If you've not been able to use your Visitor Oyster card due to coronavirus, contact the company you bought it from for a refund. Caught someone's salary receipt open in its respective personal webmail in someone else's computer. Extending Oyster card trip outside the Oyster card validity zones with valid ticket outside zones and without changing trains? Can I get a refund of some (but not all) of my Oyster Pay-As-You-Go credit? Why would a land animal need to move continuously to stay alive? Season tickets are Bus & Tram Passes or Travelcards lasting … Make the most of your visit ... Outside fare zones 7 5 5 4 4 4 4 2 6 4 6 Outside fare ones Outside fare ones Clapham NorthCheck before you travel Why can I not apply a control gate/function to a gate like T, S, S dagger, ... (using IBM Quantum Experience)? We went to some journeys to Central and East London. Your Visitor Oyster card will be cancelled when we process this refund. Oyster used to be the go-to way of paying for travel around London, but 66 million of the blue plastic cards haven't been used in at least a year. I didn't know that at the time. Why is a power amplifier most efficient when operating close to saturation? Using an Oyster card, a credit card sized transport card, is an easy way to save time and money if you are planning to use public transportation in London. Getting around in London without preordering Oyster card. Because I live in Uxbridge he bought an Oyster card in the Tube station. How can I use Mathematica to solve a complex truth-teller/liar logic problem? Tap that Oyster Card. An Oyster card can be used on just about every form of transport within London including public bus, tram, and rail services within the city. Is it okay to face nail the drip edge to the fascia? site design / logo © 2021 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. Note you need to apply (online) at least 4 weeks prior to arrival. We can give you a web account credit which you can use when you next top up or buy a Travelcard using your Oyster online account" An "0343" number from overseas might also eat into any net refund. Posted by Jared (Nashport, OH) ... What address you put in is irrelevant, you can't even get that far, it blocks you if you are outside the UK (technically, if your IP address is non-UK). Act fast, since you're no longer using the card and IIRC the account will get locked/inactive X days after the card's last use. Hey Londoners, I'm considering my possibilities to get an Oyster card refund at either Stansted Airport or Baker St. tube stop - anyone know whether that could work out? Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. The Oyster card is a payment method for public transport in London (and certain areas around it) in the United Kingdom. For complete details see this page, and in particular the link to maps at the bottom. You can't use it in Leeds, nor in other distant cities like Birmingham or Southampton or Glasgow. Visitors Oyster Cards. You can also get a refund at a Visitor Centre (except Gatwick). If your remaining credit is £10 or less, you can get a refund from a Tube station ticket machine. Oyster cards. The card still worked. Send your Visitor Oyster card and contact details (name, address, email address and phone number) to: Railcard and Oyster card for traveling in London/England. You can also get a refund at a Visitor Centre (except Gatwick). Order your Oyster card travelcard, check Oyster card prices or top up Oyster Pre Pay. But some places near London, like Amersham, Watford, Hertford, Shenfield or Redhill do allow Oyster to be used on some services. Who must be present at the Presidential Inauguration? Oyster cards are not generally valid outside of Greater London. Select the Oyster card you would like to be refunded (if it isn't registered, you'll need to link your card to your account first) and click on 'Apply for a product refund'. Answer 1 of 10: Upon landing I plan to purchase an a Oyster card and add a 7 Day Travelcard to it to cover most of my travel. The machine did all the work and helped me get my cash. Is an OysterCard worth it for occasional 1-day visits from outside London? “The Oyster card is an essential part of London and we're delighted with how popular this innovation has become in the last 15 years,” said Shashi Verma, TfL's chief technology officer. At a Tube station ticket machine, you can get a refund of up to £10 pay as you go credit and your deposit. Posted by Jared OP Nashport, OH. Getting Your Oyster Card Refund. We know that sometimes you need to travel outside of the pre-selected Oyster zones that you use for your commute. My friend from Germany was visiting me (German citizen living and working in the UK) from the 31st of May until the 4th of June. Will it be useful to have my Oyster card? An Oyster card is a plastic smartcard which can hold pay-as-you-go credit (money), Travelcards and Bus & Tram Passes. Remember to always touch your Visitor Oyster card in and out at rev 2021.1.18.38333, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Travel Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us. If you are resident in the UK but live outside London you can again order online but the Oyster ID Card is sent to your home address. The machine will cancel the Oyster card and refund your deposit plus any cash left on your Oyster up to £10. 14 Pier Walk As far as I know Oyster card is only valid in London. If your children are 11 years old or older, you will need to buy a Visitor Oyster card, Oyster card or Travelcard ticket for each child. The thing is, I'll only be in London for a week and then I'll be going to Leeds. The Oyster Card will not work outside of Greater London. You'll need a UK address; TfL IIRC says you can enter theirs. Thanks for contributing an answer to Travel Stack Exchange! I'm travelling to London in 2 weeks and I wanted to buy an Oyster card. For journeys in central London (zone 1), ticket prices are more than 50% cheaper with an Oyster card. It is used by holding the card close to the yellow card reader. Official online shop for Oyster card. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Oyster cards are reusable electronic tickets, which are topped up by users, and are currently be used on buses, the Tube, trams, Docklands Light Railway, London Overground and TfL Rail. You can’t buy a Visitor Oyster card once you are in London so it’s best to buy your card through your travel agent or online by visiting visitorshop.tfl.gov.uk Your card will be sent to your home address Pay the right fare so you can use it as soon as you arrive. 09/23/19 12:18 PM. Note you need to apply (online) at least 4 weeks prior to arrival. Thanks! Touch your card on the yellow card reader on the ticket machine, select 'Oyster refund' and follow the on screen instructions (available in different languages). Plan a journey and favourite it for quick access in the future, Choose postcodes, stations and places for quick journey planning, London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority, Bank details - account number and sort code, Full address including country and postal, zip or area code. Result! Where to buy an Oyster card and where to get the refund after a short time of use, How does oyster card work with child fare (example). It's valid quite a way out of London, at least on some lines - see. The ticket machine will dispense a refund in cash. I always now just put what I know I will need and am prepared to lose a couple of pounds if I have to. The Visitors Oyster card is the one you buy outside London, including at UK airports, train stations and National Express coaches, overseas agents and on-line, and you have to pay an activation fee (currently £3). visitorshop.tfl.gov.uk Where can I buy a Visitor Oyster card? Can Pluto be seen with the naked eye from Neptune when Pluto and Neptune are closest? We may ask you to post your Visitor Oyster card to us. Note you need to apply (online) at least 4 weeks prior to arrival. I know now for my next trip where I will keep the oyster card and just refund the balance<< This was to prevent fraud (crook would purchase cards with iffy credit card and immediately seek refund). A gang has been jailed for using cloned Oyster cards to claim more than £370,000 in refunds. https://tfl.gov.uk/fares-and-payments/contactless, January 2021 Photo Competition: Best of Travel 2020. “The Oyster card is an essential part of London and we're delighted with how popular this innovation has become in the last 15 years,” said Shashi Verma, TfL's chief technology officer. Write to TfL Customer Services, 4th Floor, 14 Pier Walk, London, SE10 0ES. You must apply for it on line. Sequence of tending to zero functions that majorizes any other tending to zero function. Simply touch your Oyster card on the yellow card reader on the ticket machine, select 'Oyster refund' and follow the on-screen instructions. Rules will change soonish tho. The rest of your question all depends on what you're planning to do in London. And of course, you don't want to carry two Oyster cards. Which Oyster card should I get as a foreign visitor to London? But some places near London, like Amersham, Watford, Hertford, Shenfield or Redhill do allow Oyster … The card operates as a RFID system and is compatible with ISO 14443A standards although the Oyster readers can also read other types of cards including ISO14443B and Cubic Go-Cards. TfL Customer Services If you are unsure if any of the limitations apply to your Oyster card, feel free to contact us. An Oyster card can hold up to three season tickets at the same time. >>Turns out you cannot get a refund on an Oyster card within 48 hours. Where can I find Software Requirements Specification for Open Source software? If you’re a UK resident you can buy an Oyster card before you travel to London. Double-Result. Yes, you can sometimes use an Oyster card outside London, but not very far from London. If you plan to travel around london a lot it will save you some pounds, my daughter and I both bought one last time we were there for two weeks, and just save it for next time you visit. The machine will cancel the Oyster card and refund your deposit plus any cash left on your Oyster up to £10. Passengers who have been overcharged on their Oyster card will soon be able to claim a refund more easily. By post. If your journey is ending outside of the Oyster validity area, you will need to purchase a ticket to you destination (and back). There are daily caps on all travel in London which are the same as a daily ticket, and I think at least at the beginning there was a weekly cap. You can't use it in Leeds, nor in other distant cities like Birmingham or Southampton or Glasgow. You can get an Oyster card by paying a £5 refundable deposit. If you are resident in the UK but live outside London you can again order online but the Oyster ID Card is sent to your home address. Call: ... Once you request the refund, your Visitor Oyster card cannot be used anymore. Yes, you can sometimes use an Oyster card outside London, but not very far from London. Follow the instructions to get a refund … (so-called dormant Oyster cards). Remember: As you 'TAP' the yellow circle, you can see your remaining balance on the barrier as you go through. Just touch your Oyster on the yellow card reader, select 'Oyster refund' and follow the instructions. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Extending Oyster card trip outside the Oyster card validity zones with valid ticket outside zones and without changing trains? 11 posts. Credit to your Oyster card. By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. How would you gracefully handle this snippet to allow for spaces in directories? Will SQL Server go offline if it loses network connectivity to SAN where master and msdb system databases reside? Your Visitor Oyster card will be cancelled when we process this refund. Travel Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for road warriors and seasoned travelers. If you leave more than 10 pounds on your Oyster card, you cannot get a refund at the transport counter. Oyster cards can be used to store season tickets of both travelcards and bus passes (of one week or more), and a Pay-as-you-go balance. If I had a season ticket from the last station where Oyster/contactless cards are valid to a couple of stops further out and wanted to go back … Do electrons actually jump across contacts? Guide to using the London Oyster card on public transit. Is there another option? The machine will cancel the Oyster card and refund your deposit plus any cash left on your Oyster up to £10. First job was to tap my Oyster Card at one of the machines at the station. They are trying to extend it to neighbouring towns (I think at some point you will be able to use it on train services to get to some of the airports), but definitely it doesn't work in Leeds. A standard Oyster card is a blue credit-card-sized stored-value contact-less smart-card. Jump to bottom. The Pay as you go Oyster card is the cheapest way to pay for single tickets on the underground. I am going to wish you luck with getting any refund on your Oyster Card, I had a nightmare and was sent from pillar to post and in the end threw the card in the Thames in frustration - true story. Here’s a comparison between Pay as you go Oyster card single fares and the standard tube ticket fare from a ticket machine (‘Cash single’). We can refund up to £50 back to your Oyster card as pay as you go credit; Web account credit. Note that if you have a contactless credit/debit card, you can use this one instead. Why do jet engine igniters require huge voltages? When HSBC wrote to us, they gave a link to get the money. Not all contactless credit/debit cards work (mine doesn't). To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. You can load money on to your Oyster card (known as ‘topping up’) at any tube or London Overground station, as well as in any shop where you see the blue Oyster card sign. Maximum useful resolution for scanning 35mm film. An Oyster card is also a travel smartcard which you can use for travel on public transport in London. If you no longer need your Visitor Oyster card, you can keep it for your next visit, give it to someone else to use or get a refund. You can get a Young Adult discount (half adult rate) added to a Visitor Oyster card or Oyster card at Heathrow Airport Terminals stations, zone 1 Tube stations and TfL Visitor and Travel Information Centres. Oyster Card refund . 1 Corinthians 3:15 What does "escaping through the flames" convey? It only takes a minute to sign up. If you are resident in the UK but live outside London you can again order online but the Oyster ID Card is sent to your home address. Oyster card? Or should I just get a pay as you go Oyster card and before I leave get a refund? If you bought a one-year Travelcard on 1st January and started working from home on 15th March (10 weeks in), your refund is NOT 42/52 of what you paid. More details: https://tfl.gov.uk/fares-and-payments/contactless. Cold weather payments worth £25 have been triggered in some parts of the UK after another cold snap. The machine will cancel the Oyster card and refund your deposit plus any cash left on your Oyster up to £10. If your remaining credit is £10 or less, you can get a refund from a Tube station ticket machine. Oyster card Main article: Oyster card The Oyster card is a contactless smart card system introduced for the public in 2003, which can be used to pay individual fares (pay as you go) or to carry various Travelcards and other passes. 4th Floor Note you need to apply (online) at least 4 weeks prior to arrival. Over £8. How to claim a refund, or replace your Oyster card or season ticket. Travelling partially on oyster card, partially on a train ticket for the same journey to save money? It is ‘cost of a one-year Travelcard’ minus ‘cost of 2.5 monthly Travelcards’. If it's not a Visitor Oyster Card, try registering it at the TfL website. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Are there still any advantages to using an Oyster card for travel in London? Transport for London customers who buy an Oyster card from Sunday 23 February will only be able to get their £5 deposit refunded if they keep the card for more than a year – but with over £200 million in deposits currently stuck on unused cards, it's worth checking if you can get a refund now. We will then contact you to process any refund you may be due. Which is warmer for slipper socks—wool or acrylic? An Oyster card is a smart card that you add money to, so you can pay as you go.. You can pay as you go to travel on bus, Tube, tram, DLR, London Overground, most TfL Rail, Emirates Air Line and Thames Clippers River Bus services. If you are resident in the UK but live outside London you can again order online but the Oyster ID Card is sent to your home address. Oyster refunds at Heathrow airport At Heathrow airport, you can get a refund if you have £10 of pay as you go money or less on your card and your £5 deposit from: the ticket machines in Terminals 1,2,3 underground station the ticket machines Terminal 4 underground station Get a refund in person. The age of your Oyster card is not a factor: Oyster cards do not have an expiry date. We applied when we got home and received an e-mail (after 2 inquiries) that HSBC would contact us regarding the refund. I need to figure out how much extra I’ll need to add for my journeys outside Zones 1-2. You can see the refunded amount due … London Transport for London will post the card to your home address. That's why you can add a Pay As You Go balance at any Oyster machine onto your existing CommuterClub Oyster card. Is it possible to generate an exact 15kHz clock pulse using an Arduino? The Oyster card is a contactless smartcard, with a claimed proximity range of about 8 cm (3 inches). 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