The Wet Chemical or K-Class portable fire extinguisher comes in two sizes – 6 Liter (1.5 gal) and 2.5 gal – the larger of which provides a longer discharge time with twice as much agent. Water Stream (extinguisher). FIRE EXTINGUISHANT, BUCKEYE FIRE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET: PLATINUM PLUS C6 1% AQUEOUS FILM FORMING FOAM CONCENTRATE FIRE EXTINGUISHANT, BUCKEYE FIRE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET: PLATINUM PLUS C6 3% AQUEOUS FILM FORMING FOAM CONCENTRATE FIRE EXTINGUISHANT, BUCKEYE FIRE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET: PLATINUM PLUS C6 3%-6% AR AQUEOUS FILM FORMING FOAM CONCENTRATE FIRE EXTINGUISHANT, Buckeye Fire Material Safety Data Sheet: Purple K Fire Extinguishant, Buckeye Fire Material Safety Data Sheet: Standard Dry Chemical Fire Extinguishant, BUCKEYE FIRE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET: WET CHEMICAL CHARGE, BUCKEYE FIRE MSDS: PLATINUM PLUS C6 – 3% MIL SPEC A.F.F.F.C FIRE EXTINGUISHANT, BUCKEYE FIRE MSDS: PLATINUM PLUS C6 – 6% AQUEOUS FILM FORMING FOAM (BFC6.6) FIRE EXTINGUISHANT, Buckeye Fire Solid Stik Degreaser Cleaner MSDS, Buckeye Model A-150-SP 125 lb. Dry Powder; Foam - Water; Wet Chemical; Carbon Dioxide (CO2) NF Series; UL SERIES; BSI KITEMARK SERIES; Clean Agent; Special Type; Sets; Fire Extinguisher 2Lt Wet Chemichal (BSI KITEMARK) … Each model has been tested and approved for the Class K listing by UL specifically for restaurant kitchen hazards. They are used to supplement existing automatic cooking equipment and kitchen suppression systems. Fires brought by substances such as cooking oil, vegetable oil and the like. The ‘chemical’ element of wet chemical fire extinguishers is potassium. What is the Best Type of Fire Extinguisher for Aircraft Hangars? Prevention, Early Warning & Emergency Plan Execution, KIDDE 90 MULTI-PURPOSE ABC DRY CHEMICAL EXTINGUISIHING AGENT MSDS, KIDDE CARBON DIOXIDE EXTINGUISIHING AGENT, KIDDE COMMERCIAL ABC DRY CHEMICAL EXTINGUISIHING AGENT, Kidde Fire Safety – Fire Extinguishers, Smoke Alarms, and Other Safety Related Gear, KIDDE LOADED STREAM (Anti-Freeze) SOLUTION EXTINGUISIHING AGENT, KIDDE LOADED STREAM AC 40 Dry Charge Fire Extinguishing Agent, KIDDE MSDS HATOTRON 1 EXTINGUISHING AGENT, KIDDE MSDS WET CHEMICAL SOLUTION FIRE EXTINGUISIHING AGENT, KIDDE PURPLE K DRY CHEMICAL EXTINGUISHING AGENT, KIDDE REGULAR DRY CHEMICAL EXTINGUISIHING AGENT, KIDDE WET CHEMICAL DRY CHARGE EXTINGUISIHING AGENT, Maintenance of Your Portable Dry Chemical Extinguishers. Extinguisher Agent Wet Chemical Type Stored Pressure Class of Fire A, B , F Fire Ratings 8A / 34B / 25F 13A / 70B / 40F 21A / 113B / 75F Working Temperature 5°C to 60°C Working Pressure 9 bar Test Pressure 27 bar Overall Height 398mm 440mm 540mm Diameter 103mm 132mm 165mm Empty Weight 1.9 Kg 2.3 Kg 3.5 Kg EXTINGUISHING AGENTS; FIRE CABINETS & EQUIPMENT; DOORS; FIREMEN EQUIPMENT-SAFETY; VARIOUS PRODUCTS; FIRE SUPPRESIONS SYSTEMS; Fire Extinguishers. BFPE International can assist you with making the right choice of fire extinguisher for your application. Prevent Re-ignition : The Wet Chemical-based extinguisher is highly effective as it prevents re-ignition. Water-based fire extinguishers are usually used in stockrooms, schools, offices, etc. They employ an agent that reacts with burning cooking oil or fat to form a suds-like blanket across the fuel surface, cutting off the fire’s air supply and preventing the release of flammable vapours. IDENTIFICATION Product Name Wet Chemical Solution (Fire Extinguishing Agent, Pressurized and Non-pressurized) Other Names AC-100, AC-250, Potassium Acetate, Class K Recommended use of the chemical and 311/312 Categorization - Immediate (Acute) Health Hazard SARA Title III Sect. Wet chemical fire extinguishers have a very specific function, and are not suitable for other fire types except Class A fires if no other extinguisher is available. WET CHEMICAL CHARGE Buckeye Fire Equipment Company Page 2 of 4 SECTION V. Firefighting Measures Extinguishing Media: N/A. <> IDENTIFICATION Product Name Wet Chemical Solution (Fire Extinguishing Agent, Pressurized and Non-pressurized) Other Names AC-100, AC-250, Potassium Acetate, Class K Recommended use of the chemical and Introduction Fixed wet chemical extinguishing systems (cont’d) –Water-based solutions mixed with potassium acetate, carbonate, or citrate and other additives •Soapy foam blanket smothers/cools fuel. 3 0 obj Wet Chemical Extinguisher. 7 litre Wet Chemical fire extinguisher. This smothers the fire, with the added benefit that the mist also creates a cooling effect. An aerosol fire extinguisher for dispensing a liquid wet chemical fire extinguishing agent, and a composition for the liquid wet chemical fire extinguishing agent, where the liquid wet chemical fire extinguishing agent is rated for class A, B, C and K fires. REGULATORY INFORMATION SARA Title III Sect. What Safety Items Should Be Kept In Your Vehicle, What Type of Fire Extinguisher Do I Need? Prevent Re-ignition : The Wet Chemical-based extinguisher is highly effective as it prevents re-ignition. The spray applicator wand keeps the operator at a safe distance from the fire. WET CHEMICAL extinguishers contain a special potassium acetate based agent. They supplement existing cooking equipment automatic system protection for an extra margin of safety. Is it Bad to Inhale Fire Extinguisher Residue Dust? The wet Chemical Systems must comply with NFPA 17a (standard for wet chemical extinguishing systems) and NFPA 96 (Standard for Ventilation Control and Fire Protection for … What are the Proper Guidelines for Mounting a Fire Extinguisher? IDENTIFICATION Product Name Wet Chemical Solution (Fire Extinguishing Agent, Pressurized and Non-pressurized) Other Names AC-100, AC-250, Potassium Acetate, Class K Recommended use of the chemical and They employ an agent that reacts with burning cooking oil or fat to form a suds-like blanket across the fuel surface, cutting off the fire’s air supply and preventing the release of flammable vapours. What Wheeled Fire Extinguisher Do I Need for My Business? Dry agent fire extinguishers can spread the burning grease around and CO2 extinguishers can cause an explosion. If the dry chemical is used in a suppression system, it requires being refilled and recharged after each time the system is activated. Tests have shown dramatically increased firefighting performance with agent-plus-water fire suppression technology. 2l Wet Chemical & 7l Wet Chemical Fire Extinguisher. This one extinguisher is effective for use on three types (fuel source) of fires – Class A, B, and C. The dry chemical can be used in areas where wet chemical would cause significant damage, such as electronics. Offshore Fires: Fire Extinguisher Placement & Protection from the Environment, Parts and Components of a Fire Extinguisher, Purple K Class Fire Extinguishers | Use, Classification and Model Designs, PYRO Chem Carbon Dioxide Stored Pressure Extinguisher, PYRO Chem Foray ABC Muti Purpose Dry Chemical Fire Extinguishing Agent, PYRO Chem Wet Chemical Extinguishing Agent, PYRO-CHEM 3M NOVEC 1230 FIRE PROTECTION FLUID (FK-5-1-12), PYRO-CHEM ABC MULTIPURPOSE DRY CHEMICAL FIRE EXTINGUISHING AGENT, Pyro-Chem Fire Extinguisher SDS Information, PYRO-CHEM HFC-236 FA STORED PRESSURE EXTINGUISHER, PYRO-CHEM PLUS-FIFTY C DRY CHEMICAL FIRE EXTINGUISHING AGENT, PYRO-CHEM PURPLE-K DRY CHEMICAL FIRE EXTINGUISHING AGENT, PYRO-CHEM STEARATED (BC) DRY CHEMICAL FIRE EXTINGUISHING AGENT, PYRO-CHEM WET CHEMICAL SOLUTION (NITROGEN) – STORED PRESSURE. The superior fire fighting capability of the Wet Chemical agent is placed exactly where you aim it with no chemical residue to clean up. A potential fire can often be controlled before it really takes hold, if the right fire equipment is close at hand. Should You Recharge a Fire Extinguisher or Buy a New One? Note: Dry chemical suppression systems are required to comply with NFPA 17 (Standard for Dry Chemical Extinguishing Systems) and NFPA 33 (Standard for Spray Application to Safely Use on Flammable and Combustible Materials). Its principal application is in kitchens and food processing plants. … Are Rain Jacket Reflective Strips Helpful? Wormald offers a range of portable fire extinguishers to suit all types and classes of fires. Wet Chemical fire extinguishers are the best for common restaurant & kitchen fire hazards. endobj The main extinguishing action is by cooling caused by the heat of vapourisation. Each model has been tested and approved for the Class K listing by UL specifically for restaurant kitchen hazards. EESCO Sales Phone: 630-296-2555 Email: The superior fire fighting capability of the Wet Chemical agent is placed exactly where you aim to minimize clean up. Wet Chemical Solution (Fire Extinguishing Agent, Pressurized and Non-pressurized) Revision Date: July 11, 2019 Page 1 of 9 1. The agent forms a mild foam surface over the hot oil but not a crust or foam mess like most other agents. Models B260 & B262 are the ideal "kitchen use" fire extinguishers. Menu Search. Designed to complement existing pre-engineered hood systems, the units incorporate a spray nozzle that ensures the agent is applied gently to the burning oil, thus preventing splashing. 1 0 obj It is nonflammable and noncombustible. 2 0 obj Fire Extinguishers . x��][s�8�~OU������&��)W�r2��L6gk��>(6���-y$y�f~��n !$D�v.�,���+.>�\��7���_��ӛo�m������_矿?������t=[�ϯ����w���^^\d�W�췗/˹�t���d\��f�y!�e���?���_����f�����/�߲�ɼ��绗/XV��,�L��L!r�_F��_�翾|����������K���e�U�f���.`�r�2#}��z|fF�ǜ�ގ���gx��l|&FW�3��7��o��w����^ߎ�*���A�|,?2.��1k�cY���e^�{,�9>S�E��&c1����q66��t�/��02g,�h_G23��v�{�xx��t��x�9�^��:*���ҙ�pj�5*�Y�J�=[Œң���L��Mm6��oV8����'����5��=����Ԫ�H����:53hnb�N=�D�b�KT1fq�`��h�CM/�������l��`��~{bdJ�\�t1�P List price: 0.00 They are handheld and can be carried to the fire. Wet chemical extinguishers are extremely effective, designed specifically for fires involving cooking oils and fats. <> Carbon Dioxide Wheeled Fire Extinguisher Model Number 35100, Buckeye Model C-50-SE 50 lb. Knock Down Kitchen Fires Fast The R-102 system incorporates a flexible design with an extremely effective ANSULEX Low pH Liquid Agent that quickly knocks down flames and cools hot surfaces while generating a tough vapor-securing blanket that helps prevent reflash. Having a dual purpose makes any wet chemical fire extinguisher a welcome addition to home safety. Generally, class A and K (F in Europe) only, although older models also … Not all fire extinguishers use the same chemical makeup in their extinguishing agent, and will include either wet or dry chemicals. This extinguishing agent is the best choice for use on kitchen fires because of the duel mechanisms to disrupt the Fire Triangle. Special Firefighting Procedures: N/A Discharge the entire contents of the extinguisher to ensure that all of the fire has been extinguished, the wet chemical formula helps to prevent re-ignition. Understanding your fire extinguisher is key to ensuring that you are able to properly clean up any residue that will come from extinguishing a fire. How Wet Chemical Fire Extinguishers Work. A dry chemical suppression system will require less storage space than a wet suppression system. Wet chemical fire extinguisher is known as Class F fire extinguisher recommended for cooking oil fires and are essential fire safety tool for professional kitchens. Wet Chemical Fire Suppression. Each manufacturer makes this data available through a document called an SDS (Safety Data Sheet). The Kidde Fire Systems WHDR Wet Chemical Kitchen System is a cost-effective, pre-engineered fire protection solution designed for a quick and easy installation. )��9��ؒ��?�V�. Skip to content Plot No. Most Fire Risk Assessments would recommend that wet chemical extinguishers are kept in proximity with other fire safety items such as a CO2 extinguisher for electrical items, and a substantial fire blanket such as a 1.8m x 1.2m size. Wet Chemical Extinguishers Our wet chemical extinguishers are used on deep fat fryer fires and pan fires. Halon 1211 Pressure Gas clean agent fire extinguishers offer excellent fire fighting protection for Class B (flammable liquids) and Class C (energized electrical) hazards. Halotron I Model Number 71501, Buckeye Model W-65 Halotron I Wheeled Fire Extinguisher, Buy in Bulk | Cloth Face Masks and Filters, Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguishers (C02) | Use, Classification and Model Designs, Fire Extinguisher UL Rating: What it Means, Halotron Fire Extinguishers | Use, Classification and Model Designs, Is Your Family Fire Safety Prepared? This water based agent extinguisher also provides excellent capabilities for Class "A" hazards. Wet chemical fire extinguishers employ a pressurised solution of alkali salts in water and are used for Class F cooking oil or fat fires. This is an extinguisher with a 2.5 gallon capacity, containing tap water … Wet Chemical - Class K Fire Extinguisher - 225Liquid Agent Systems are suitable for protecting cooking oil and grease fires in commercial kitchens. with attractive stainless steel cylinders and easy to use hose and spray applicator nozzle. <>>> IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATIONS AND OF THE COMPANY UNDERTAKING Product Name Wet Chemical Dry Charge (Portable Fire Extinguisher Agent) Other Trade Names AC-100, AC-250, Potassium Acetate, Class K The wet chemical suppression system is what most people understand as the traditional fire suppression system, for instance in a commercial kitchen. Your First Line of Defence. The extinguisher contains. ... 3-Part Spec Fire Extinguisher & Cabinets (doc) The superior fire fighting capability of the Wet Chemical agent is placed exactly where you aim to minimize clean up. e�⼀9Q���d��i��b�x��*B���z�v�:�*���x�-?��}{@�,��X���K�CU�y�is\Hi��]�1�B�)>�+��y�M�o��Mpa�(���_d�riu��ύF����Id\V�Рd c�D����J�ƦI� �?�b���E�=&c�,� Wet Chemical Fire Extinguishers. Available in 2 sizes - 6 liter or 2 1/2 gal. Wet Chemical (Wet Agent, Wet Chemical Agent, Liquid Agent, Class K Liquid Agent) Before cleaning any fire extinguisher powder or residue, it's important to determine how to do it safely. These extinguishers are effective on Class K fires. Some Design, Others Build Buildings = Risk: The Need for Safety Hard Hats, Types Of Fire Extinguishers and Their Uses, US Coast Guard Approval for Fire Extinguishers – Buckeye. Add to quote Features Wet Chemical Fire Extinguishers, marked by an oatmeal/beige coloured band, are effective against fires involving cooking oils and fats. This extinguisher offers greater fire-fighting capacity and cooling effect to combat very hot and difficult restaurant kitchen fires. Three Variants : Available in three variants- 3 liters, 6 liters and 9 liters. Wet chemical fire extinguishers are the only extinguisher recommended for use with cooking oil fires and are essential safety kit for professional. The wet chemical agent is a special salt based fire extinguishing liquid used in fire extinguishers or stationary fire extinguishing installations for fighting fires in deep fat fryers, frying appliances as well as air exhaust facilities in kitchens and is applied finely distributed to the burning surface using spray nozzles. fire rating: 3a:4f: agent: wet chemical: operating pressure: 700kpa: discharge time: 44sec: product dimensions (h x cyl Ø) 650mm x 180mm: overall mass: 12.5kg: shipping dimensions (h w d) 660mm x 200mm x 190mm: mounting bracket type (supplied) wall hanging Wet chemical extinguishing agents can also be used of type ‘A’ fires which involve wood chips, paper and all ordinary combustible materials. Water and Foam fire extinguishers extinguish the fire by taking away the heat element of the fire triangle. The spray applicator wand keeps the operator at a safe distance from the fire. The recent trend to more efficient cooking appliances ABC Dry Chemical Model Number 30110, Buckeye Model A-350-PT 300 lb. Their main body should be Red, to conform with British Standards, and they should have a Large Yellow Banner across the top on the front of the extinguisher with Red writing stating "Wet Chemical". Carbon Dioxide Wheeled Fire Extinguisher Model Number 35050, Buckeye Model OS W-150 Halotron I Wheeled Fire Extinguisher, Buckeye Model OS W-65 Halotron I wheeled fire extinguisher, Buckeye Model W-150 150 lb. Wet chemical (potassium acetate, potassium carbonate, or potassium citrate) extinguishes the fire by forming an air-excluding soapy foam blanket over the burning oil through the chemical process of saponification (an alkali reacting with a fat to form a soap) and by the water content cooling the oil below its ignition temperature. endobj Never get Overwhelmed with House Projects Again! Wet agent fire suppression system provide quicker flame knock down than a dry chemical system. The recent trend to more efficient cooking appliances and use of vegetable based cooking oils dictates the use of a hand portable fire extinguisher with greater fire fighting capacity and cooling effect to combat these very hot and difficult fires. Wet chemical fire extinguishers contain a solution of potassium which puts the fire out in two ways: Wet Chemical Extinguisher MWF60 6 litre This 6-litre wet chemical fire extinguisher is designed for use against Class A, B & F fires, an indispensable piece of equipment in any kitchen environment that contains deep fat fryers. Wheeled Fire Extinguisher Parts and Components, Wheeled Fire Extinguishers – Specifications, Wheeled Fire Extinguishers – Why and Where to place them, Bulk Pack Cotton Masks Available For Sale, How to Increase Your Chances of Surviving a Vehicle or Plane Crash. Foam agents… It also used to fight the fire of solid materials, such as wood, cotton, textiles and liquid fire which refers to Class A, Class B fire. Especially designed for fat and oil fires (Class F), but can also be used on class A (Carbon-based materials). WET CHEMICAL extinguishers are the best restaurant kitchen appliance hand portable fire extinguishers you can purchase. Three Variants : Available in three variants- 3 liters, 6 liters and 9 liters. They contain a special potassium acetate based, low PH agent, which leaves no chemical residue to clean up. This extinguishing method is specific to the cooking fires that may occur in residential and commercial settings. The fire extinguishers that discharge the wet chemical do so with a lower pressure so as not to risk splattering the burning oil or grease which could spread the fire to other locations. Tested and approved for the new Class K listing by UL specifically for restaurant kitchen hazards. Wet Chemical Extinguishers are easily identifiable by their Yellow Label, as seen in the below image. Our fire extinguishers are fully certified and have been rigorously tested to ensure that they provide the required protection for your property. Wet Chemical - Class K Our Wet Chemical extinguishers contain a blend of Potassium Acetate and Potassium Citrate that is extremely effective in suppressing high … In domestic kitchens a fire blanket is a reliable alternative when dealing with chip fat fires. They contain a special potassium acetate based agent. IDENTIFICATION Product Name Wet Chemical Solution (Fire Extinguishing Agent, Pressurized and Non- pressurized) Other Names AC-100, AC-250, Potassium Acetate, Class K Recommended use of the chemical and restrictions on use Identified uses Fire Extinguishing Agent The system offers unmatched coverage, with fewer discharge nozzles and flow points than the competition, meaning reduced installation time and … Discharge the entire contents of the extinguisher to ensure that all of the fire has been extinguished, the wet chemical formula helps to prevent re-ignition. What is a ANSI 107-2010 Class III Safety Apparel? The wet chemical fire suppression systems effectively work because the liquid spray hits a burning surface and quickly reacts with fats and oils to produce foam that cools the surface to prevent the re-igniting of a fire. The Models B260 and B262 are the ideal “KITCHEN USE” fire extinguishers. A wet chemical fire extinguisher can be used in putting out kitchen fires. Controllable discharge mechanism : A simple squeeze grip activation mechanism allows you to control the discharge of the extinguishing agent. %���� In addition to the wet and dry chemical fire extinguishing agents listed previously, other types of extinguishing agents include: Carbon Dioxide Dry Powder Water Foam Halotron Wet Chemical fire extinguishers (K) The potassium acetate based agent discharges as a fine mist which forms a soapy foam that suppresses any vapors and steam or the risk of fire reflash as it extinguishes the fire. %PDF-1.5 It gradually forms a seal around the burning oil to prevent oxygen from reigniting existing flames. These extinguishers are effective on Class K fires. The superior fire fighting capability of the Wet Chemical agent is placed exactly where you aim it with no dry chemical residue to clean up. Extra margin of Safety V. Firefighting Measures extinguishing Media: N/A, leaves. 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