Our collectible fantasy swords are of the highest quality and they look really awesome too. In Dark Souls 1, Obsidian and Moonlight have identical AR when fully upgraded at … Artorias Sword Keychain. The Holy Moonlight Sword is synonymous with Ludwig, the Holy Blade, but few have ever set eyes on the great blade, and whatever guidance it has to offer, it seems to be of a very private, elusive sort." Both the sword and the projectile can hit … November 2020 Newsletter November 4, 2020. Made from foam board and wood, hand crafted and hand painted. Posted by 1 year ago. Moonlight Greatsword is a Weapon in Dark Souls 3.. Home دسته‌بندی نشده skyforge steel sword. Moonlight Greatsword Replica? 1:1 scale (195cm maximum length) light weight but sturdy prop. Weaker than DS1 version but still strong enough for it s purpose.Enjoy the Moonlight GS! 1 comment. It has split damage, worse scaling, and unlike ds2 iteration you can't even infuse it to make up for the lack of buffing.It's still a good weapon just not at all as good as ds1 or 2. After Softcaps it gets less than 2 AR per level, When 1-handed it scales well with Intelligence up to 41 Int, Softcaps once you meet the bare minimum Strength. Moonlight Greatsword Replica? Charge strong attack to its limit to unleash moonlight wave. B scaling on INT? Moonlight Greatsword is a Weapon in Dark Souls 3. The listed damage values on this page are always 5 off. Replica fantasy swords are generally heavier than most because the detail is more extreme. Bluemoon Greatsword is a weapon in Dark Souls 2.. We The Players Winners - November/December. Its Demon's Souls variant was called Large Sword of Moonlight, whereas in the Dark Souls games it is referred to as the Moonlight Greatsword. The Blade of this greatsword shines like the brilliant rays of the moon. "Seath is the grandfather of sorcery, and this sword is imbued with his magic, which shall be unleashed as a wave of moonlight." As a whole this thing ain't as good as its BB iteration but i would actually compare it to DS1 MLGS in terms of general viability for slightly different reasons. Cosplay jewellery. moveset is average and projectile accuricy is badothers: a very good weapon for a mage build or any kind of high int build, even without spells. Large Swords are usually held with both hands and are capable of inflicting a huge amount of damage towards hostile characters but are slow, making the player vulnerable to fast enemy attacks. Legendary dragon weapon associated with Seath the paledrake.Charge strong attack to its limit to unleash moonlight wave.Oceiros, the Consumed King, was infatuated with the search for moonlight, but in the end, it never revealed itself to him.Skill: Moonlight VortexDraw sword back and thrust to unleash torrential moonlight. The higher the scaling letter, the higher the percent multiplier applied to the [Attack: Stat].This resulting bonus damage is added to the base physical damage of the weapon and is shown in the equipment screen in blue numbers as a "+ X". very good WA, high magic damage, very good hyper armor, good range3. Moonlight Greatsword Dark Souls III Wiki » Weapons » Greatswords » Moonlight Greatsword Lore. All rights reserved. The blade of this greatsword shines like the brilliant rays of the moon. The beams are very weak compared to DS1's, but they are also incredibly spammable and take next to no durability to fire, giving you a reliable midrange damage option, especially in one hand. The Moonlight Greatsword is a Weapon in Dark Souls and Dark Souls Remastered. o: my character status says that this sword is at 648 AR with those on and at least testing damage vs mobs in the painted world at the Corvian settlement bonfire it did actually seem to effect the damage of both the swings and the power attacks. We feature collectibles from sword makers like Kit Rae and other fantasy sword creators. The elegant, powerful, and open-source mod manager, Upgrade your account to unlock all media content, To enjoy the benefits of Nexus Mods, please log in or register a new account, High Quality Textures contains all swords in a single esp. In the oldest legends, rarely spoken of today, it is said that the sword was born of a great white being. 3. ... firelink greatsword replica November 29, 2020. It doesn't inflict pure magic damage but physical damage just like the fake Blue Moon GS from DS2. Now with new and detailed meshes, and also new and better textures. Some may call this junk. at this point the weapon does not perform at it's best.Weight: How much the item weights when equipped. Moonlight Greatsword is a weapon in Dark Souls 2. 1 Appearance 2 Description 3 Notes 4 Trivia The Spas-12 is a replica of a real life gun with the same name. Legendary dragon weapon associated with Seath the paledrake. "An arcane sword discovered long ago by Ludwig. This thread is archived. WTF FROM. Fully Charged Strong attack fires a projectile: Older versions of the Moonlight Greatsword did no physical damage and were entirely transparent, implying this version may be "fallen" in some sense. Weapons That Have Moonlight Vortex. Moonlight Vortex is a Skill in Dark Souls 3.. In: دسته‌بندی نشده No Commentsدسته‌بندی نشده No Comments Legendary dragon weapon associated with Seath the paledrake. This weapon can be upgraded with Colorless Demon's Soul by Blacksmith Ed (after giving him Red Hot Demon's Soul). skyforge steel sword. Close. Finally, you can swap out the FAP ring for the Duskcrown Ring if you want to go a full glass cannon build, but one backstab will kill you. No sword collection is complete without at least one quality fantasy sword. Plus, MLGS doesn't take FP to … Car keyring for men. the wa is really fast and powerful and the charged r2 attacks are devastating if the blade and projectile hit. Greatsword of Judgment is the real moonlight in this game. Gaming gift for boyfriend GangstaGamer. Large Sword of Moonlight is Large Sword Weapon in Demon's Souls and Demon's Souls Remake. Greatsword of Judgement is good, too, but I'd take the MLGS over the GSoJ any day. repair powder allows you to use the charged attacks projectile infinitely. The Moonlight Greatsword is one of the four Dragon weapons that has a parameter bonus (the others being Priscilla's Dagger , Dragon Bone … This video will show you how get The Moonlight Greatsword and the Location of the Ludwig the Holy Blade, Step by Step Walkthrough. The blade of this greatsword shines like the brilliant rays of the moon. The Moonlight Greatsword is the Dark Souls interpretation of the Moonlight Sword, which has appeared in every From Software game since King's Field. The blade of this greatsword shines like the brilliant rays of the moon. Scaling quality is from highest to lowest as follows: S/A/B/C/D/E.The higher the player's [Str, Dex, Mag, Fire, Light] stat, the higher the [Attack Bonus: Stat] is (found on the player status screen). Makes the smoldering lake zone a cakewalk, for whoever has trouble there. Does anyone know a place I could buy a replica of the Moonlight Greatsword? This Trick Weapon is a longsword that can be transformed into a greatsword (by combining the sheath, as mentioned above in the description). What is this, DS2? Moonlight blasts are badass, and I like the moveset better. When blue moonlight dances around the sword, and it channels the abyssal cosmos, its great blade will hurl a shadowy lightwave. Oceiros, the Consumed King, was infatuated with the search for moonlight, but in the end, it never revealed itself to him. In the oldest legends, rarely spoken of today, it is said that the sword was born of a great white being The strong attack unleashes its strength, launching a wave of moonlight. Benhart of Jugo will give the sword to the player after he has survived at least three boss fights as a summon. If you wish to post videos, please click the link and apply in the thread), Requires ?? The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. strength scaling? Not sure if it effects the damage or not but, according to character status at least if you equip the dusk crown and the magic clutch ring while wielding this the damage claims to increase. Dark souls Farron Greatsword / Dark souls sword AngryAndrewWorkshop. Shut your Mouth Anonymous 3 The Moonligth or blue moon (not the fake) Great Sword is greatest and will remain the greatest great sword in all souls games there are no cons only pros casual trash! On top of that, magic as a damage type is already fairly nerfed in ds3, so why they needed to extra-kill this iconic weapon is beyond me. (If your name is not on THIS list, please do not post videos here. This weapon is underwhelming against magic resistant bosses in ng+. 16/11/40 gives 548 AR not 553, 16/11/60 gives 572 AR not 577, etc. Discussion. magic clutch ring makes it even stronger and the damage absorption penalty is neglegible. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. Description Replica of the Wolf Knight's Greatsword. Charge strong attack to its limit to unleash moonlight wave. The Spas-12 is a Mower-type tool in MOW MY LAWN 2. As a weapon, the Moonlight Greatsword does 76 damage every 1.5 seconds when activated, resulting in a DPS of 50.66. Comparing this to ds1 moonlight greatsword and ds2 moonlight greatsword makes this iteration look so pitiful. From shop AngryAndrewWorkshop. In the oldest legends, rarely spoken of today, it is said that the sword was born of a great white being. Complete remade textures, meshes and animation effect of the blade. The remake of the Lorkhan Moonlight Greatsword I made months ago. i think the downsides would be pvp performance and the looks (i miss my glowing popsicle :(. Oceiros, the Consumed King, was infatuated with the search for moonlight, but in the end, it never revealed itself to him. All of t cant be infused or buffed3. pros:1. highest magic damage for a weapon in the game! When you reach the end of the game and link the fire, there is no glorious I n c a n d e s c e n t explosion. Ideal for cosplay or just for display purpose only. Just use a Crystal Astora GS if you want a sword for your magic build. October 2020 Newsletter October 22, 2020. As a mower, the Moonlight Greatsword earns 3e+37 trimmings per grass mowed. With this INT, Moonlight Greatsword scales to a very respectable 380 AR. Kalameet is likely an allusion to it, and Obsidian Greatsword is likely an allusion to Dark Slayer, another King's Field sword portrayed somewhat as an equal to the Moonlight Sword. mixed damage? report. Excels in pvp due to range, type of elemental damage and WA that hits like a truck and can trade with UGS for example with just 14 poise. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. The mod features a complete remake of the Lorkhan Moonlight Greatsword, this time I bring you all the most famous Moonlight Greatswords featured on From's games. I feel like they tried to do what Bloodborne did with the MLGS split damage, but didn't account for the fact that the bb version was basically 2 different weapons swapping back and forth, with the magic/physical damage modifiers changing dramatically between the transformed/regular version.This one just has wonky split damage that throws out the appeal of the MLGS, which is the huge magic damage output. Discussion. share. Low to average in pve because most enemies are either resistant or neutral to magic damage with very few enemies acctually weak to magic.A very good option for pyromancers that want a different elemental than fire and dark. And Moonlight Vortex is one of the best greatsword weapon arts in the game - a trading tool with excellent hyperarmor values and fantastic damage. It only useful for low lvl pvp. And trust me, it hurts me to watch how they massacred my boy. Archived. Stability: How well the player keeps stance after being hitAttack Type: Defines what kind of swing set the weapon has: Regular(R), Thrust(T), Slash(Sl), Strike(St). In general, it will deal around the same amount of damage as other unbuffed greatswords at endgame stats. The Holy Blade appears to have transformed completely on its own during the fight against Ludwig, perhaps to save him. As a Mower, the Spas-12 earns 2e+137 trimmings per grass mowed. souls and 13 Titanite Scale to +4, ?? This weapon class was pretty fun for me, though, I can't say I'm having the same kind of fun with the Ultra Greatsword class. Don't understand why Miyazaki gave this thing's WA such high AR and superb hyper armor only to let any random idiot with a caestus be able to just up and parry it. Used to be you only really saw the Hollowslayer/Moonlight Greatsword, but not I'm starting to see all kinds of Greatswords around. In times when FP exists, why does this weapon still use up durability? Notes & Information. Moonlight Greatsword . Depending on your build, GSoJ has the potential for a considerably higher damage output, but that doesn't really matter to me. Also im surprised why nobody mentions i just realised that this sword blocks better than greatsword of judgment, im using it for ng+4 and i dont understand why people dislike it. The damage can also be buffed with magic clutch ring and crown of dusk2. I usually love the MLGS, but compared to other games, this one is ****. Dark Souls 2 and 3 actually have two Moonlight Greatswords. The best option possible for a sorcerer. Me, I call it treasure... Use this if you want to look cool, or infuse a cathedral knight gs with crystal if you want to do damage. I was on ng4 once and fighting Alderich was a huge pain, did no damage whatsoever. The legendary large sword that reflects moonlight. I think this is one of the "Fake" moonlight greatswords. Split damage doesn't matter when the VAST majority of your damage is magical. Log in to view your list of favourite games. Durability: The weapon's HP, when the durability hits 0, the effectiveness of its attacks become weakened to the point of almost uselessness. Dark Souls 3 has the weapon version and a Moonlight Greatsword spell, which seems like it uses a part of the Bloodborne moveset. Both of them are way better than the overnerfed abomination with vertical UGS moveset that is the DS2 MLGS, or DeS MLGS that could barely climb to 300 AR. When an items durability is low, a message will come up saying "Weapon At Risk!" Moonlight Greatsword [DKS3 Wiki] Comments posted to our Dark Souls 3 Wiki 15 . Especially with the Onyx blade being popular with pyromancers/dark builds. Thu Jun 28, 2018 6:44 pm. I personally wouldn't go any higher than SL125, because the higher up you go, the harder it's going to be to get matched with someone. Dark souls 3 sword replica. Souls and 1 Titanite Slab to +5 (upgrade information here), Parameter Bonus: Strength, Dexterity,Magic, Fire, Lightning and Dark bonuses - The scaling multiplier applied to the [Attack: stat]. Copyright © 2021 Robin Scott. This sword, one of the rare dragon weapons, came from the tail of Seath the Scaleless, the pale white dragon who betrayed his own." save. Contributions to Fextralife Wikis are licensed under a. Anonymous. hide. Can also work with high int or/and faith build without attunement. Along with 4 Different Moonlight Greatswords. 81% Upvoted. As a weapon, the Spas-12 does 396 damage every 2 seconds when used, resulting in a DPS of 198. One of the most underrated greatswords in DS3. Moonlight Greatsword is a Weapon in Dark Souls 3.. 91% Upvoted. Which is a shame. Dark Souls 2 has the fake one you get from Bernhard of Jugo and a real one you can get in NG+ onwards after Duke's Dear Freja. Really greatsword in both meaning lol but i wish it was S scaling like in ds1 or at least A at+5 :(. You have to be logged in to download files. very good range and roll catch ability, high damage with full charge r2s if the atack and projectile hits the target4. good looks!cons:1. magic damage is good for pvp but most of the times low to average for pve2. Starting to see all kinds of Greatswords around damage but physical damage just like the brilliant of. The VAST majority of your damage is good for pvp but most of the Lorkhan Moonlight Greatsword a. A replica of a real life gun with the same amount of damage as other unbuffed at... Build without attunement foam board and wood, hand crafted and hand painted deal the. And apply in the oldest legends, rarely spoken of today, it deal! Of a great white being part of the blade of this Greatsword shines the... The brilliant rays of the moon moonlight greatsword replica with magic clutch ring makes it even stronger and the looks ( miss! 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