German Confederation In 1815, the Congress of Vienna created the German Confederation, which was a group of states that included Prussia. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. Are you tired and can barely handle your assignment? New York, Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2016. considered post-treatment with respect to our two main variables of interest. The German effort included the first commercial enterprises in the 1850s and 1860s in West Africa, East Africa, the Samoan Islands, and the unexplored north-east quarter of New Guinea with adjacent islands. Short-lived attempts of colonization by individual German states occurred in preceding centuries, but crucial colonial efforts only began in 1884 with the Scramble for Africa. We tried our best to limit this risk by relying on source material and variable operationalizations that leave little room for systematic manipulation or measurement error. For grid cells that already have a station, we assign the strategic value before the station was created – otherwise, grid-cell years with stations would receive a zero strategic value for all years past the initial year with a station, creating an artificial negative correlation between station presence and strategic value.78 We then standardize this variable. perception, the revolt was not an Arab affair, but united a number of peoples in the territory against DOAG (Pesek 200). By definition, the territorial control value is positive, and higher values indicate a potential increase in geographic coverage. These situations regularly display three main characteristics. Die geographische Verbreitung der für die Industrie wichtigen Kautschuk- und Guttaperchapflanzen [The Geographic Spread of Rubber and Gutta-percha Trees, which are Important to the German Industry]. The Herero and Nama resisted expropriation over the years, but were disorganized and the Germans defeated them with ease. In 1883, merchant Franz Adolf Eduard Lüderitz entered into a contract with the native elders. This is important because it captures one main explanation for the occurrence of indirect rule.93 We draw on work by Murdock, Gennaioli and Rainer, and Nunn. 2008. The Modern Impact of Precolonial Centralization in Africa. + p< 0.10, *p< 0.05, **p< 0.01, ***p< 0.001, statistically significant effects. The Political Economy of State Building in Sub-Saharan Africa. Liebenow, J. Gus. Deutsches Kolonial-lexikon [German Colonial Lexicon]. and vom Hau 2006; Naritomi, Soares, and Assunção 2012. 1940. 68 Cameron 1937; Hartleb 1941; Liebenow 1971. 34 Boone 2003. Although it contains unique features, it is generally comparable to the activities of other imperial nations at the time, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. Mamdani, Mahmood. stations. Taken together, these data provide a unique insight into the spatial features of the German colonial state and allow for an investigation of the spatio-temporal patterns of state expansion. Germany did not actually profit from colonialism, since the expenses incurred in administration were grea… Coercion, Capital, and European States: AD 990–1990. In an attempt to control as much area as possible with the limited resources available, the, colonial state was constructed through the consecutive establishment of administrative and military posts, each headed by military officers or civilian station chiefs.65 German stations were in charge of carrying out all of the rudimentary functions of the colonial state: assuring order and stability, collecting taxes, and promoting the production and trade of agricultural products in which the Germans were interested.66, Given the limited availability of manpower and resources, establishing direct rule over the territory was deemed impossible. Rome: FAO. Territorial Expansion of German East Africa 1890–1909 733. rule, similarly indicating that the state did establish new stations as a direct reaction to previous instances of violent resistance and to minimize state absence. Taxation by German authorities only commenced after the creation of a colonial station, and was generally constrained to an area within a two-day march from the station. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. 29 In 1885, colonial powers agreed at the Berlin Conference that they had ‘the obligation to ensure the. 17 Tilly (1990) further asserts the importance of ‘war making’ in the process of state building in Western Europe, essentially referring to the elimination of external threats from outside powers. Blattman, Christopher, Jason Hwang and Jeffrey G. Williamson. we exploit the type of stations as an additional, ordinal indicator of the degree of state penetration: grid cells are assigned ‘status’ codes depending on the type of station they contain – ranging from no station to low-level military posts to full civilian stations. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. The two parameters y,ϴ represent the effects of violent resistance and the grid cell’s territorial control value for state expansion. We have no reason to believe that information on location names was systematically biased in German statistical reports. Simulations were implemented using the statistical software R, based on estimates from Model 1 in Table 1. clearly confirm the findings of Table 1 for our main independent variables (see Appendix Section 3). 2004. 2012. 1995. Die Benediktinermission in Ostafrika [The Benedictine Missionary Society in East-Africa]. We start by utilizing an alternative way to measure the presence of a station. The paper is sent to your email and uploaded to your personal account. In most colonies, the main revenues stemmed from tax extraction and agricultural activities that relied heavily on forced labor.40 In other words, most extractive activities depended on people.41 Resistance jeopardized the extraction of these resources, wherever it occurred, by absorbing scarce capital and manpower from colonial economic projects, such as trade, agriculture or public works; driving away foreign private investment; and preventing access to areas with high levels of opposition.42. 48 Kilingray 1986. New York: Cambridge University Press. In 1891, Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany made a decisive break with former “Realpolitik” of Bismarck and established “Weltpolitik” (“world policy”). Prior to German unification in 1871, most of the focus of German foreign policy was on issues internal to the state and its European neighbors. German Imperialism in Africa: From the Beginnings Until the Second World War | Helmuth Stoecker | ISBN: 9780391033832 | Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch Amazon. 7 Boone 2003; Tilly 1990. incentives to build state capacity, as prominently argued by Tilly; the geographic distribution of these threats shapes the spatial configuration of state capacity. Colonialism and Development: A Comparative Analysis of Spanish and British Colonies. From Reflection to Refraction: State Administration in British India, Circa 1770–1855. In addition, we illustrate how the strategic concerns of the colonial government superseded costs concerns, for example, related to health risks, when it came to the placement of colonial stations. Parts of the literature have also emphasized the importance of Christian missionaries in, shaping colonial legacies.96 The presence of missionary stations might confound the relationship between state presence and the effects of violent resistance against (or the territorial expansion of) the colonial state. 1996. Its claims of authority inevitably clashed with competing social organizations and their respective entrepreneurs who aimed to shield their authority from the state.36 The weaker a state, however, the more its stability depends on its ability to constantly demonstrate its resolve and capacity to swiftly and brutally quell any form of resistance. PRIMACY OF TERRITORIAL CONTROL IN ‘PRIMITIVE’ STATE BUILDING, What explains geographic patterns of state expansion? While unique in some ways, analyzing German colonial rule in German East Africa can shed light on the rudimentary processes of state penetration in the early phases of state building. Links Verlag. American Economic Review 95 (4):1190–213. German colonists arriving in the following years occupied large areas of land, ignoring claims by the Herero and other natives. In recent years scholars have debated the “continuity thesis” that links German colonialist brutalities to the treatment of Jews, Poles, and Russians during World War II. For each grid cell we identified which ethnic settlement area its centroid is located in. First, we find consistent empirical evidence that violent challenges to colonial rule were a, prime determinant of the geographic expansion of state presence. 2010. This information comes from a report by German mission inspector Martin Schlunk from 1914, which contains the name and location of every missionary station in the colony. This produces state-building efforts that are characterized by weak state capacity, a lack of resources and a lack of information about local conditions within a multi-ethnic setting of competing social organizations. 9 We use two common terms: ‘state building’ and ‘state expansion’ throughout the article. The client can upload extra material and include additional instructions from the lecturer. Hypothesis 2: The higher the level of previous violence, the higher the probability of state penetration. In contrast with private colonial actors (for example, traders or missionaries), state agents prioritized territorial control and order over extraction. This is predominantly due to the strong emphasis on establishing internal control and relatively limited economic extraction. Histoire du Burundi: des origines a la fin du xixe siecle [The History of Burundi: Origins at the End of the 19th Century]. ... German colonization of Africa - Duration: 3:05. The following section describes our operationalization of these variables based on the sources introduced above. 14 Weber 1976. 2007. In 2004, the German government recognized and apologized for the events, but ruled out financial compensation for the victims’ descendants. We then standardize both variables and calculate a simple average. The Art of Not Being Governed: An Anarchist History of Upland Southeast Asia. The third source is individual records by colonial agents – namely, a book from 1911 by, Nigmann, a former major in the German colonial force. Politics & Society 10 (4):431–65. Hypothesis 1: The higher an area’s territorial control value, the higher the probability of state penetration. In essence, Bismarck’s colonial motives were obscure as he had said repeatedly “… I am no man for colonies.” However, in 1884 he consented to the acquisition of colonies by the German Empire to protect trade, safeguard raw materials and export markets, and take opportunities for capital investment, among other reasons. German Imperialism in Africa: from the Beginnings to the Second World War [Stoecker, Helmuth] on The Spanish ruled small parts of Morocco and coastal areas along the Atlantic Ocean. Suffolk: James Currey. Neither the soil suitability variables nor the interaction term with world market prices attains statistical significance at conventional levels (the constituent term for world market prices is absorbed by the year fixed effects). Paris: Hatier. Prominent studies by Weber on eighteenth and nineteenth century France14 and Scott on Southeast Asia15, highlight that the abilities and costs of state penetration are related to the distance and accessibility of the targeted regions. Appendix Section 6 also uses qualitative evidence to illustrate the difficulty in obtaining reliable information on ethnic groups’ characteristics – suggesting that bargains over indirect rule were hampered by a lack of information. Scott, James C. 2009. Herbst, Jeffrey. Thus military control and civil bureaucracy were spread thinly across the territory, and were mainly confined to local hubs of state presence.64 In 1905, the total German colonial administrative and military staff numbered a meager 403 for an area of approximately 200,000 square kilometers. We estimate a linear probability two-stage least squares model, controlling for the same set of confounding variables as before. An Institutional Theory of Direct and Indirect Rule. As such, Germany’s colonial endeavor in Africa, like other imperial powers at the time, was motivated less by resource extraction and more by a desire for prestige and competition with other European powers, which led to a very specific scope of objectives in the colony, contrasting with other phases of European colonialism. These details of the coding scheme have no impact on our substantive results. In the beginning of the 19th century, the Nama from South Africa, who already possessed some firearms, entered the land and were followed by white merchants and German missionaries. 1994. We also add ethnic group settlement area fixed effects, assigning a unique dummy to each ethnic group, or unique combinations of several ethnic groups living in the same grid cell, based on the GIS shapefile supplied by Nunn.98 This removes the effect of any unobserved characteristics of local ethnic populations on violent resistance, the strategic value of the territory or our outcome measures. Even stronger than the effect of major battles, increasing the standardized Territorial Control Value from the minimum to the maximum implies a change in the expected probability of a station from roughly 2 to 88 per cent. It took until 1908 to re-establish German authority over the territory; by that time tens of thousands of Africans (estimates range from 34,000 to 110,000) had been either killed or died of thirst while fleeing. During the 17th and 18th centuries, the Herero migrated to what is today Namibia from the east and established themselves as herdsmen. Interestingly, the results for variables measuring the potential for economic extraction have no, 88 Acemoglu, Johnson, and Robinson 2001. The cells were sized in order to generate a sufficient number of cases for meaningful statistical analysis, while considering potential imprecisions resulting from the geo-referencing and geo-coding of the colonial maps. Soon after, conflicts between the German colonists and the Herero herdsmen began. Marner, Josef. 1903. During the Herero genocide Eugen Fischer, a German scientist, came to the concentration camps to conduct medical experiments on race, using children of Herero people and mulatto children of Herero women and German men as test subjects. Modern Asian Studies 38 (1):85–144. 32 E.g. We have scanned and geo-referenced these maps and extracted relevant information using GIS software (QGIS 2.0.1). 2003. Finally, this phase of state building is marked by a mismatch between the state’s overall capabilities and the size of the territory. In particular, our results cast light on state-building processes occurring under similar conditions in the ‘primitive accumulation of power’ phase, when the state’s authority over its territory exists on paper, but is not reflected in the reach of state infrastructure. 1999. Shenton, Robert W. 1986. 2005. Predicted probability of a station in grid cell i as a function of Territorial Control Value. Table 2 displays the marginal effect of a 1-standard-deviation increase in all of the statistically significant variables in the model. New York: Cambridge University Press. African Affairs 97 (388):305–41. Gensichen, Martin. The Impact of European Settlement Within French West Africa: Did Pre-Colonial Prosperous Areas Fall Behind? 1971. Actual violence and strategic importance are as (or even more) important than structural factors like population density or road length. 2004. Yet we believe it is necessary to expand this narrow focus in the existing literature by emphasizing the political dynamics of colonial rule. Lange, Matthew, James Mahoney, and Matthias vom Hau. Moreover, our analysis documents the political and incremental nature of state expansion. However, qualitative evidence based on primary sources97 suggests that the placement of missionary stations occurred as a result of fierce competition between Protestant and Catholic missionaries inside ‘pacified’ territories already controlled by the colonial administration. American Economic Review 91 (5):1369–401. We have a team of professional academic writers who can handle all your assignments. 49 We provide an operationalization and illustration of this variable in the empirical section. Secondly, the state-building project has limited ambitions. 8 E.g. 83 Ehrhardt 1903; Schnee 1920; Sethuraj and Mathew 1992. German Imperialism in Africa: From the Beginnings Until the Second World War | Stoecker, Helmuth, Zollner, B. Such considerations may have also driven the spatio-temporal expansion of the colonial state. Regensburg: Eos Verlag. 2008. 1 Boone 2003; Herbst 2000; Mann 1984; Scott 2009; Weber 1976. PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH STUDENT HOMEWORK HELP TODAY AND GET AN AMAZING DISCOUNT. Furthermore, missionary stations were far from homogeneous – displaying considerable variation in terms of location preferences, interaction with the local population and co-operation with the colonial government – which does not. We argue that an image of colonial government that is concerned with projecting power is more fitting than that of a one- dimensional extractive, cost-sensitive state. Gerring, John, Daniel Ziblatt, Johan Van Gorp, and Julián Arévalo. 90 Information on caravan routes stems from a map of the Abushiri Revolt in 1892, and information on roads. Tibebu, Teshale. The rise of German imperialism and colonialism coincided with the latter stages of the “Scramble for Africa” during which enterprising German individuals, rather than government entities, competed with other already established colonies and colonialist entrepreneurs. Public opinion eventually arrived at an understanding that prestigious African and Pacific colonies went hand-in-hand with dreams of a world-class navy. 60 German contemporary sources mistakenly label the incident as the Arab Revolt. We were unable to discern meaningful patterns in terms of timing, larger geographic region or combatants that correlate with the absence of specific geographic information. In 1985, the United Nations ‘ Whitaker Report classified the aftermath as an attempt to exterminate the Herero and Nama peoples of South-West Africa, and therefore one of the earliest attempts at genocide in the 20th century. Likely, several of our measures are affected by some amount of underreporting, misreporting and inaccuracy. To control for these logistical arguments, we include four time-invariant additional indicators in our main models: the length of roads and caravan routes per grid cell,90 as well as each grid cell’s distance to the nearest coast and nearest international border. Finally, most of the import and export of traded goods took place by sea. 2006. German Imperialism in Africa: from the Beginnings to the Second World War 2011. It has been reported that German colonial agents, as well as members of numerous expeditions through the colony, were eagerly trying to provide maps of the colony that were as detailed and accurate as possible.73 Maps played an essential role in all kinds of military expeditions, political planning and economic activities. Soifer, Hillel David. Primarily in Damaraland, German settlers acquired land from the Herero to establish farms. Pesek, Michael. 93 Gerring et al. The first step is to identify a useful unit of analysis. Seidman, Ann Willcox. You can get professional academic help from our service at affordable rates. In Appendix Section 4 we also present additional results for an alternative ordinal coding of. Strong Societies and Weak States: State-Society Relations and State Capabilities in the Third World. While correlation is not perfect, we believe that using highly disaggregated current data provides a more accurate representation of spatial climate variations than extra- polations of historical data. We. 1981. The German Imperial Colonial Office produced annual reports from 1892 to 1914 on the colonies, with substantive statistical annexes. We compared climate information from a total of forty-one stations across the colony with current climate information from the WorldClim project (1950–2000) for the exact same locations. Via +1 817 953 0426,,, Telecommunications Case on The Acme Corporation, Mathematical equation and differential equation, Fig. Appendix Section 7 provides detailed regression results. Before we present the data we use to operationalize and measure the variables, we briefly introduce our historical case, focusing on the period of analysis: 1890–1909. The Herero and Nama genocide was a campaign of racial extermination and collective punishment that the German Empire undertook in German South-West Africa (modern-day Namibia) against the Herero and Nama people, considered one of the first genocides of the 20th century. The Nature of German Imperialism: Conservation and the Politics of Wildlife in Colonial East Africa. Natural Rubber: Biology, Cultivation and, Technology. While classic works of comparative politics and historical sociology have touched on the connection between the spatial unevenness of the state and the temporal patterns of its extension,1 little research has systematically explored the determinants of states’ sub-national territorial expansion. Predicted probability of a station in grid cell i as a function of Battle Index Note: All other variables were set to their means or medians. This video is unavailable. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. 96 Lankina and Getachew 2013; Woodberry 2012. 74 Trotha 1994, 58 ‘Der Staat beginnt mit der Station’ in the original (authors’ translation). Otto von Bismarck was Germany's leader for Imperialism. Colonialism. It includes information on. Postcolonialism: An Historical Introduction. The main countries involved in the imperialism in Africa were the French, German, and Great Britain. Places far away from stations remained ‘blind spots’ of German colonial power.92 To capture this fact, we also create a variable that measures for each grid cell the distance to the nearest German station, instead of the presence of a station in each grid cell. Hamburg: E. S. Mittler und Sohn. Boone, Catherine. Hence, we rely on a general indicator of soil suitability for agriculture from the Harmonized World Soil Database.86 We also added data on the yearly world market price of cotton and rubber.87 The extractive potential of each product is modeled via the soil quality measures, world market prices and their respective interaction terms. Thies, Cameron G. 2007. American Political Science Review 106 (3):471–94. We start with a brief review of findings for the main control variables. The role of the stations in state penetration cannot be overemphasized. Of Rule and Revenue. Bismarck disliked colonialism but reluctantly built an overseas empire when it was demanded by both elite and mass opinion. Stations were responsible for securing trade along the caravan routes, taxing the local population, administering forced labor and ensuring jurisdiction.76 Consequently, the spatio- temporal advancement of state expansion can be traced through the establishment of German stations.77 Hence, our first indicator measures the presence of a German station. 50 E.g., Levi 1989. 1998. During the Scramble for Africa, South-West Africa was claimed by Germany in August 1884. The parameter αt represents year fixed effects to model the overall temporal dynamics of German colonial state expansion, while the vector x0it represents time-varying and time-invariant grid-cell control variables. When assigning your order, we match the paper subject with the area of specialization of the writer. 85 German statistical yearbooks contain information on precipitation and temperature for a number of weather. It is related to the Age of Imperialism and the expansion of the European empires in the 19th century. Later, the Nama and Herero entered a period of cultural exchange. Virtually all colonial administrations had to embark on this task with very limited resources.30 While the processes of state building differed across colonial powers, these differences were more in magnitude than in the nature of the challenges they faced and the resulting framework for state penetration. Tilly, Charles. The inclusion or exclusion of these post-treatment controls does not affect any of our substantive results. This pragmatic attitude was mainly supported by the leading political figure of the time, Otto Von Bismarck, a major force behind unification. 46 Young 1994, 100. Development for Exploitation: German Colonial Policies in Mainland Tanzania, 1884–1914. 57 Bückendorf 1997; Klein-Arendt 2005. New York: Cambridge University Press. 1989. Wimmelbrücker, Ludger. We also find that the integration of local ethnic groups into the German colonial military is associated with lower degrees of state penetration. The Development of Capitalism in Northern Nigeria. Higher population density might have been associated with more indirect or extractive forms of rule.88, Finally, we consider additional logistical factors. The horizontal and vertical outer boundaries of the grid net have been defined randomly. We believe that this context of uncertainty led to the prioritization of actual experiences over, theoretical knowledge. 65 Gwassa 1973. 1972. The German Colonial empire got its start around 1884, and in those years they acquired several territories in Africa: German East Africa (including present-day Burundi, Rwanda, and the mainland part of Tanzania); German South-West Africa (present-day Namibia), German Cameroon (including parts of present-day Cameroon, Gabon, Congo, Central African Republic, Chad and Nigeria); and Togoland (present-day Togo and parts of Ghana). 101 When we construct a panel of station-years and regress total tax revenues on violent resistance and our, standard control variables, we find that revenues drop in response to violence, but recover in later years. By contrast, cotton is a much more flexible plant. Station chiefs emphasized that loyalty toward the German colonial state diminished with increasing distance from the station. Koponen, Juhani. Moreover, the Hansen J statistic indicates that we fail to reject the null hypothesis of exogeneity. At the height of imperialism in Africa, European nations held the Berlin Conference of 1884 to 1885 to negotiate and map out each country's claims in the Western portion of the continent. In 1985, the United Nations’ Whitaker Report classified the aftermath as an attempt to exterminate the Herero and Nama peoples of South-West Africa, and therefore one of the earliest attempts at genocide in the 20th century. Berman, Bruce J. Station presence, a hot climate and the presence of road infrastructure are the only statistically significant predictors of cotton plantations. Even if our data are not accurate in the objective sense, as long as this information guided and shaped colonial administrators’ decisions, we are able to estimate our quantities of interest. Germans, many indoctrinated in Social Darwinian ideas, colonized South West Africa (Namibia today) in the 1880s. Distance to the border correlates positively with state presence. In 1862 He became prime minister of Prussia, his home country. Further analysis in other state-building contexts, other world regions, and other periods of time will be needed to further scrutinize our findings and their transferability. We create a binary variable that takes a value of 1 if a grid cell contains a German station in a given year, and 0 otherwise. 2008. We were able to geo-locate 166 of these events.79 We create two separate variables to capture the level of resistance within a given grid-cell area. 75 Koponen 1995. When controlling for the number of missionary stations in each grid cell, we still find positive and statistically significant effects for our two main variables of interest. To illustrate this we rely on a 1906 map that indicates the location of major cotton plantations in German East Africa. Levi, Margaret. Journal of African Economies 20 (2):263–311. He aimed to "paint the map British red" and declared: "all of these stars... these vast worlds that remain out of reach. Given the non-linear nature of the model specification, it is difficult to judge the substantive, significance of each of the variables with respect to the probability of station presence. Our argument, echoing Boone’s work, conceptualizes the sub-national expansion of the state as endogenous to the political context of the time and builds on bellicist explanations of state building.7, We show that in the ‘primitive accumulation of power’ phase, bellicist threats not only provide. That some of these post-treatment controls does not affect our main variables of interest on Africa on access the. A statistical analysis a hot climate and the Legacy of colonial state presence data sources carries risk... By yanissa082 also note that the colonial state expansion was less likely in areas that were to... 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