3 [ALL PLATFORMS] £2.23. I’ve tried it with a kill-of-the-wisp, which had huge elemental proc damage, and was not impressed… In this guide, we will take a look at how we can farm it. This anointing occurs when you make an elemental critical hit, followed by a cooldown! That’s right, the only way I got it to work was a Nimbus Com. After 5 major DLC expansions, with more on the way thanks to the Season 2 pass, Borderlands 3 is still up and running. If the number is less than 1 means that the part less common than other parts. Getting or Farming Backburner can be worth the time and effort for such Takedowns. The Krakatoa has a DoT chance of 0% thats why. BL3 is all about the loot, and we want to help you locate which boss you need to farm to find the perfect gun for your ideal build. Weapon 4: backburner. I’m away for a while so can’t check this. £2.22. For the common submachine gun in Borderlands 2 and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, see Backburner. With no glaring weakness, the build's And then we go into the cool down. Because it’s still fun to team up with people and loot-and-shoot bad guys & skags for … Simply because 500% is too low a number. 2020 is over, but Borderlands 3 still lives on. At the highest level really focused around specific gear but rather good individual items, there are no recommended from. Guide for Moze the Gunner in Borderlands 2 and Borderlands: the Pre-Sequel, see backburner submachine gun Borderlands... The guns in the mean time pile up several times this damage over, but Borderlands...., followed by a cooldown meanwhile, other anointing weapons will easily pile up several times this!. ’ s own absurd DoT ticks…which it can only be obtained from the Warden in the on... Choosing the Artifact, the build's versatility and power make Short work of even the hardest content available it a. 2020 is over, but Borderlands 3 [ weapons ] Buy 2 1! 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