Beth, rimasta indietro per cercare i bambini, si ritrova con Daryl. Depending on Lee's relationship with Kenny, he either commented on not leaving a good friend behind or how he was rescuing Lee despite thinking he was a jerk. If his relationship with Lee was previously strained, he seemed to have decided to let the hostilities rest for the time being. For The Walking Dead: Episode 4 - Around Every Corner on the PlayStation 3, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "WTH Kenny? Clementine can either call out for Kenny or shoot Rebecca herself. A likable, but nevertheless flawed man, Kenny acted as the de-facto leader of Lee Everett's group. Then, retrieving a crowbar, he urges the others to leave, suggesting that they won't want to see what he plans to do. Ascolti USA: telespettatori 12.003.000 – rating 18-49 anni 6,0%, Ascolti USA: telespettatori 11.293.000 – rating 18-49 anni 5,7%, Ascolti USA: telespettatori 12.051.000 – rating 18-49 anni 6,1%, Ascolti USA: telespettatori 15.760.000 – rating 18-49 anni 8,2%, Scritto da: Matthew Negrete e Channing Powell, Ascolti USA: telespettatori 13.339.000 – rating 18-49 anni 6,8%, Scritto da: Nichole Beattie e Seth Hoffman. Tornati all'auto, Michonne annuncia agli altri di volere smettere di cercare il Governatore. Kenny will apologize to Ben if he does so. Fianco a fianco, padre e figlio, riescono ad abbattere tutti i vaganti penetrati nel cortile. Carl confessa al padre di essere stato costretto a usare il fucile per aiutare Michonne e gli rivela che Carol sta insegnando ai bambini come usare le armi. Clementine shoots all of the walkers approaching while Bonnie tries to go over to help Luke but the ice cracks. One of them attacked Duck, but he was rescued by Carley and Glenn who lead them into Lee's family Everett Pharmacy Drugstore. Still hostile toward Lilly, Kenny called for Lee to leave her behind, but she eventually got in the vehicle. Kenny then shouts form up front of train we he sees something and comes to a halt. There, they met Doug, Lilly, and her father, Larry. When both his son and Shawn Greene were attacked, Lee had to make a choice on who to save. Nel frattempo, Glenn si risveglia a bordo del camion militare e, venuto a conoscenza che hanno sorpassato l'autobus, insiste per fermarsi e per tornare verso di esso. Rick, ferito ad una gamba durante lo scontro a fuoco, ritrova Carl, ma i due scoprono l'ovetto insanguinato di Judith, pensando al peggio. Intanto, Daryl e gli altri trovano un'altra macchina e si inoltrano nella facoltà di veterinaria, loro meta. When you finally give Mike the gun Arvo will shoot you in the shoulder. Kenny Wormald - An actor who portrayed Derek in Fear The Walking Dead. 4:30. "Thicker Than Water", retitled Episode 14, is the fourth episode of Telltale Games' The Walking Dead: A New Frontier. Kenny told Lee that he would make an excuse for him while Lee broke the lock and looked inside. The three run into the forest, thought that Clementine is left behind. Next Episode (airs 28 Feb. 2021) Home Sweet Home. Kenny appeared from behind the corner, gun drawn, but Lee told him not too shoot. Kenny refused to believe that Duck was going to die until the very end. He also says that Clementine needs to be on his side for this important decision. Jane arrives but without AJ, which enrages Kenny who's motive was keeping the baby safe. When Lee managed to use Molly's bell-ringing philosophy to distract the walkers, the group headed back to the manor house. Altri interpreti: Danny Vinson (David Chambler), Travis Love (Shumpert), Daniel Thomas May (Allen). Vor allem das Ende von “Gut hier draußen” (4×03) dürfte viele Fans schockiert und durchaus überrascht haben. Rimasto nella casa a riposarsi, Rick si accorge dell'ingresso di un gruppo di banditi e si nasconde. When Christa asked how he felt after Kenny's supposed death, he simply said that Kenny was a good man. Finalmente riuniti, Eugene convince Abraham a raggiungere Terminus prima di riprendere la loro marcia per Washington, così da trovare rifornimenti. Finalmente anche il gruppo di Daryl torna alla prigione e, grazie alle medicine, i malati cominciano a guarire. Kenny requests for your help outside. Following the apocalypse, Kenny and his family met up with Lee Everett and Clementine. Whatever Lee's choice, he escaped with or without Ben. He, along with the rest of the group, agreed that they should hole up in the motor inn until all of the trouble passed over. Daryl, Michonne, Bob e Tyreese partono in macchina alla volta dell'università. If this happened, he instead decided to get the boat to the river and wait for them. Arrivati a destinazione, Rick nasconde una borsa di armi come precauzione all'esterno della recinzione, quindi entra a Terminus dal retro. Rick, in preda ad un raptus per il pericolo che corre il figlio, inizia una colluttazione con Joe, mordendolo a morte alla gola. Mike tries to give some to Arvo but he yells at him to get away. Alla prigione, Rick chiede al Governatore di ripensarci, proponendogli di vivere tutti dentro la prigione. Bonnie will also ask Clementine if Kenny has experience with delivering babies, where Clementine will tell Bonnie that he had a family. They took shifts on breaking it, and Kenny went first. L'uomo elimina i vaganti promettendole di difenderla a tutti i costi. After William Carver and his gang arrive at the lodge and take everyone hostage, Clementine can choose to find Kenny and Luke or surrender. When the group meet the two new members, Lee could relay Kenny's story to them, to gain their trust. Kenny reflected on how suicide was bad, and will reflect on how Katjaa did the same. Kenny's knowledge of mechanical engineering extended to boats due to his love of the water and traveling, tools that would aid him in the years following the ou… Comicstil hin oder her: Technisch wirkt The Walking Dead: Neuland älter als ihm guttut. Alla prigione, Rick comprende che la dedizione di Carol al gruppo l'ha portata a uccidere Karen e David nel tentativo di fermare l'epidemia, e la donna gli conferma la sua ipotesi. The Walking Dead: Season Two. Back at the house, they found that the boat was taken by Vernon and his cancer survivor group. During the conversation Arvo's group surrounds them from the woods and he explains what happened at the Observation Deck. Kenny either admitted that he was a coward since he couldn't kill his own son, and that he couldn't kill another kid. After Lilly killed either Doug or Carley, he once against insisted that she was left behind, and Lee can either agree or disagree with him. Kenny, depressed and in state of half-way shock, started driving the train again, and received a sip of whiskey from Chuck. Kenny hid around the corner with his gun, while Lee snuck up on him. Nel frattempo, Daryl si è unito al gruppo di Joe e viene rapidamente a conoscenza delle semplici regole che governano il gruppo, prime fra tutti il divieto di furto e l'obbligo di dire la verità. Kenny explained that he had lost all hope, and drinking was the only thing that kept him from thinking about Duck and Katjaa. Rick prende un ostaggio, chiedendo dei suoi amici. A likable, but nevertheless flawed man, Kenny acted as the de-facto leader of Lee Everett's group. Lee also realized that Kenny had not told Katjaa the truth about what had happened in the St. John's meat locker. While the group waits for her they spot Arvo approaching them. Kenny is also more composed and calm. If you fed Duck and Clementine, Kenny supported your decision since it is what "a real man does" and offered you a place on the RV when the time came. Lee had a choice to leave her, or to put her out of her misery. If Clementine killed the walker that bit Sarita's forearm: Regardless, Kenny shoots and kills Johnny which causes Carver to kill Walter. Tyreese, intanto, abbraccia una relazione amorosa con Karen, l'unica superstite della strage compiuta dal Governatore. Luke tells the rest of the group that it's his birthday and they celebrate with rum. Another church bell went off, and Kenny drew his gun. Nel pomeriggio la bambina si reca con Mika a sfamare uno zombie intrappolato e dice alla sorella che i vaganti vogliono che lei si trasformi. If you chose to save Shawn, Kenny saved Duck easily but ran off instead of assisting you in saving Shawn. In episode 2 Kenny kills her father after he has a heart attack, t… She explained to them that other people took all the boats, fuel, and batteries when the apocalypse began. When the survivor was about to kill Lee, or be killed by Lee, Clementine showed up and begged them not to. La mattina, nel blocco D si scatena il panico quando ormai diverse persone si sono trasformate in erranti. Enraged and finally loses his temper, Kenny snapped and tried to kill Ben, but was held back by Lee and Vernon. Kenny says to go to wellington, Mike says to Texas, and the others say back to Carver's camp. He along with Lee and … Sign up. Kenny after being shot by Clementine in the chest or head. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The woman speaking to them will give them two bag-fulls of supplies and tells them to check in again in a few months for more space. Troy quickly discovers that his binds have been cut and orders him to come over so that he can bind him once more. Kenny refused to accept any rations until you had fed Duck. Nell'attesa del ritorno del gruppo di Daryl, Rick va in ricognizione con Carol per trovare provviste e medicine per gli altri. Una volta oltre il recinto, insieme ai sopraggiunti Tyreese e Carol, tutti insieme li abbattono, Lizzie compresa. After a time, he holed himself up in an old restaurant, and was found by Sarita. He is a sharp, hard-working person who likes to take action and make things happen, though his short temper and failure to think things through often get the better of him. Walkers arrived, due to Kenny's gunshot, and they ran into a nearby alley. Back at the Motor Inn, Kenny and Lilly got into another fight over whether or not to leave the inn. Clementine can attempt to crack the ice but Luke dies because of the lack of oxygen. La quarta stagione della serie televisiva Fear the Walking Dead, composta da 16 episodi, è stata trasmessa in prima visione negli Stati Uniti d'America dall'emittente AMC dal 15 aprile al 30 settembre 2018.. Kenny starts swinging at Jane and they start fighting.You have to constantly pry them off of each other. La notte, seppellite le due bambine, Carol confessa a Tyreese di aver ucciso Karen e David, spiegando le sue motivazioni. The armory was empty except for a few rounds. The fourth season of The Walking Dead, an American post-apocalyptic horror television series on AMC, premiered on October 13, 2013, and concluded on March 30, 2014, consisting of 16 episodes. Il gruppo abbandona quindi l'auto e si fa strada attraverso i boschi. Kenny noted that his father was a "mean son'a bitch, but he taught [him] respect". Altri interpreti: Marcus Hester (Len), Davi Jay (Tony). When he learns of Luke's plan to escape using the radios, he is initially skeptical and prefers the idea of drawing in the walkers instead but will agree with Clementine if she suggests using elements from both of their plans. Walkers are approaching fast behind them so they have to move quick. Durante il viaggio, i due hanno modo di confrontarsi riguardo alla questione di Karen e David. While he knew the situation of the apocalypse was messed up, Kenny firmly believed that the government and U.S. Military would sort out the mess very shortly. Kenny urged Lee to not shoot her, stating that she's buy them more time to scavenge. The Walking Dead Staffel 9: Rick, Michonne und Judith leben nun ein ruhigeres Leben. Kenny stood firmly in between them, threatening to hurt or kill Larry if he even touched Duck. Immediately after, Clementine crawled through an air vent and freed them, Kenny rushing out to save his family. Il Consiglio si riunisce e decide di mettere in quarantena Karen, la fidanzata di Tyreese, ed un altro ragazzo, David, che iniziano ad averne i sintomi. Shawn told Hershel about your attempts to save him right before his death. Mit einem gewaltigen Midseason Finale der 4. ', announcing his displeasure with the series of curses, thanks for the situation to his rage privilege with Clementine feared of Kenny's outrage. The Walking Dead: The Final Season - Episodio 4, la recensione. Back at the house, Kenny either praised Lee or scolded him, based on if he saved Ben or not. Kenny regrets his actions but ties Arvo up for the night. He and Luke go to investigate, while Clementine shuts down the windmill. Raffreddati gli animi, Rick gli promette di trovare il responsabile dell'accaduto. Rick, tutt'altro che arrendevole, è però furioso e comincia a meditare la sua vendetta. Rudkins. Durante la notte, Philip brucia la foto che lo ritraeva insieme alla moglie e alla figlia, e decide di andarsene. Mentre Rick e Maggie cercano di tenere in piedi le recinzioni per tenere fuori i vaganti, la situazione all'interno precipita: alcuni malati, tra cui il dottor Caleb, muoiono e, risvegliatisi come vaganti, scatenano il panico. Il gruppo di Glenn trova uno dei cartelli di Terminus firmato da Sasha, Bob e Maggie e comincia ad accelerare il passo per raggiungerli. Quindi, a riprova di quanto detto, gli propone di bruciare il capanno che tanto gli ricordava il suo passato. La ragazza spiega che li stava aspettando, ammettendo che l'unico modo per sopravvivere sia quello di restare insieme. Following the choice, Kenny headed off with the group back to the camp. Alle Lieder der Staffel 4 von The Walking Dead in der Übersicht (Tracklist): Staffel 4 – Episode 1: Kein Tag ohne Unglück / 30 Days Without an Accident – Precious Memories von The Stanley Brothers Beschreibung: Am Anfang der Folge zu hören. He then accidentally calls Clementine "Duck" when asked for a can of food, which then deeply saddens him. Philip, però, ben presto nutre dubbi sul fatto che il comando di Martinez possa garantire la sicurezza, e se ne sbarazza, seppure con rimorso, inscenando un incidente. Either Kenny or Lilly would come to Lee's rescue, and afterward, Kenny rushed to the house. Mike and the group try to help Arvo but then Arvo screams "Fuck You" to Kenny. Dopo il confronto di posizioni della giornata, Rick decide di ostracizzare Carol dal gruppo: la donna non è più comunque quella debole e maltrattata dal marito di una volta, ed è convinto che riuscirà a sopravvivere da sola. He, Lee, and Christa then all share a drink. In Italia, la stagione è andata in onda in prima visione satellitare su Fox, canale a pagamento della piattaforma Sky, dal 14 ottobre 2013 al 31 marzo 2014, proposta il giorno seguente la messa in onda originale. Everyone was already infected and true death only came through destroying the brain. Il loro capo, Joe, gli propone di unirsi a loro. Much to the group's surprise however, Kenny regains consciousness and manages to bring himself to his feet, remarking that he'll be fine. Wir wünschen Ihnen zu Hause schon jetzt eine Menge Spaß mit Ihrem The walking dead season 2 kenny or jane!Wenn Sie hier Fragen aller Art besitzen, texten Sie den Verantwortlichen doch gerne! Inside, he discovered a child walker who reminded him of Duck. Sarita will begin to panic at the sight of her bitten arm. Kenny will look at Clementine and tell her she is as stubborn as a damn mule to which she replies "I wonder where I got that from." I quattro entrano nel capannone in cui veniva trasmesso il segnale radio che invitava i sopravvissuti a dirigersi verso Terminus, facendo la conoscenza del leader di quel luogo, Gareth. Search. Ascolti USA: telespettatori 16.111.000 – rating 18-49 anni 8,2%. Kenny aims at Buricko. Molly knocked Kenny over in self-defense, causing his gun to fire. Fortunately the baby coughs and the group is relieved to see him alive, especially Kenny who is brought to tears at the sight of the newborn. Clementine will hug Kenny as they have a tearful goodbye. Michonne cattura due zombie privandoli delle braccia e delle mascelle, in modo da usarli come in passato per nascondersi. Gli erranti, intanto, attirati dal rumore si ammassano ai cancelli della prigione rischiando di abbattere la recinzione, ma Rick con l'aiuto di Daryl sacrifica i maiali per attirarli lontano. It was released on July 22, 2014 for PC/Mac via Steam, PlayStation Network and PlayStation Vita, on July 23rd for Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network Europe, on July 24th for iOS, on October 21, 2014 for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, and on January 21, 2020 for Nintendo Switch. Regardless, Kenny then surrenders, and Carver orders Troy and Bonnie to grab the remaining survivors and bring them back to their settlement. Episode von “Fear the Walking Dead” Staffel 4, doch die hat es in sich. Una figura misteriosa, durante la notte, attira degli erranti davanti alla recinzione della prigione nutrendoli con dei topi. With Rebecca's water broken, Kenny rushes to her side to help deliver the baby. In desperation, he ordered Lee to help search the area, although Lee considered it a hopeless undertaking. The group will split to find supplies and an area to help deliver Rebecca's baby, where Kenny has agreed to help. Intanto Rick, nel tentativo di fuggire dalla finestra, viene sorpreso da uno dei banditi, ma riesce a sopraffarlo, rubargli l'arma e calarsi all'esterno. Maggie, dopo avere portato Glenn sull'autobus, trova Bob e Sasha. Il rapporto tra i due si incrina ben presto poiché Rick considera il figlio solo un bambino, e Carl si sente da questo frustrato, accusandolo di non essere stato in grado di proteggere Judith, Lori, e tutti gli altri. Alla prigione, Rick mette al corrente Daryl su Carol e, nonostante sia arrabbiato per la decisione, acconsente di accompagnarlo da Tyreese per informarlo. 1) The baby, I had to think about the safety of the baby if it was just Clementine and Kenny I would have went with Kenny. 3 years ago | 13 views. Mar 10, 2014 @ 9:10am Luke or Kenny? Altrove, Glenn trova un altro dei cartelli con le indicazioni per raggiungere Terminus. Gareth sostiene che quegli oggetti li avevano presi dai vaganti, ma quando il gruppo non crede alle sue parole, dà l'ordine di aprire il fuoco. Hearing a gunshot, Lee ran into the forest to find Katjaa had committed suicide and Kenny had completely broken down with sorrow beside her. Him and Lee then overheard a transmission to Clementine's walkie-talkie from a mysterious person inside Savannah. Carol la convince a entrare in casa con Tyreese con la promessa di legare Mika cosicché non fugga una volta risvegliatasi e, una volta sola, scoppia in lacrime per la frustrazione. Recuperati i farmaci, Bob rischia la vita quando fa di tutto per recuperare il suo zaino dalle grinfie dei vaganti: si scopre però che vi è dentro soltanto una bottiglia di whisky. Bonnie, Mike and Clementine will help take Rebecca to the observation deck while Kenny will handle the herd of walkers. Considering that there are a grand total of 7 ways that the confrontation can go down, 4 of which Kenny is dead from, I'd chalk Kenny up to being the next Omid, in the event that he appears in Season 3. The second season of The Walking Dead: The Game wraps up this week. He tells them not to kill him because he has food, water, and supplies in a shelter. When Lee returned from scouting Jolene's camp, Kenny was found with Katjaa, Duck, Clementine, and Andy St. John tending to the family's cow. La Soluzione di The Walking Dead - Episode 4 Altro episodio, altri mostri da massacrare! Lee and Mark discussed how Kenny had been getting into arguments with Lilly over the last few months, since they disagreed on how to lead the group. Glenn riesce però a convincerla di aver bisogno del suo aiuto per ritrovare Maggie e i due fuggono insieme. The road stops with cars and debris in the way. For The Walking Dead: Episode 4 - Around Every Corner on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "List Request: Staying on Kenny's side". Initially, they are arguing with the Cabin Survivors once they are spotted, but as soon as Kenny sees Clementine once more, the argument ends and Clementine's group is allowed inside the ski lodge. No matter what, Kenny still wants to leave Lilly behind. Bob, Sasha e Maggie arrivano ad un cartello che indica Terminus. During the standoff Clementine notices that Rebecca has fallen unconscious with her head slumped over. Kenny doesn't believe him but the group says to trust him. The Walking Dead: Komplettlösung - Entscheidungen und Konsequenzen von Episode 2 - Übersicht . Kenny appears in the back of the truck driven by Carver's group with the rest of the captives, immediately demanding to know if Carver, Troy and Bonnie did anything to Clementine. Kenny punches him in the face and starts hitting him. L'ultimo superstite, prima di morire, racconta loro di un posto sicuro dove rifugiarsi raggiungibile seguendo i binari del treno. Cast. Daryl interviene chiedendo a Joe di risparmiarli e di prendere lui al suo posto, ma questi rifiuta e ordina di picchiarlo a morte. He used his last bullet to put a dying Ben out of his misery. Even if it means hurting someone else. 100% Kostenlos Online 3000+ Serien Rick, nel frattempo, torna alla prigione e rivela di Carol a Maggie e al padre di lei. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews The Walking Dead: Season Two > General Discussions > Topic Details. He still was angry at Ben, and protested when he offered to go with them, and Lee either agreed with him or told him that Ben was coming along no matter what, to which Kenny reluctantly agrees. Versuchen Sie es jetzt!. When Katjaa and Lee were attacked by a reanimated Travis or David, Kenny began accusing Ben of not telling the group that the person was bit. Il giorno dopo avverte delle grida poco distanti e decide di andare a controllare, lasciando le bambine sole e raccomandando loro di scappare nella sua direzione se avessero visto degli zombie. Nel gruppo sono presenti i nuovi arrivati Bob Stookey, un ex medico dell'esercito che ha problemi con l'alcool, e Zach, un giovane legato sentimentalmente a Beth. FUUUUUUUCK!!! All 58 songs featured in The Walking Dead Season 4 Soundtrack, listed by episode with scene descriptions. Jane tells Clementine to stay away from the fight that's about to occur. He will either be shocked by Lee's arm, or ask if the bite is paining him. After getting to the windmill, a small boom is heard as a transformer blows, resulting in the power shutting down. We've laughed, loved, and cried in Clem's latest journey, but let's be honest -- … @ 9:10am Luke or Kenny - Carvers death Scene / Brutal Torture Scene oltre il recinto, insieme ai Tyreese. 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Anyone, and not look back before he changes his mind talk about possible locations to go Wellington... Dead 4: Pt 1『Kenny失控了! 』 VS Game a big box of food water! Depending if the bite, Kenny was the only thing that kept him from about... Shuts down the windmill before it draws in walkers porta un piccolo all'interno! Were still alive weak Sarita will be hanging on and the group got off the,! A fight with him about their next move, but revealed that it was not Vernon Sarita... Survivors in, indem Sie diesen Film teilen stupidi quando lo scopriranno... Abraham kenny walking dead season 4 scopriranno che cosa blood. Group escaped to the windmill may not of informed them of his misery 6,3 % to... Is spared trovare provviste e medicine per gli altri di veterinaria e medici... Bite, Kenny snapped and tried to save Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos news Guides the! After getting to the river and wait for them e uccidere tutti mezzo del bosco D si scatena il quando. Praised Lee or scolded him, or alternatively offer to take the gun Arvo shoot! Two developed a relationship alcuni abitanti della prigione mentre dormono tells the group says to Texas, one... Head slumped over radio man, though occasionally appears stubborn, volatile, confrontational and.! And cutting the cables that hold the observation deck in place dem Tod eines,. 'S arms, who offered to trade food for her `` family '' to which Walter allows but! Is his own child dotes over her new son have been cut and orders him get... A member of Vernon 's group, they met Doug, Lilly giunge con il corpo di Ana nessuna! Radio prima di riprendere la loro marcia per Washington, così da trovare rifornimenti telespettatori –... Them off of each other Lee buried him in Kenny does is convinced...