Devil's Smirk | Kageyama Tobio [C O M P L E T E D] Fanfiction by @alyhani Main Cast : Kageyama Tobio x (Reader) Kageyama Tobio from Haikyuu Disclaimer to Haruichi Furudate sensei Penggila bo... What's It To Yah?! Also, dear requester, with my dirty mind, I sincerely hope I took your request the right way, and hope you weren’t completely looking for innocent fluff. “What do you mean ‘interesting’?” Tsukishima shrugs away the question before exiting your class and Yamaguchi gives him a wave, taking his seat next to you. Oh my God. Oikawa: - He overhears your conversation because he heard his name and your voice. The one on your palm seems to satisfy him enough. After he has the nightmare about you leaving him, he wakes up drenched in sweat. His baby and him love to hold eye contact, and it's like the can communicate through it entirely. Kageyama Tobio. His first instinct is to call you. “YNNNN please! He often emits an intimidating aura, which is heightened by the almost permanent scowl on his face. “I understand, let me find a glove for you.” Everyone is now used to the idea that soulmates can have profane thoughts more often than not, so it’s not uncommon for someone to wear a glove on their left hand to hide this. And that’s how, two hours later, you were still looking for those damn keys he set down when he went to help you. “Interesting,” he mutters with a smirk. “An hour of detention or helping out at the game tonight, your call.” The staff member wasn’t cruel or mischievous through any of this. That’s what I like... :). You weren’t sure how it happened. But I hope you guys enjoy these short lil headcanons to make up for my absence! He was hoping you’d notice him … Then you rest your cheek on his stomach and wrap your arms around him like a teddy bear and he’s like “oh.”. Haikyuuuuuuu!!!!! I know you don’t want to leave. What, did you find an Easter egg or something? Search, discover and share your favorite Smirking GIFs. Maybe it’s in the movements of your hips. “You’ll have to present tomorrow.” Rescind the Bingo. Please, please just let me go so we can talk about this!”. The plan felt genius at the time. 60 notes. This is ridiculous.”. Every time your heart thumped, it ached and choked you up. You try not to let your eyes roll back at the feeling. What you had to do now was find someone to help you, like–. When A Guy Hits On You 42.1K 513 38. by zombielover8469. The perfect KageyamaTobio Haikyuu KingOfTheCourt Animated GIF for your conversation. “Come with me.” In what you hoped was a comforting manner, the officer wrapped an arm around your shoulder and led you right in the direction of Sugawara. “God, it’s so early. Not even a headache of frustration was arising. It’s just that, you know, he’s fucking drool-worthy. ━━ KAGEYAMA; please help me hinata bought a pride flag and he said he’s gonna wear it as a cape when we go out ... GIF by kacchadeku. When he hears those words, steam practically blows from his ears. Noya gave you a smirk then cheered after hitting the ball out of the gym. Something’s different tonight. Your body felt covered in germs, sticky with dried sweat and sore with stiff muscles. All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. The thought reminds you of the main reason you were out here with him. “Like what?” I think you’re my soulmate. “I’m really sorry to intrude, but, I mean, I can take him to the nurse’s office so nobody kind of essential has to leave.” You shrug and suddenly realize how half-baked your plan actually was. A/N: bruh it’s been so long since I’ve done fake texts but obviously y’all are liking them so here ya go! Gross. “Fuck.” You rolled onto your side and pulled your knees to your chest, trying to breathe while a dull pain shuddered through your lower half. “Sorry babe, but this is mostly your fault, just sayin.”. A/N: YOOOOO, are y’all proud of me I finished a major assignment early so I could write! Kuroo was sound asleep by your side, his chest and cheek pressed to the mattress while an arm draped over your midsection. The instant you were close enough, Sugawara reached out for you, but the cop batted his hands away. Summary: In a world where soulmate’s thoughts are written on their other half’s hand, your soulmate always has the same thing on his mind every day: volleyball and the occasional dumbass ginger. A coach jogs out onto the court to do the same, and it’s around that time that your gut tries to tell you something. Discover and Share the best GIFs on Tenor. Headcanons), He Returns from an Away Game (Haikyuu!! With a head nod from Takeda, you take the cue and hustle after him, joining him in the silent hallway. He’s laying on the couch so one of them dangles off, and you just kinda slither between and snuggle up to his lap. Maybe he passed out. If you ask him for something romantic, he’s obligated to say “fuck no.”. “YN!” A hand waves in front of your face frantically. “YN, I’m home!”, “Hey Suga, can you come look at something in the bathroom for me?”. He got the point, though. Oh wowww. But instead, you pressed your cheek back into your pillow and watched him pad out of the room, only to stop in the doorway. Now stay here and rest. ‘That Kageyama guy is my soulmate.’ Holy shit. This one was also written at 3 am…and then deleted, so now I’m pissed. Enjoy! Said you always would-”, “Didn’t you? Share the best GIFs now >>> It’s yandere, bc honestly I just need more yandere Haikyuu content in my life. Because this is how you cuddle. With love, this dirty-minded author. “FUCK!” you shouted, running a hand through your hair and slamming the glass door of the console closed. It’s a nervous sprint on your tippy toes, so you wouldn’t be surprised if you resembled a two-legged gazelle prancing along the court. “YN? “OFFICER!” You raced toward him, almost tripping over your feet before sliding to a stop right at his side. No. “I’m sorry, was that too forward?” No. Go! The only audible sounds are you sifting through every drawer within the apartment and you cursing under your breath every time you come up empty. “Wonderful!” Takeda smiles at you gratefully and nods his head, handing you the glove before dismissing you. Now you couldn’t use them, “YN, please stop and think about what you’re doing, darling. Now that I’ve met you, I guess it’s kind of admirable that you think about volleyball so much.” His hand squeezes yours at the words and your chest grows tight with joy. “Sorry, he’s always thinking stuff like that.” The faculty advisor nods slowly, but pulls the glove just out of reach as you go for it. Every new thought he had drew itself in his own sloppy writing on your left hand. Share to Twitter. “YN?” The door knob rattled, but didn’t move. you was looking at him with sarcastic smirk, when his hand was gripping your hair. You can only giggle when he spreads his legs wide instantly, relaxing a hand behind his head while the other rests on his chest. In fact, he seemed almost happy, like a father who had just bought his child a puppy for Christmas. kageyama tobio isn’t sure why his chest tightens up at the sight of you. How’d I catch this? It’s Takeda! His pupils are dilated, so you wait. The game is won by a landslide, and he offers to walk you home, a chance at which you jump furiously. “Suga, stop it!”, “Daichi, please, just help me! There’s not really much he can do. “GOD, I HATE YOU SO MUCH!”. Behind the TV, under the couch– hell, you even had half a mind to search inside the oven. One Shots by Glasses-Sama with 10,655 reads. “You played amazing tonight.” You smile up at him and he hesitantly returns the gesture. So is the bed!”. You flinch at the sight of Kageyama taking a hefty spike to his pretty mug. At least you could get your presentation over with quickly, but that wasn’t what really gave you anxiety. Of course, they were in it together. “What does it say?” With a huff, you run a finger over the words. So it turns out you weren’t doing very well at your mandatory volunteering job. “Please help me! “I think you’re pretty hot yourself.” He licks his lips and you follow the action dutifully. . In a lapse of your own judgement, you foolishly said he was wrong. The best GIFs are on GIPHY. It was everything about him that set your skin crawling. He sounded so calm. I won’t let it happen again!’, ‘Hinata, that idiot. The perfect KageyamaTobio Anime Haikyuu Animated GIF for your conversation. Wonderful. As you do so, he takes in a quick breath and avoids your gaze, keeping his eyes locked on the screen with maximum effort. Kageyama Tobio Kageyama Smirk GIF SD GIF HD GIF MP4. It covers the entire spanse of skin too, written sideways and reaching all the way up to your wrist.