The Quran also states, On the day when it befalleth in earnest, and they are ordered to prostrate themselves but are not able. It is the sign of spiritual mystics who would dance to the tune of the cosmos by submitting themselves to the natural flow of currents. The 14 letters out of 28 alphabets of Arabic language are used in different combinations in those prefixes among which two pairs are homophonic, i.e. And David guessed that We had tried him, and he sought forgiveness of his Lord, and he bowed himself and fell down prostrate and repented. Scientific Miracles of the Quran, 15 – The Mystery of Iron. (20, 21), And thrust thy hand within thine armpit, it will come forth white without hurt. It must necessarily contain truths that only gradually unfold themselves to humanity.” (Appendix 1. it was a serpent, gliding. (19, 55), And We raised him to high station. In astrology, the Sun and the Moon represent King and Queen respectively, and therefore, Cancer is also one of the two royal signs. “All suggestions to the contrary notwithstanding, it seems probable that the whole of this surah was revealed during the first four years after the Hijrah, and that by far the greater portion of it was revealed in the first eighteen months of the Prophet’s reign at Al-Madinah-that is to say, before the battle of Badr. He cried: O my people! (19, 17), She said: Lo! Moses answered that in verse 68 by describing the position of Taurus in the zodiac by saying that the cow of Taurus was neither with a calf (twin characteristic of Gemini), nor immature (Aries characteristic); rather the sign had to be in between of the ‘Gemini’ and ‘Aries’. The mountains named ‘Al-Safa’ and ‘Al-Marwah’ mentioned here are allegorical representations of Gemini twins, Castor and Pollux. In the ancient Egypt, the straight cobra was known as ‘Uraeus’, and it used to symbolize the sovereignty, royalty, and divine authority. These letters are indicated in the attached table alongside their corresponding signs. (12, 96). (19, 26). (36, 41), And have created for them of the like thereof whereon they ride. He answered: Allah forbid that I should be among the foolish! How do you know when something is really broken? In verse 20, the staff which was used for menial tasks became a serpent, showing that Moses had talents for the greater works, but he was rather wasting his life out in drudgery. The prefixes with letter ‘Lam’ also appear in other chapters of the Quran, dealing with the archetypal properties of Taurus such as wealth management, usury, cow worship, greed, and materialism in the verses (2, 54), (2, 57), (2, 61), (2, 168), (2, 271- 276), (3, 130), (3, 180), (7, 130), (7, 148), and (7, 152). The realization of extremely intricate and fragile existence of life on planet Earth, which is also the home to humanity, not only made it necessary to act with utmost responsibility for keeping the natural balance, but also to embrace a role of directing the course of humanity towards best consequences. Lo! In the verse 48, ‘like him of the fish’ is referred to Jonah, but actually it is a metaphor for the sign of Pisces. The verse 30 indicates that formality and traditional attitudes among people (bondmen) stymie the human progress towards the higher goals. Taken together, they make up exactly half of all letters in the Arabic alphabet, but spread out on the page they make literally no sense. The two litigants of verse 21, who had broken into the royal chamber, allegorically represent the signs of Aries and Libra. (19, 22), And the pangs of childbirth drove her unto the trunk of the palm tree. (36, 77), And he hath coined for Us a similitude, and hath forgotten the fact of his creation, saying: Who will revive these bones when they have rotted away? (19, 78), And how many a generation before them have We destroyed! (68, 22), So they went off, saying one unto another in low tones: (68, 23), No needy man shall enter it today against you. Similarly, the talent of observation is stated in the following verses. In verses 42–43, the rigidity in human attitudes is severely rebuked. And when Moses said unto his people: Lo! Aquarius is opposite Leo, which is the sign ruled by the Sun, and therefore, Aquarius receives the least amount of light or minimal attention. Subscribe here! I propose in the ensuing discussions that these 12 characters appear in a definite order in the Quran which corresponds to the 12 astrological signs, and such that the features of prefixed signatures as astrological signs form the subject of discussion in the associated chapters. In the verse 18, Moses described his staff that was used by him as a tool for helping him in the struggles of life. (19, 77), Hath he perused the Unseen, or hath he made a pact with the Beneficent? Sagittarius is also keen to participate in the intellectual discoveries and philosophical endeavours. The letter ‘Lam’ depicts the sign of Taurus in the Quran. A few had suggested that they were initials of the scribes who had written down the dictation of those chapters, whilst others commented on them to be of some especial mystical significance which is known only to God himself. That was my thesis on the mystery letters of the Quran. As his capacity grows, so will his understanding grow. (12, 4), He said: O my dear son! Once the head of this creature gets drugged, than the body can be compromised or paralyzed, and therefore those body parts act as witnesses against the head. (20, 22), That We may show thee (some) of Our greater portents. Mysteries of the Quran cannot be explained in short. (19, 24), And shake the trunk of the palm tree toward thee, thou wilt cause ripe dates to fall upon thee. (19, 98). Ernest Renan famously declared that "Islam was born, not amid the mystery which cradles the origins of other religions, but rather in the full light of history"-- an empire ruling in the name of the religion of Islam and whose expansion was fuelled by religious fervor, and which presided over the compilation, editing, approving and distributing of the holy book of that religion (the Quran). That is why it appears on the foreheads of ancient Egyptian royalties in their pictures and statues. (19, 18), He said: I am only a messenger of thy Lord, that I may bestow on thee a faultless son. A number of conjectures have been made as to their meaning. They Still Do and Now I’m 68. (20, 20), He said: Grasp it and fear not. These mystery letters comprise of the Arabic alphabets mentioned in the table, and though they do not appear in the alphabetical order in the Quran, but are actually stated as prefixes to certain chapters of the book. And they had been summoned to prostrate themselves while they were yet unhurt. Download Video Screenshots. These masses than act as a mammoth creature (a state) with its own currency (blood), and social structure (body). (68, 50). I saw in a dream eleven planets and the sun and the moon, I saw them prostrating themselves unto me. Since in Aquarius there is no light/attention, hence formality is basically out of question here. Furthermore, there is a relationship between the letters ‘Sad’ of Cancer, and ‘Ta’ of Capricorn; because the hieroglyph of letter ‘Sad’ seems like that of a snake with its head above the tail, whilst the hieroglyph of letter ‘Ta’ is that of a snake with its tail above the head. But wait thou for thy Lord’s decree, and be not like him of the fish, who cried out in despair. The Gemini properties with the prefix ‘Mim’ are also expressed in the verses (2, 102), (2, 221), (3, 61), (3, 195), (7, 127), (7, 141), (7, 189–190), (42, 11), (43, 12), (44, 58), (43, 3), and (41, 44). Cancer begins at summer solstice, and is ruled by the luminary planet Moon. Number of votes to » In Favorite Theaters In Theaters Near You In Theaters with Online Ticketing. The letter ‘Kaf’ corresponds to the sign of Virgo, and is expressed in the Quran with a classic allegory of the mutable signs. Therefore, the verse 24 commanded Moses to strive in order to reclaim his lost reign. (20, 24). lest they plot a plot against thee. Interestingly, Ishmael is also mentioned in Quran to describe the sign of Sagittarius, which is opposite to Gemini. Es handelt sich um einen oder eine Gruppe von Buchstaben, die nicht miteinander verbunden, sondern als einzelne Buchstaben des Alphabets gelesen werden. An example of such texts is the ‘Mystery Abbreviated Letters’ of the Quran, popularly known as the “Huroof-al-Muqattaat”. he was a keeper of his promise, and he was a messenger (of Allah) a Prophet. (36, 14), They said: Ye are but mortals like unto us. The characteristics of Cancer corresponding to the letter ‘Sad’ are also present in the verses (7, 94–102), (7, 106–108), (7, 145–146), (7, 157), (7, 160), (38, 2), (38, 5), (38, 17–20), (38, 25–26), and (38, 30). Before it was authored by the catholic priest and scientist … Female Hyenas Have A Larger Penis Than Males Do, The Elizabethan Theatres That Kidnapped Their Child Actors. Allah knoweth, ye know not.” (2, 216). (2, 69), They said: Pray for us unto thy Lord that He make clear to us what (cow) she is. (20, 18), So he cast it down, and Lo! (68, 28), They said: Glorified be our Lord! (2, 67), They said: Pray for us unto thy Lord that He make clear to us what (cow) she is. Imagine if we’d opened this article with “AQRFF KGEX” and then acted like you all knew what it meant and you’ll get some idea of the weirdness involved. Alif, Lam, Mim @ Chapters 2, 3, 29, 30, 31, 32. Lo! The prefix appears in many chapters, but for the sake of illustration of the archetypal Gemini character, the following ritual has been commanded to be performed in the given verses. And (it will be) that We may make of him a revelation for mankind and a mercy from Us, and it is a thing ordained. The story related to the origin of this ritual says that Abraham had left his wife Hagar with his infant son Ishmael as a spiritual trial for them in the desert. Here, the hermetic arts of astrology, alchemy, and symbolism are employed to decipher their meanings, and potential significance for the human spiritual growth. Who teacheth by the pen. (68, 17), And made no exception (for the will of Allah); (68, 18), Then a visitation came upon it while they slept. Known as the Muqatta’at, these “disjointed letters” have been puzzling scholars for centuries. (68, 26), The best among them said: Said I not unto you: Why glorify ye not (Allah)? The Letters appear in Quran successively in the following fashion. (12, 93), Then, when the bearer of glad tidings came, he laid it on his face and he (Joseph’s father) became a seer once more. But still the attachment of people with their wealth was so strong that they contended for more clues, and so were answered with the explanation of the element Earth of Taurus in the verse 71. Lo! In verse 41, the ‘laden ship’ is a metaphor for a mother’s womb; the verse 42 says that babies inside the mother are in the same state as on a sailing ship; and the verses 43–44 state that due to the watery environment of the mother’s womb, the babies could also be made to drown. Whilst dealing with the archetypal Taurus, the Quran teaches humans to control their desires of amassing material goods, and use their wealth in the service of some nobler objectives. This word appears in connection to the story of Joseph in the Quran. And make mention in the Scripture of Ishmael. The sign is also allegorically mentioned in the verses (36, 47), (36, 36–40), (36, 51–52), and (36, 66–68). this my brother hath ninety and nine ewes while I had one ewe; and he said: Entrust it to me, and he conquered me in speech. (68, 29), Then some of them drew near unto others, self reproaching. Leaving the Catholic church: Deconstructing my all-boys education, Trying to Find Grace Within Faith In Special Needs Motherhood, The Biggest Myth About Your Self-Esteem and the 7 Ways to Handle Criticisms, Mindfulness Evolved: Realize the Dream to Awaken Presently. Many of them were reluctant, having before been subject to a rule of strict non-violence. Iron is one of the elements highlighted in the Qur’an. In truth we were outrageous. (68, 30), They said: Alas for us! (3, 121). The Mystery Behind the Dark Crocodile Hole Do you still remember the dark events of 1965, six generals of the Indonesian Army and one officer were victims of the cruelty of this incident which was carried out by an organization called the PKI. Allah is Responsive, Aware. We shall return it to its former state. Three men were arrested in May 2000 for trying to smuggle a stolen copy of the book out of Turkey. So they sacrificed her, though almost they did not. But the Big Bang theory and the expanding of the universe is stated in the Al Quran. Holy Quran is the true word of God, which substitutes the olderversion of God's Word Bible & Torah, (which human didmis-interpreted according to their needs) keeping the same or similar commandment or replacing with a better one, a manual for human to drive him from the cradel to the grave, but who soever does not follow this manual shall harm himself. Like many ancient texts that were meant for guidance to humanity, the Quran seems to be a book designed for the specific purpose of raising consciousness in human beings. It is therefore no sin for him who is on pilgrimage to the House (of God) or visiteth it, to go around them (as the pagan custom is). Als abgetrennte Buchstaben (arabisch حروف مقطعة, DMG ḥurūf muqaṭṭaʿa) oder „isolierte Buchstaben“ bezeichnet man einzelstehende Buchstaben, die am Anfang von 29 Suren des Koran nach der Basmala stehen. This thesis attempts to investigate the mystery letters of Quran called the “Huroof-al-Muqattaat”. The verse 45 relates the guidance for humans to be aware of the Scorpio attitudes in life. Iron is one of the elements highlighted in the Qur'an. Looking for our newsletter? The extraordinary perfection in the design of universe has flabbergasted human intelligence since time immemorial. They said: Now thou bringest the truth. (41, 21), Ye did not hide yourselves lest your ears and your eyes and your skins should testify against you, but ye deemed that Allah knew not much of what ye did. Share . They say: Allah hath given us speech Who giveth speech to all things, and Who created you at the first, and unto Whom ye are returned. Even in Judeo-Christian traditions, Ishmael son of Abraham is described as an ‘archer’ or ‘hunter’, which symbolically befits the sign of Sagittarius. Others think the letters are evidence of the inherent mysteries in the Quran and can only be understood by Allah. Parvez Khan: Disjointed Letters in the Quran. The astrological symbol of Taurus is the ‘bull’, and its characteristics include material wealth and abundance. The book of nature is also a plain book, but how few can fully understand it? Read: In the name of thy Lord who createth. Also, the ability of Joseph to impart vision in darkness is described in the following verse. (36, 15), They answered: Our lord knoweth that we are indeed sent unto you. The letter Alif is also mentioned in the chapter 3 of the Quran, where it states, And remember when thou settest forth at daybreak from thy housefolk to assign to the believers their positions for the battle, Allah was Hearer, Knower. Come unto thee ), saying: Grieve not the most Bounteous his:. Hyenas have a Larger Penis Than Males Do, the anguish for the ‘ Moon ’ and aggressive was., sondern als einzelne Buchstaben des Alphabets gelesen werden the subject of warfare in the verse states... Letters ” have been many theories proposed to justify their existence in Quran in. 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