The forsworn armor is indeed a bit "prehistoric chick" style, complete with sidebood and co. The individual pieces are statistically identical to glass armor though the lack of helmet and shield makes the entire set weaker. I tried daedric first & she wouldn't wear it. She likes light armor over heavy. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. 357. You'll have to improve it a lot for her to prefer that over her default armor. I gave Serana double enchanted legendary dragon scale armor & she immediately equipped the whole set. Serana is capable of wearing both light and heavy armor, but the armor must be an upgrade over her default gear for her to equip it. 2. Sometimes, this can cause problems if you already have an active Serana on a game. Show activity on this post. Pure-blood vampires are individuals who are granted vampirism directly from Molag Bal, the creator and patron deity of Vampires. Serana's default weight which was 20, is now set to 70. Well to use destruction more you can always give her a staff. Prophet (Dawnguard): Find and rescue a Moth Priest from the vampires. Press J to jump to the feed. ... . 3. There are two different variants - both look the same on males, but have different colors on females. The other, xx0194c5, is unobtainable and worn by Valerica. What class or armor can she wear and what armor would you recommend? I usually equipped Serana with Dragon Scales Armor. Online. To fix this, the solution is simple: Open the console and click on Serana; Type "setnpcweight 70" and enter Why did flying boats in the '30s and '40s have a longer range than land based aircraft? I had problem everytime when I wanted to give Serana new armor because she didnt want to wear it and I couldnt find any mod to fix it. Even give her some smithed up Royal Vampire Armor, and she won't wear it. 4. "Just upgrade regular Vampire Armor to Legendary status have her wear it, dismiss her and as she walks away picpocket her Royal Vampire armor. Serana's got some odd quirks about what she'll wear. I've given her a gold and emerald circlet to wear instead of her hood (cause I cured her vampirism and she still wears it outside for some reason). Then click on her face so that her ID appears on screen. Doesn't have any armor but it looks nice enough for her. The nature of Skyrim’s scripting language, Papyrus, means that, even following this procedure, your Papyrus log will continue to throw errors about missing scripts, potentially leading to save game bloat. There are no mod's required or armor included the armor show is in fact Succubus armor by Hentai (NOT INCLUDED) Simply used it to illustrate the point of the mod and was only armor in my inventory at the time. You can even get her to wear that skimpy fur stuff, but you will need to put a heck of a smith job on it. She looks good in Savior's Hide armor, too. 6. It has to be better than what she has. Pretty sure she draws her decision based on armor value. The armor you have given her should be among the list with the armor/ clothes she is currently wearing. You also need to take their skills into account, so even if you've smithed a light armor up, if they have 100 heavy armor and 25 light armor they still might wear the heavy armor instead. Is AC equivalent over ZF to 'every fibration can be equipped with a cleavage'? Barbas. 9 year old is breaking the rules, and not understanding consequences. Chasing Echoes: Explore Castle Volkihar. If you open the console ... while looking at Serana. What is so 'coloured' on Chromatic Homotopy Theory, How to limit the disruption caused by students not writing required information on their exam until time is up. Serana wears Vampire Royal Armor as her default armor, but it will not appear in her inventory. 5. How can I use Mathematica to solve a complex truth-teller/liar logic problem? Additionally, when in the sun Serana will put the hood up, but the Dragonborn cannot activate the hood on their set. It is also much faster to get the weightless perk in the Light armor tree, which negates the affect of wearing light armor while sneaking. She is wearing complete glass armour set in mine. From her appearance, I'd guess that she is already equipped with the female version of the Royal Vampire Armor. I too had trouble getting her to wear anything other than the snow elf armor (or 'ancient falmer cuirass', to be more precise). 1. So I enchanted a nice looking ring and necklace and gave her those. This is true only without mods/console, of course... site design / logo © 2021 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. Are push-in outlet connectors with screws more reliable than other types? Serana has a very high light armor skill, a base level heavy armor skill, and somewhat decent light armor as her default gear. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Unseen Visions: Perform a ceremony to read the Elder Scroll. Can ISPs selectively block a page URL on a HTTPS website leaving its other page URLs alone? Services: Follower, Bride, Joining the Blades. 8. Armour specifically? There is, lamentably, nothing that I can do about this -- you have been warned. … Once that is done you could openactorcontainer 1 and put into the inventory whatever armor you want the follower to wear. If I can't upgrade her gear I'll go back to using Mjoll. Are you giving her armor she's proficient in? It's a lot easier to get her to wear light armor. I just wanted to get her something fancy to wear for the upcoming holiday, then realized that she was wearing royal armor and I really wasn't going to find anything fancier than that at Radiant Raiment. you can just "undress" them first by choosing for them to leave their service beforehand and then give them some armor. As robes have no value and will never be better protection than her default vampire gear, she'll wear the vamp gear. Bloodline: Choose your side! UPDATING: Replace all older files with newer versions. I have giving Serana a full set of elven armor and she wears it when we adventure, it looks so awesome her covered in gold with nothing but those glowing eyes showing. 66.0k. Installation: Copy the esp file into your Skyrim … Skyrim Xbox 360: How to get Serana to wear different armor? (Caution every so often she may loose her clothes and walk around naked. Shes not one of those followers like Lydia who is completely devoted to you. Do electrons actually jump across contacts? Even better is when you give s companion armor to wear and they don't. Serana, like other NPCs in Skyrim, will wear the armor with the highest armor rating according to her stats. You can get her to wear steel plate, but you have to improve it at a workbench. Efficient way to JMP or JSR to an address stored somewhere else? Try smithing stuff up and throwing some enchantments on it if she won’t wear it. 1. It's interesting because the snow elf armor is only about an 81 rating after improving, whereas other armors can be improved much higher. Which is warmer for slipper socks—wool or acrylic? Touching the S… Light Armor is easier to sneak in due to weight. Sneaking has a lot of parts to it, and yes, armor is one of them. It's nice to her showing some skin. ... A home for funny Skyrim jokes, pictures, comics & videos etc. If you smith up your steel thing enough, she will wear it. That's the way it … Mjoll … Serana, on the otherhand, likes the light. Specifically, her weight will not update correctly to 70 since she's already loaded in your game. I think she only wears the volkihar clothes. Maximum useful resolution for scanning 35mm film. I've been trying to give her some new armour and the like and she doesn't seem to want to wear it over her default armour. How many dimensions does a neural network have? Beyond Death: Search for Valerica in the Soul Cairn. Can I get Aela the Huntress to use the bow I give her? I’ve gotten her to wear nightingale armor. Serana is capable of wearing both light and heavy armor, but the armor must be an upgrade over her default gear for her to equip it. The studded armor is quite OK, although it removes the classiness of the lady. 2. ... Serana is not particularly what i'd call the cutest/hottest woman of Skyrim, but i'd leave her in Royal Vampir Armor. I've found that can equip Serana with about any armor that you want (including custom armor in the Steam workshop). Prophet (Vampire): The time of prophecy has arrived! I know that the armor you want them to wear has to be better than their regular starting armor, but glass sure as hell is better than (I'm guessing) steel. She wears light armour better than her own. Why would a regiment of soldiers be armed with giant warhammers instead of more conventional medieval weapons? How to make sure that a conference is not a scam when you are invited as a speaker. I always give her good stuff but she doesn't wear it. I don't get it, are you saying she can wear anything or that she can only wear snow elf armor? Just use the trade option with them, and give them the better equipment. A video of me putting Forsworn Armor on Serena. It also has a small bat motif on the collar and a Celtic knot design on parts of the armor, such as the back. Why is the expense ratio of an index fund sometimes higher than its equivalent ETF? I have given steel plate armor to Serana but I’m not sure if she can wear heavy armor. It only takes a minute to sign up. This answer is not useful. Serana has a very high light armor skill, a base level heavy armor skill, and somewhat decent light armor as her default gear. This mod will reduce Serana Royal Vampire Armor armor rating to 0. Awakening: Find out what the vampires are looking for. After that you can give her any equipment and she will wear it. How to make my follower to wear same type of armor as her default, but improved? She can wear anything I believe, it just needs to be considered better than the default vampire royal armor she has on. Join. Overall, the set looks like a blend of ebony and elvenarmor, but with a white and maroon color scheme. First off, if it's armor then the actual armor rating will take precedence. From her appearance, I'd guess that she is already equipped with the female version of the Royal Vampire Armor. rev 2021.1.18.38333, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Arqade works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us. She will also equip enchanted rings, amulets, circlets, and some weapons. [UL 1]She is one of the few pure-blood Vampires known to exist. I found a good example of Serana with custom armor (along with some other followers): She'll only wear snow elf armor that you can get during the quest for Auriel's Bow from the evil brother hiding the bow. The Ancient Falmer Crown serves as its matching helmet, but it can only be obtained with console co… How do I provide exposition on a magic system when no character has an objective or complete understanding of it? One variant, xx00b5db, is standard armor and is worn by Harkon and Serana. Type in showinventory ... will bring up a list that you can scroll thru with the page up and page down buttons. She may even choose to put her default gear back on if she levels up since her light armor skill will increase, but her heavy armor won't. Im not 100% sure but im positive that she does not wear anything you put into her inventory. Is it more expensive than her current armor? Does she need to be on a higher level? Is there a trick to getting her to equip items? The process is somewhat similar to the creation of the first vampire, Lamae Beolfag. You can get her to wear steel plate, but you have to improve it at a workbench. Then ask her to follow you again, trade items with her, remove the Legendary Vampire armor you gave her. Not that it matters really she is essential, but I did it to make her destruction cost 0%. - Changed keyword for Crimson Blood armor from heavy to light, seeing as Serana specializes more in light armor use, in consideration that the armor was made for her - Added an additional conversation with Serana when she actually wears the armor for the first time As far as any other apparel she'll wear anything you give her. Would coating a space ship in liquid nitrogen mask its thermal signature? In Skyrim, can I get my companion to change robes? Arqade is a question and answer site for passionate videogamers on all platforms. Usually it has to be a higher rating, but from the console you can removeallitems 0 to drop the vampire armor. 1. if you got aft you can make her wear anything but i recommend curing her if you want her hood to go away during the day. She will wear your elven, but … Couldn't give CuSith anything though. A subreddit dedicated to the Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. I'll try with other types. Locate a Moth Priest for the vampires. Lydia does and will do anything you tell her to, you basically own her life, Serena is like a friend you bring along for the ride, she has her own mind and stuff lol, I’ve gotten her to wear a helmet, gauntlets, and boots but not the rest of the armor, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Created Nov 17, 2011. This video shows how to change your follower companion's armor, gear, clothes, equipment, robe or robes. For your leisure, here's some visuals. What's going on? At first, I didn't even think that was possible but I gave it a try. Serana, like other NPCs in Skyrim, will wear the armor with the highest armor rating according to her stats. Force a companion to wear armor - posted in General Skyrim Discussion: So I have Lydia and I want her to wear this beautiful shiny new +20% stamina regen glass chestpiece I just found but she wont put the damn thing on. Her year of birth is unknown, but she was originally locked away in the mid-late Second Era, in between the rule of the Reman and Septim Empires. She will also … Anything you want her to wear must be improved above the value of her default vamp armor. 7. If you're siding with the Dawnguard, putting her in red DG ligh armor is a nice touch. level 2. How to make one wide tileable, vertical redstone in minecraft. Members. When you give Serana some armor to wear but she starts carrying it instead. Unable to complete Thieves Guild quests/achievement when selling the armor given to you? Mjoll The LionessAffiliation of Faction: The Rift. How can I visit HTTPS websites in old web browsers? 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