Solicitously she sat on them for twenty-eight days until I broke upon the scene. An example of a sentence using the word would be: Jennifer solicitously inquired whether or not the baby would be coming home today. Both kinds of results may be useful when writing slant rhymes that cross line boundaries, which are popular in hip hop lyrics and musical theater. 27- If shown sympathy, even quite crudely feigned, patients may respond solicitously , but they may respond with disproportionate aggression to frustrating cues. My girlfriend gets solicitous when I drink too much. Toggle navigation. What is the definition of solicitously? 18- He is solicitously concerned with their protection before the enemy: “Simon, Simon, behold, Satan demanded to have you” (Lk 22:31-32; cf. The word "solicitously" is an adverb. It is he who solicitously fetches tea and biscuits and asks how … He leant over their table like a solicitous waiter, holding his warrant card. 3. 2. 2. Find another word for solicitous. 1. 16. solicitously in a sentence - Use "solicitously" in a sentence 1. 5 She was very solicitous for our welfare. Choose a language, then type a word below to get example sentences for that word. You can practice spelling and usage of the word by getting 10 examples of sentences with “solicitously”. 13. More example sentences ‘Having thus acknowledged his dependence on the Norwegian crown, he was solicitous to promote the security and happiness of his kingdom, by forming alliances with the neighbouring princes.’ ‘I was solicitous to dive into his thoughts upon this head and put some questions which tended to the point that I wished.’ Origin. 9- He felt himself all over solicitously and sat down to extract a sharp splinter from his forearm. 62. Tried to forget the man hovering solicitously beside her. Short & Simple Example Sentence For Solicitous | Solicitous Sentence. Young inquires solicitously during the last third of the story. 2. 1- Being treated solicitously will calm down many aggrieved customers. 28. 29- Out on the pathway, Mrs Hnatiuk was surprised to find her hand gripped enthusiastically by Mrs Frizzell, who was normally so condescending, and her health solicitously inquired after. 2- He bent solicitously over her, handing round the cups. . How are you feeling?’ he asked solicitously. 25- I picked up one photograph only: Leon in profile, back to the camera, dancing formally with a girl, his hand raised with hers, his head solicitously inclined to her young, upturned, joyful face. How do you use solicitously in a sentence? Machines can actually do a very limited palette of things. Solicitously; 1. All US UK AUS How to pronounce solicitously in English (1 out of 6- He opened the trailer’s door, attached a ramp, and gazed solicitously within. How gentle and solicitous and full of yearning love! 3- She stepped forward, brought her hands to her knees, solicitously bending. 2. 4- I feel pretty solicitously about this. IT in English Search Usages Definitions Synonyms Translations Pronunciations Images Toggle filters. You can easily memorize the word and the meaning of “solicitously”and This is a fast way of learning the meaning of “solicitously” with example sentences. 26- Tongues solicitously tutted over the black band still stitched to Melanie’s sleeve for they all (as they would have in the village) knew of the children’s arrival and how they had been orphaned. 11. They helped me to my feet, solicitously enquiring after my health. click for more sentences of solicitously The caller solicitously inquired about the general manager's health. What does solicitous mean? You can use solicitously as a adverb in a sentence. Examples of solicitous in a sentence. 2- He bent solicitously over her, handing round the cups. Sentence Examples Contrary to my expectations, he was every inch the country gentleman, a charming and solicitous host. Definition of solicitously adverb in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. He always enquires most solicitously about your health. Example sentences with "solicitously", translation memory. How to pronounce solicitously in English. German Translation of “solicitously” | The official Collins English-German Dictionary online. Sentence Examples. I will give you some money interjected Peter, Look let’s give him another twenty minutes suggested David, He picked up her black fan from the counter and began fanning her, A friendly few minutes were spent discussing the art classes before Susie asked, Until Cabaco's published discovery, the sailors had little foreseen it, though to be sure when, after being a little while out of port, all hands had concluded the customary business of fitting the whaleboats for service; when some time after this Ahab was now and then found bestirring himself in the matter of making thole-pins with his own hands for what was thought to be one of the spare boats, and even. Source: 'Daily Use'. 4. 7- After a short moment, I sensed people crouching, leaning down over me solicitously . Mr. Over 100,000 German translations of English words and phrases. He took her hand in greeting and asked solicitously how everything was. See more. In a solicitous manner. solicitously in a sentence - Use "solicitously" in a sentence 1. 'Are you cold?' Solicitous definition, anxious or concerned (usually followed by about, for, etc., or a clause): solicitous about a person's health. 21. In a solicitous way. 34- To allow him to continue his nap, the busy-body landlady solicitously lowers the blind before leaving – its shadow is drawn down over his morbid face. 24- She solicitously asked if all was well, sending constant messages to enquire if there was anything lacking, or inviting him to walk with her in the sweet-smelling orchard outside the convent church. . Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. Find more ways to say solicitously, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Another toper, incapable of standing, is solicitously helped by his friends through the gate of the innyard. 31- He opened his eyes upon discreet candle-light, upon a small room hung with tapestries and green fir-boughs that smelled of spice and resin and open air; and upon a girl’s face bent solicitously over him. 17- Erika and Paul went, Paul politely, solicitously , opening the door for Erika and waving her through first, although it was a tight squeeze in the tiny vestibule, and at the bus-stop, in a bizarre parody of good manners, insisting that Erika stand in front of him. Cat bit back the unladylike oath on the tip of her tongue as she rubbed at her leg. He picked up her black fan from the counter and began fanning her solicitously, too solicitously, his face grave but his eyes still dancing. 20 examples of simple sentences of “solicitously“We tried to find and publish the the words with Simple Sentences of “solicitously“ Compound Sentences with “solicitously” Complex Sentences with “solicitously”Compound-Complex Sentences with solicitously in a sentence. —————————This site is designed to teach you English words in context with collocations with the help of example sentences. 3. More Sentences: Related Words:solicitation – solicitations – solicited – soliciting – solicitor – solicitors – solicitous – solicitously – solicitousness – solicits – solicitude – solicitudes – solid – solidarities – solidarity –. Hobbs hovering solicitously in the offing. solicitously in a sentence - Use "solicitously" in a sentence 1. 28- He solicitously promoted a European trip, convincing mother and daughter that such a pleasure excursion would hasten Nesbit’s recovery from surgery. 3. 2. German Translation of “solicitously” | The official Collins English-German Dictionary online. 21- Even Yao and Shun were still solicitous about this.. 22- He’d come bounding in, worried and guilty and solicitous. 14- He left Bagshot solicitously tending the overcoat – very much Lord Monkton’s style – and walked across the foyer. 40 25 Neper being solicitous to know farther of him concerning this matter, he could give no other account of it than that it was by proportional numbers. 16- Throughout the testing Gyggle was solicitous and gentle.. 17- He was, if anything, gentler and more solicitous.. 18- Roger, beside her, was jovial and solicitous.. 19- Service was great ; on-point, cheerful and solicitous.. 20- He dashed about her, solicitous but irascible. In a solicitous manner. 3. Mel attended him solicitously and went through a detailed description of his symptoms with him. "You look cold," Violet said solicitously. "I do not know, except that it is my way," Ah Kim replied, gazing solicitously at his mother. The definition of solicitous is someone who shows concern, care or eagerness. Elle les couva avec sollicitude pendant vingt-huit jours, jusqu’au moment où j’ai fait mon apparition. Solicitous in a sentence. The solicitous mother did not want her young daughter going out on a date. 20- You contextually know an devolution time is longish at the doctor because you will wait futilely solicitously half an conidium to an dopamine after your lexical time to inscrutably see the doctor. 19- And We do not wish here to pass over in silence the fact that the Blessed Virgin herself, even in our times, has solicitously recommended this manner of prayer, when she appeared and taught it to the innocent girl in the Grotto of Lourdes. Young inquires solicitously during the last third of the story. Example sentences from the Web for solicitous In a world increasingly bending toward snark, Updike managed to remain curious, solicitous , a gentleman. What does solicitously mean? 12 sentence examples: 1. Monty looked at him solicitously. Some of these (like "boba tea") are single conceptual units, while others (like "hopeful he") are sentence fragments. What are synonyms for solicitously? The Literary Gentleman | John Freeman | January 30, 2009 | DAILY BEAST Monty finally said solicitously, I’m sorry. 3- She stepped forward, brought her hands to her knees, solicitously bending. A friendly few minutes were spent discussing the art classes before Susie asked solicitously if Mrs Sorens was having any luck with her daughter. He had always been solicitous for the welfare of his family. It was his first ambition to become an artist, and he showed much promise, being awarded the silver palette of the Society of Arts in 1838. (open, save, copy) 12. Over 100,000 German translations of English words and phrases. What is the meaning of solicitously? The word "solicitously" is an adverb. 15- Filmer, extremely smooth in a dark suit and grey tie, solicitously removed Daffodil’s chinchillas and hung them over the back of her chair. I am going to keep a solicitous eye out for criminals in this hard-hit neighborhood. 12- While I was pregnant a young security guard used to enquire solicitously about the state of my ankles. 34 synonyms of solicitous from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 59 related words, definitions, and antonyms. Here are the definitions: 1. concerned: expressing an attitude of concern and consideration 2. ready and willing: full of eagerness to do something 3. meticulous: paying very careful attention to details So one sentence with just one of the definitions would be great. Palette sentence examples. How solicitous should she be to associate with the purest men! And I … 3. (adverb) he asked solicitously. Did you see them leading him so solicitously from the platform? WikiMatrix. The caller solicitously inquired about the general manager's health. 13- They didn’t chase my assailants but helped me to my feet, solicitously enquiring after my health. Scorer was solicitous of our comfort. 2. 4- I feel pretty solicitously about this. solicitously. 30- Returning from one such excursion to Milford, while waiting in the railway station’s tea shop, she is helped by another passenger, who solicitously removes a piece of grit from her eye. Examples of solicitous in a Sentence I appreciated his solicitous inquiry about my health. The others watched solicitously while he coughed and spluttered over it. He is even solicitous to show that his point of view is that of the cultivated gentleman and not of the specialist of any order. 4. 21- His followers were such as fled to the mountains together with the inhabitants of Modin, to whom had adjoined themselves divers neighboring Jews, and other fugitives from sundry quarters of Judaea, all who solicitously desired the re-establishment of the church. He was very solicitous for her safe return. 104. Sentence with the word solicitously. He was so solicitous of his guests. Login; Sign up; Daily Lessons; Submit; Get your widget; for English • Arabic • Chinese • Dutch • English • French • German • Hebrew • Italian • Japanese • Korean • Polish • Portuguese • Russian • Spanish • Turkish • Sign Languages Say it! 29. He eyed Creagan with solicitous interest. She turned a solicitous face. Dennis asked solicitously. She is no more solicitous about the one than the other. Examples of solicitously in a sentence: 1. 11- It’s interesting to see Yamandu solicitously setting up their mikes and getting the sound levels right. 22- solicitously he helped the young nun to mount, muttering under his breath about how certain clerks seemed to turn up when they were least expected or wanted. 1- Being treated solicitously will calm down many aggrieved customers. Always focus on the learning on sentences with “solicitously“ We believe you will easily learn to write and use the word solicitously in a sentence. How I missed the fresh air and country scenes any painter would utilize his entire palette to capture. 16- Finally they are ambushed and taken prisoner by the enemy (the former lager-louts risen from the dead and now wearing masks); Hadfield goes catatonic with terror, and is solicitously carried off to re-education in the jungle. 23- The Pastors of the Church in fact, solicitously exhorted the faithful to take the greatest care in keeping the Eucharist which they took to their homes. 33- I see them walking back up Great Scotland Yard afterwards, with the historian lost in thought and Summerchild asking him solicitously if he would like to view the Croydon or Kilburn premises after all. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words. 5- I solicitously help Sue find a comfortable position with one arm stretched over four chairs. He even solicitously implied Clinton might still win the nomination. palette. 10- He nodded towards the couple who were solicitously cooking his food for him, mouthful by mouthful. About Solicitously A 5 syllables adverb and 12 letters with the letters c, i, l, o, s, t, u, and y, 7 consonants, 5 vowels and 5 syllables with the middle letters it. solicitously in a sentence. He inquired solicitously as to the condition of business. About 17 results found using 'SOLICITOUSLY'. Use ‘solicitously’ in a sentence | ‘solicitously’ example sentences . 35- ‘Are you sure?’ the head asked solicitously . He solicitously helped her back into the chair. 2. in a concerned and solicitous manner; "`Don't you feel well?' An example of a sentence using the word would be: Jennifer solicitously inquired whether or not the baby would be coming home today. . A teacher solicitously spells it out to the rest of his class : " Malcolm may not look different than the rest of us, but he is. The tenor attended most solicitously to his dear friend Luigi Lablache during that singer s final illness in Naples ( 1858 ), and administered the last rites. 8- With one firm hand on her arm he solicitously helped her back into the chair. 54. Being treated solicitously will calm down many aggrieved customers. Another word for solicitously. Few minutes were spent discussing the art classes before Susie asked solicitously how everything.... Lord Monkton ’ s interesting to see Yamandu solicitously setting up their mikes and getting the levels! You see them leading him so solicitously from the platform? ’ he solicitously. Might still win the nomination or not the baby would be: Jennifer solicitously inquired the... Is my way, '' Ah Kim replied, gazing solicitously at his mother of... – and walked across the foyer is he who solicitously fetches tea biscuits... 8- with one arm stretched over four chairs 1- Being treated solicitously will calm down many customers! 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sentence with solicitously 2021