God believes you’re worth it and so do I. Isn’t it time to believe in yourself? My labs are coming back great and I am now ovulating regularly ON MY OWN! Since this time I have been able to reach my goal weight! I couldn't have done this without you! . I think my metabolism slowed down and I began to slow down. I only ate off plan on purpose once in the 2 years. she c... One year ago, my friend Sherri S. told me about Trim Healthy Mama for my prediabetic son . But the Spirit of God set me free. It takes living each day to continue to make wise choices, gain new insight and try to encourage others without being a pain in the butt. I am thankful for this journey and, trust me, sweet daughter, no candy bowl is turning me back! I went from a size 12/14 to a size 4/6. See these 3 precious children in this picture? This change has not been of my own strength, but by God's grace alone. Since March we have lost over 110 lbs combined! It tore me up to watch my children endure it. And I'm so grateful to both my awesome midwife and to Trim Healthy Mama for giving me the knowledge and the tools to accomplish my goal! It's okay not to know every single detail all at once. Hi! Just wanted to share a Trim Healthy Mama Non Scale Victory. . But with THM, every mouthful is nourishing and healing. I’m such a “drive thru Sue” as the book states. I've learned that what I've actually been afraid of all these years wasn't hunger, but the sugar crash that used to follow after the sugar high so many of my meals created! In the first picture, I had an undiagnosed under-active thyroid. The last pic is me last night! I started this program at the end of April. Am I perfect? All of you ladies have been super encouraging, and I hope to be an encouragement to others on their journey. 9 months on plan and loving life! By the end of 2016, I was down to 132 lbs. Current members receive a 10% discount on eligible purchases. Attached are two photos. . I come from a weight loss surgery background (34 years ago). Going from a size 12 to a size 2 I discovered those ugly words... diastisis recti. I have been on Trim Healthy Mama for a little over a year now and am down 121 lbs . We cannot be more thrilled! This past weekend I was able to do something I have always wanted to do . ;-) But they have done amazingly well . See that little precious one in the ultrasound picture? I have lots more to go but it so worth the journey. Ladies and gentlemen, don't quit. Ladies, I am now 17 months postpartum. This is a pic of my kids on Easter, two years apart. I hated just about any sweet when I first started out. THM is a beautiful thing! The Bible has saved my soul and Trim Healthy Mama has saved my life. Read Less. She was ... My best friend, Felicia W., began telling me about this diet called Trim Healthy Mama. I have been overweight my entire life by my own doings for different reasons at different stages. . As a cheerleader in high school, I was very active and at a healthy weight. I learned valuable skills from everything I tried, but Trim Healthy Mama gave me FREEDOM by removing my addiction to sugars of a kinds and high glycemic carbs. My life has been so hectic over the last few months that many of my snacks and meals have become smaller, and have been eaten on the run. Ladies, this is something that I never thought I'd post. Don't break the bank buying a bunch of special products! You can read the series of posts at No Spend Summer.) The open house and book signing for the … One little leap of faith after hearing about Trim Healthy Mama from a family member was all it took. This is strictly cutting out sugar and letting my gut heal up. . I wish I had known about this plan when I was in high school. Enter year 2, things at work went crazy, my 3 kids were in various activities, I had to get a certification at work, my husband started dealing with anxiety, I was working out less and less. 2 years of the Trim ... Had to share my awesome husband's Progress! Already a member? Trim Healthy Mama's Trim Healthy Table: More Than 300 All-New Healthy and Delicious Recipes from Our Homes to Yours : A Cookbook. that was just an incredible bonus! I was able to take the pounds back off and keep them off. IT WORKS!!! My mom had just passed away of ovarian cancer and I was so afraid of food taking me down her path. You might just need to try a different blend of veggies. Today is my Trimmiversary. The Trim Healthy Mama free shipping policy of its official website mentions: free shipping offers do not conflict with other discounts. There are only two books ever written that have changed me. She was telling me the details and that I needed to jump on board. . Next morning: zesty cheddar biscuits with bacon & avo. Finally, I said to her, 'Okay, I give up! This program has changed my life and has given me my confidence back. I didn’t expect anything from it and it didn’t expect anything from me. Forever grateful to the sisters for sharing their knowledge. On December 10, 2015, I saw myself in the before photo and wondered what I had done to myself. See these 3 precious children in this picture? Following his birth, I worked through blood, sweat, and tears to lose the weight and to keep it off. I have 8 kids ages 10 to 5 months. 90 pounds lost. I m an emotional eater, and that doesn t go away over night, I struggle most on stressful days. Praise the Lord! These pictures are on my desktop and remind me of not how hard life used to be, but how hard I worked to now feel fabulous... at 40!!!!! My kids get an active mom, and I have the energy to keep going even afte... Over 100lbs lost for good! I feel like I've found the fountain of youth, I'm 37! Trim Healthy Mama meal ideas from the grocery store. I cried in the dressing room today. I'm 5'5" tall. Everyone has their own “personal demon” to fight and mine was food. Currently, CouponAnnie has 12 discounts altogether regarding Trim Healthy Mama, which includes but not limited to 2 promotion code, 10 deal, and 2 free delivery discount. Join TrimHealthyMembership.com TODAY. He now finds it easier to find foods to eat, but like a teenager, he still splurges. I havenÕt seen that size since before my teenagers were born! I have now gone from 328.4 lbs to 243.8 lbs, losing 84.6 lbs and 92.25 inches. Ep. I downloaded the kindle version and jumped in head first. Just so AMAZED at how Trim Healthy mama works . Don't cheat if you can help it. Third photo this morning, he's at 219. I had a 55 pound regain from my original 135 pound loss. There's only 2 left - and they're still fading - they used to be scary thick and very lumpy - had great concerns about throwing blood clots they were so large - if you feel the skin around those varicose veins, the skin is smooth . I found the picture on the left last night, when I happened to be wearing the same shirt. After about the 2000th one that I looked at and read, I decided Trim Healthy Mama was the next something I would try to get my health under control. RNY 5/2009 Flackers (S). 115: Get Frugal and Practical at the Grocery Store – The Grocery Store Trip, Part 2 ... Ep. Just had to brag on my Trim Healthy Teen -- my almost 16 year-old son. My all-time favorite after school snack was bread covered in butter coated with sugar! We went to the lake that is close to us where we spend a lot of our summer days and today happened to be the first day we've made it up there this summer vacation. Are you also "new" to Trim Healthy Mama? I was introduced to the plan in March and by that time I had gotten down to 165-169lbs by practicing several restricting (unhealthy) diets. Thankful for this plan. I came to Trim Healthy Mama at my wits end. Anyway, I have lost about 17 lbs and have been eating more variety of foods than ever before. A quick review of Real Good Foods low-carb Pizza and Jimmy Dean Simple Scrambles. I love the Pristine Whey Protein Powder, Baking Blend, Gentle Sweet and Super Sweet Blend. * My entire family enjoys eating THM. Fats, proteins, carbohydrates – individually and in combination, they all have an affect on our bodies. , Enter Trim Healthy Mama ! I am beyond thankful for this plan!! I know I was up to 270 pounds there for a while. The open house and book signing for the new best-seller "Trim Healthy Table" is Saturday Oct. 14th 2017  from 11am-1pm. * I have more energy in my forties than I did in my twenties. THATS A PERSON!!! I encourage you to do what others advised me to do when I began: READ the plan, (plan book and now we also have the intro chapters to the newest cookbook), listen to the weekly podcast, learn about helpful bloggers who help explain the plan and develop recipes and meal plans, ask questions on this and other THM Facebook pages. We are in this journey together. It's only my body letting me know that it's ready for more fuel, and it will typically wait patiently for me to feed it, even if I can't do so right away! Husband update: 54 pounds gone! Whoooooohooooooo!! January of last year, a doctor told me I would never ovulate on my own and if I got pregnant through fertility treatments I would be a shoe in for a high risk pregnancy. My name is Bruce P. and I live in west central Ohi... My name is Bruce P. and I live in west central Ohio in a little town called Cairo. I had struggled with compulsive/emotional overeating since childhood. I was at a point in my life to where I told myself that I was just going to be big the rest of my life because I was a total sugar and food addict. I reached my goal weight pretty quickly. After losing weight with baby number 5 on THM, I was able to have a THM pregnancy and nurse with baby number 6. in a matter of a couple of months. Inspiring Testimony from this Trim Healthy Man (show this to your husband's, Ladies)! . I'm now at my goal weight! My amazing husband has been training me at the gym for the past month. Top of Form Bottom of Form August 19th was my one year anniversary. I am now 41 years young and feel better than I did in my 20s. I come from a weight loss surgery background (34 years ago). I'm now a full-time college student, active wife, mother of 5, and grandmother of 2. My best friend, Felicia W., began telling me about this diet called Trim Healthy Mama. The 'WHY?' I love the lazy lasagna from the new cookbook and sausage and cabbage is another favorite. Read MoreThank you to those that encouraged me to keep going. HW: 330 (330-350, I stopped weighing), Size 28 Have I always been perfect? I m learning to bring the stress to the Lord instead of eating away my troubles. and 'Just.DON'T.Quit!' Trim Healthy Mama has a stock of a wide range of Health & Beauty items at an affordable price. Thanks to Trim Healthy Mama for awakening us from the heavy fog of weight. The photo on the left is me a little over a year ago, the one on the right i... Ladies, this is something that I never thought I'd post. This is the healthiest most sustainable way of eating I've ever found. I lost 45 pounds in that first year and have maintained since then. When the weight didn’t come off despite my attempts at eating better and exercising, I figured that I was destined to be heavy. There are only two books ever written that have changed me. . . Because I know some will ask, I started in an 18/20, 255, I'm 5'7. There’s a lot of cool stuff happening over in the Trim Healthy Mama store right now! I began to worry about loose skin issues, and after a good friend recommended that I start lifting, I joined a gym. I longed for that quality in a man the most I think. Have I always... Today marks my 2-year Trimmiversary and 65 pounds gone forever. I remind myself of the basics of Trim Healthy Mama which is to always eat fat in a lower carb setting and carbs in a lower fat setting. 22 months ago I started on Trim Healthy Mama. I now feel the best that I've felt in YEARS. He's a huge fan of THM. I had the first book for literally a year and never started. The above offers are undoubtedly the very best Trim Healthy Mama discounts over the internet. I went the next day and bought the plan book and cook book at Books a Million. 116: Journey to the Scary Center of the Grocery Store – The Grocery Store Trip, Part 3. 10 months on plan. Blessed from a loving Christian home, it was the “sanctuary” I longed for. This is strictly cutting out sugar and letting my gut heal up. Then she started implementing the principles of Trim Healthy Mama and lost another 30 lbs! A mentioned previously, this book has both a summary of the plan and 300+ recipes to go with it! So I'm on a roll here in CA and one happy mama. Then when that first cookbook came out I got it right away. Enter my adult years and the man I’d always prayed for… Keep scrolling to find out the details. First photo is Jan. 28th. This is something you can do! The NSV's over the past year are immense! That makes about 25 pounds and 4 years between these two pictures. I didn't go 100% on plan until late July. I’ve compiled hundreds of plan approved Trim Healthy Mama store items right here for your convenience…no more buying the wrong thing by accident, or having to surf the web and pay shipping at three or four different sites. They have gradually gotten better at trying new things the past few years. I fluctuate 4 pounds over my weight of 132 lbs. . I felt horrible, and I knew I was not being a good role model for my daughters, so I made up my mind that I was going to do whatever it took to get the extra weight off, all 150 lbs of it. You’ll find foods, spices, purist superfoods, and even fun accessories and appliances. And finally, in the last couple of weeks, the weight started melting off! Trim Healthy Mama lists Free Shipping Policy related information on them website. Those years were filled with self-inflicted sadness, emptiness, loneliness, bitterness and anger. Same baby, but a lot less hip to hold him on! I had given myself a number on the scale, so unfathomable that I would actually reach it, I've now lowered my goal for my upcoming Trimmiversary. Once we discovered that, I researched and found that I needed to go completely dairy and gluten free. Only by the grace and mercy of The Lord living and breathing in my husband, children, son-in-law, extended family and friends do they still love and accept me! . THM was an answer to a prayer for help. Also, remember, you are only eating for one! I hated Swiss bread, now I like it! I now have high self confidence, positive body image, great health, and tons of energy for the first time in my life. What a difference a year makes. I thought I knew how to eat, but when I read the first Trim Healthy Mama book, it challenged everything I thought I knew about healthy eating. I so desperately tried to keep from gaining weight but nothing I did worked. I cried in the dressing room today. First photo is Jan. 28th. We have been married almost 12 years with no 'luck' of getting pregnant on my own (I don't believe in luck, but you know what I mean). Nothing I ever did would let me achieve my goal of losing that 55 pounds. I knew I had to change my diet, but like many others, I had tried and done all the diets, plans, shakes, pills, you name it, I'd done it and had a story to tell about it. Jovial Sourdough Einkorn Crackers (E). I started this program at the end of April. Join TrimHealthyMembership.com TODAY. My husband jumped on board and lost 60 pounds after he watched me get healthy. . I feel amazing! The Trim Healthy Mama has a great selection of discount codes and discount codes that users can choose. Thanks to THM there are no more crashes, no more shakiness, no more lightheadedness, just a gentle sustained energy that ebbs and flows as I fuel my body. My lowest weight on this journey has been 170.5; that was in February. Trim Healthy Mama. But with that came resentment towards my husband who, as hard as he tried, couldn’t understand my fits of anger and depression. That means more to me than the 137.4 pounds I have lost so far! It's been difficult at times, but I am oh so grateful I stuck with it! I do not know the exact amount he has lost, but he has started running too, which has helped, and is now forcing us to modify his diet again to accommodate this new exercise regime. Trim Healthy Mama 5006 Harding Place Nashville, TN 37211 Ph: 629-888-9113 (For local retail questions only, please) Fast forward 7 weeks and no workouts later . Stats - I started in the 200 pound range, give or take 20 pounds. My husband suggested that I post the following before and after pictures. Trim Healthy Mama has given me my life back. This site is loaded with resources to streamline your THM journey. Interested in saving 10% on your next THM store purchase? I'm 5' 5.5". Well it came to the point that I could barely leave the house due to the debilitating pain; I knew I had to do something. I rarely stand on a scale. I have about 10-15 more pounds I would like to lose and I know I will get there in time! It's a JOY to see so many compassionate 'Momas' answering and helping. Keep it simple, especially at first! ... Where to begin… 5,378 talking about this. I was watching her success and the vitality she was enjoying. When we know better we can do better. This literally saved my life. My friend Allison added me to this group (the Trim Healthy Mama Facebook support group) a year or so before, but all I knew was what people posted. One from this past Easter and I had not started the plan yet. It was the fastest recovery of all the children. Don't miss the opening of the Trim Healthy Mamas' retail store, located at 5006 Harding Place near I-24. When I started THM, I was wearing XL scrubs, 18/20 clothes that were all sausage casing tight. She has always been beautiful, but she has become pretty fetching lately! I was all over the place with how to get healthy and loose weight! I was a vegetarian, vegan, raw foodist... You name it, I did it! More than that, I have gained health and been freed from food addiction. Get the FREE weekly podcast, FREE quarterly eZine and all other THM news and sales info: Sign up HERE. Thankful to be 11 weeks and 3 days today. I lived in defeat and I hated my body for betraying me. I had tried EVERYTHING to lose weight, including working out so hard at the gym that I partially tore tendons. It's been almost 2 years, but DANG . It was so helpful in putting the plan into practice. . Then it was feeling comfortable in shorts. So thankful for Trim Healthy Mama and a pain free face! When I began God spoke into my heart: 'LOVE yourself healthy ONE day at a time!' . My goals with THM are always changing. My husband has been my biggest supporter and encourager when we started our new lifestyle. Tips: Just keep going! . It is by the grace of God that at 48 I am able to do more things than I could 20 years ago. . But I persevered and stuck with it. Newbies take a before pic!!! I'm a Certified THM Lifestyle Coach and I help busy moms stick to the plan 100% - even if you're too busy, too tired, or don't want to spend a lot of time in the kitchen. I had an epiphany a couple months ago as I thought about professional athletes and athletes in general. For many years, they would eat only the most plain, boring stuff (chicken nuggets, mashed potatoes, pasta, etc). I started THM in February of 2016. Well, with lots of praying and fertility shots and treatments, we we... First off, God is so good!!! Trim Healthy Mama is powerful stuff!Ê <3, Height: 5' 3" I was also raised from the age of 3 on by an emotionally, mentally, and physically abusive alcoholic stepfather. Thank you SO MUCH to Pearl and Serene for teaching me how to properly feed and fuel my body. . I actually love myself! We started in January this year, but the ... We started in January this year, but the pictures on left were taken in July of 2016. I eat more E's than S. I never cheat... only treat! I’ve been working on spending as little at the grocery store as possible. Pics: far left 2015, far right 2017. even not working out. Thanks be to God, I was able to sustain a healthy pregnancy and deliver our sweet son in June 2010. As a child I was raised by a HARD-working mother who did everything in her power to give my 3 siblings and me what we needed. * When you gain health, the trim comes . and they have! Note: I did not cut anything out or change my face routine. He's fabulous! Seriously. THM isn't about trying to be someone you're not. My wife heard about Trim Healthy Mama from a friend and suggested we try it. Thankful for 2.5 years with THM. Thankful for 2.5 years with THM. Two years later, 54 pounds given away and I've never looked back! Exactly 1 year ago I took my first before pics and stuck to the plan! Trim Healthy Mama 5006 Harding Place Nashville, TN 37211 Ph: 629-888-9113 (*Retail inquiries only. That moment though – killed any spirit I had left. I was in a tight 18/20, I was also DONE trying to live in what my body had become. It has changed my family tree and I have hope for the future. Feeling great! . . No one can do it for you. Log In to enjoy your discount now. I convinced myself I could die by “food suicide” and no one would know the difference! 21 months in. I figured it was fantasy, a day-dream, but I took a picture because the day felt memorable. . Third photo this morning, he's at 219. . I’ve also wasted a ton of money buying workout videos that I would sit and WATCH, all while downing an entire bag of peanut M&M’s! . For many years, they would eat only the most plain, boring stuff (chicken nuggets, mashed potat... My two boys, Jimmy and Rory, have severe autism. Trim Healthy Mama promotion is in your hands. We need to buy him a smaller pair of swim trunks--last year's are huge on him! to enjoy your discount now. What I’m trying to say is if I can YOU can! I'm not worried. Well, I'm a little late. I’ll never forget the day she told me “You’re stronger than you think you are”. We were the same size when we started the plan in January. RUN A 5K!!! Tears of anger with myself for letting it get so bad. I did not do things perfectly in the beginning, but I gave myself grace and moved on. In a panick I started buying every gluten-free product that I could find. I love Trim Healthy Mama! I had done nothing to gain it so my thinking was that I shouldn’t have to work to lose it. Just commit to learning one day at a time and use what you learn. Feeling great! And it’s easy to apply the weight loss principles for some and the gain or maintenance principles for others, all in one meal. NO fertility medications or interventions, 2 months on Trim Healthy Mama, and BAM! From age 50 to 54 I went from about 175 lbs to 188 lbs. Since I had a husband that longed to see me happy, he was more than willing to be my enabler. I was reluctant up until lazy lasagna was in front of me an hour later. I started at a size 12/14 and am wearing XS/S 4/6!!! The first pic is me at one of my heaviest times (in 2010). Thanks to Trim Healthy Mama for awakening us from the heavy fog of weight. Foods Alive Flax Crackers (S) note: Maple Cinnamon flavor has coconut sugar and maple syrup in it. Don't cheat, don't quit, and get your E meals/snacks (3 a day for me). . So be of good courage! I spent a few days recently in New Mexico hunting with my dad and I was able to hike and keep up! Trim Healthy Mama is not a journey, it s a lifestyle. I can’t express how thankful I am for Trim Healthy Mama and how it has changed my life. A subscription auto ship option for Feminine Balance, new whey protein powder flavors, new lotions, a membership deal sale, a homeschool curriculum sale, an immune boosting bundle sale, a sale on hemp creams, and more! You will be able to use your skills as a teacher, coach and encourager to help others learn the principles of THM, which help many people heal, lose weight, become healthy, and find food freedom. For 20+ years I even fell into bulimia and the lie it would take away my emotional pain and weight. I'm a Certified THM Lifestyle Coach and I help busy moms stick to the plan 100% - even if you're too busy, too tired, or don't want to spend a lot of time in the kitchen. I can always find something to eat no matter where I go. I downloaded the kindle version and jumped in head first. Add those non starchies, like berries, cabbage and greens, to each meal. I remember being so excited to fit into a size 14 pair of flowered jeans (anyone remember those). 2. We are so very thankful for the plan, our friend who told us about THM, for Pearl and Serene and their dedication and sharing with all of us, and all of you fellow 'Mamas' who post your recipes and encouragement daily! I seriously feel 18 again! He's fabulous! . I had heard about THM from a friend right after the Original book was released, but I was so doubtful that it would ever work for me. . The photo on the left is me a little over a year ago, the one on the right is me today. But today... Today I cried as I zipped up size 6 jeans. We need to add more carbs for sure but he has learned what foods he can and cannot mix in one sitting in order to maintain on days he is at school or elsewhere. I will be celebrating my 2 year Trimmiversary in a few weeks. I received my book, read enough to grasp the basics and then jumped in with both feet. The powers of darkness used my compulsive eating to imprison me. It wasn't the first time. Current members receive a 10% discount on eligible purchases. It was massive, but I read it over Thanksgiving day 2012. I hope to be at my goal by this time next year. Whatever you are doing food wise I am ready to jump in. My two boys, Jimmy and Rory, have severe autism. I decided suicide would be the best for everyone but I’m a Christian and knew God would be pretty ticked off if I took the easy way out. My proudest non-scale victory is I conquered one of my biggest fears – heights – and rode ALL the rides at Cedar Point! My hope and prayer is that God would use me just as I am to encourage others as others have done for me! Popper Soup has given me my life trim healthy mama store, after I turned fifty, started. Working on spending as little at the gym 6 days a week lifestyle!... I’D always prayed for – nice, hard-working, a big NSV is that I never got out! Received my book, read enough to fit into a very pretty body shape ' ingredient lost an 56.8! What you learn 've found the picture on left is me a couple hours. Guide the way the changes I was sick of being hungry it didn’t expect anything from.... The way, the stay fit so they can PLAY the GAME conflict with discounts... 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