I'm also known as Jordanian Sniper, Lejhind, Jhin Marston, and other Jhin-related names you might've seen in montages. I imagine most of you will take it in 1-5% of your games. Look towards all-in burst kills at level 6. 4️⃣ #leagueoflegends #Jhin. If you get kills, cool; you get items faster. Read our Jhin build and cheat sheet. Thanks to Heimer1 aka Tyler1. Then back off and let them 4v4. I suppose I should give a little insight. Skip navigation. Just a cowboy frog on a journey to reach ADC enlightenment. - !NordVPN. Recorded 01-05-2021. Lethality Yi / Silver 1 52LP / 6W 9L Win Ratio 40% / A rating system that measures a users performance within a game by combining stats related to role, laning phase, kills / deaths / damage / … Stay healthy so when you get a chance to engage and all-in you'll come out on top. You can take Doran's ring and spam your Q, It is very important that you make sure you get, Once you get level 6, you can setup kills easily by spamming your Q, Do not allow her to get control of the lane through shoving. As always, once he gets his ultimate you have to be careful and pay attention to your HP bar as it can be easy to die to his ultimate if you're not paying attention. 14:04. You have two choices here. You want to be able to play aggressive, but if you get too low you'll be unable to do exactly that. skoot skoot taco 202... 12 24 seconds. If she has an engage support then she can press R, He does not have much to worry about. Take short trades only. So you should be able to lifesteal enough to counter-act the burst damage and live. Don't let the plants stay alive for too long as they'll give the enemy lane control and priority. It pairs well with, When you need lifesteal, magic resist, and a way to get yourself out of CC. Focus on farming and denying him a kill lead. Bully him in the early levels. When one of the best Jhins in NA meets the best Zed in NA ft. LL ... Tyler1 wanted adc so I carried him with Mid Jhin. We had 2 toxic duo players and then 2 solo Q players. :D. It will be mandatory. Eternals. Updating the trap sections with Visual images of the map where you'll see exactly where to put traps and which kind of traps. Example: If a 10-0 Zed gets engaged/stunned and he’s next to you then walk within range focus him instead of the Leona that was on top of you. I'm "I Keep It Taco", a Master Tier Jhin player (Currently fell to D1 after being gutted but, Jhin buffed so hopefully not four long). He gains massive range and can cast his Curtain Call up to 4 times with a 1-second cooldown between casts. Esports profile for League of Legends player Ayman "I Keep It Taco" -: $600.00 USD in prize money won from 1 tournament. Spend your gold! 37,466 05:48:36. Because of how, It provides 20 armor and reduces auto attacks by 12%. It's more of an even match-up and anyone can come out on top. Look at the map a lot when you're just farming as it will give you information to pay attention to where the threats are and then you can mirror them in order to keep out of their way and stay safe. 9 30 seconds. It’s very satisfying to shred their armor all the way to 0 and just delete everyone. Tell your team to do baron! They ended up just tilting each other and flaming each other more over-time until they all wanted to throw the towel and give up. I Keep It Taco. He can still mess you up if you end up reloading in combat so make sure you engage when he's at enough health to burst down. It is valuable as a tool to make plays, chase down, kite away, escape, ruin a gank, etc.... You should be taking heal as it'll be great for 2v2s, movement speed for clutch plays or escaping, as well as being able to save allies. U.GG analyzes millions of LoL matches to give you the best LoL champion build. I also stream whenever I can. MF goes full lethality, jhin goes part lethality, twitch goes no Lethality Twitch duskblade solidifies a snowball lead though. Ayman "I Keep It Taco" - - League of Legends Player. I made a guide shortly after the buffs using all the knowledge I had on current Jhin. Don't impulsively use your ultimate. The game is 25 minutes. Patch 11.1 If they get caught by a fully charged. Taco’s Jhin, The Kat Life from Katlife, and Forgotten Champs from Phy. I Keep It Taco. I Keep It Taco. Overchasing more often than not leads to an unnecessary death and in return your teammates may die 1 by 1 after you. If you keep track of her W, If you end up fighting a 2v2 make sure to engage onto, When the mid-late game comes, be extremely careful and play around your W, Play aggressive in the laning phase to punish, Take short trades with her at first and try not to let her proc her W. In-general trade as often as you can as you will come out on top because you have far higher base damages than she does. 17 5 seconds. Which is a shoved lane! Bingo Card Generator Bingo Cards Help Login/Sign Up. This will be a rare match-up, but it happens from time to time. NO BANS PLS. ... NEW YEAR SAME JHIN. Just keep trying to get gold and don't push yourself too hard. Teamcomp wise people usually don't pull off the. But, as he gets windwall and items you will need to respect him. Testing new builds if we get Jhin. She excels at healing and poking, but has bad engage and peel until level 6. When, Be mindful of his pull at all times. Q does not need to get the last hit. Keep a good distance from the enemy, but also don't get too close to your own teammates. I Keep It Taco Favorites Ladder Rank 131,873 (47.7% of top) Update Last updated: 2020-12-20 14:48:35. New Build. 32 24 seconds. Only all-in when she gets low. 20 11 seconds. Play it slow and look towards bursting her down the second she gets cc'd. Best lulu world. In our League of Legends builds you will see the most popular and universal variation of any build. Flanks! When you feel you need lifesteal and want to increase your survivability. When she walks up to farm threaten her by auto attacking her and kiting towards her. haha teemo goes BRRR... 10 34 seconds. ... 14 31 seconds. oh yeah and I'm a grand master Jhin so that's cool I guess. Many times this can result in you getting engaged on as a team and wombo combo'd. If they can't do anything to you then walk within auto range and smack them up. The goal of the Hybrid build is to provide the laning power of Lethality while giving you the security of Crit for the mid to late game. You will find brief information with tips and tips on how to play Jhin. Play Online. NEW YEAR SAME JHIN. Turquoise. The real takeaway here is that it synergizes really well with, This is an EXTREMELY rare item. Play the lane slow and pick your fights wisely. Q. Cooldown: 7 / 6.5 / 6 / 5.5 / 5 seconds ∙ Cost: 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60 mana ∙ Range: 550. Jhin's 4th round will critically strike and is unstoppable. This will be summarized instead of giving a long explanation. You'll want to play aggressively, but also smartly and slow. Whether it's you or, The way around that issue is that instead of focusing the ADC all the time. Log In. Unlike an Ardent-buffed Twitch or Kog'Maw, Jhin needs an aggressive support to all-in. I Keep It Taco - Jhin Discord Leaderboard. Here is a post about Jhin champion from League of Legends. Jhin build guides on MOBAFire. Feel free to buy an early stopwatch beforehand so you're able to make a play with it. Rank Person Total Tacos; 1 @Tumor 1267 2 @lillitmay 1075 3 @The Pogatory 912 4 @Jon 670 5 @Soraka Salesman 650 6 @lisa/issey 615 7 @Gysal 580 8 @Marlon 507 9 @I Keep It Taco 462 10 @Taobaka 436 11 @LeRekt 409 12 @Merloin 370 13 @Calin 343 14 @Lucky幸せ 322 15 @Alexx. Call List. Emerald. However, if he has 3 turrets saved up then you should wait for him to use one or two then destroy them before jumping onto, Her kit is rather simple so your approach will be simple. Once she applies poison to you then she can spam her, Go in and out with short trades. Settings. Taliyah is an immobile mage with high burst potential. Riot Games made it easy for us to calculate Lethality – simply by hovering over the item, it will tell you how much Lethality you currently have on your champion. Post-Nerf Aphelios is still decent... Sneaky. 333K views. Keep an eye out on the vision you have and pay attention to them prior to the fight. When approaching a fight be sure to look ahead for enemies that could be rooted. Always try to use auto attacks if you can and pick better times for the ultimate. Then you can upgrade it to a, This item shares the same lifeline passive as, It gives +15 movement speed over the other choices and reduces the effectiveness of slows by 25%. Play next by default: 13:52. Peaked at GM 400 LP. In teamfights people usually group up and while it might not get increased damage, it's still a nice potential AoE spell to poke them a little. 78,132 08:42:54. Penguin didn’t confirm whether this mechanic will see a comeback, but at least Jhin mains can be at ease knowing that Riot has acknowledged the issue. Clone. If they instantly stun a rengar or lucian or anyone then make sure you're ready to follow up as quickly as possible. An Even Closer Look at Lethality – How Does LoL Lethality Work? 14 28 seconds. It should be common knowledge, but a lot of people don't know you can, Trading patterns: Take short trades and poke with your Q, Because of her immobility, it is incredibly easy to force an all-in onto her. Focus them quickly in order to make it a 5v4. Long story short, in League of Legends, Lethality is all about armor penetration. 1 minute unofficial penta roam. If you want to attack the enemy Jinx and you have tahm kench and talon in front of Jinx then you have to leave her alone and focus on these two instead! Intro I'm "I Keep It Taco", resident Jhin League Streamer/Youtuber but my Reddit handle is different, thus the mentioning of my name in my title. Whether their abilities are on cooldown or not will affect how you focus. 1.8M views. 347K views. You’ll have to do the opposite here where instead of you being close to Taliyah for her. You don't want to take short trades with her or poke with your Q, As always, try to give yourself some room to be able to dodge her snare. It also gives you 65% tenacity for the next 3 seconds. With Lethality builds, if you do not get the intial snowballing, you can't really fource fights with people, because the Auto Attack damage from Lethality is a fair amount lower than Crit, not to mention Lethality, when not ahead, won't really make your abilities that dangerous. I used to have this problem myself where I would use my ultimate because it was convenient, but I would've done 2-3 times more time I had walked to the enemy and auto attacked a couple times with Crits. ... 13 28 seconds. When on cooldown play a bit back and wait for them to come back up. Play around your cooldowns. You're double range and if a snare lands then all of the snares do. Mage matchups are pretty simple thankfully. The dragon is spawning in 1 minute. Non è possibile visualizzare una descrizione perché il sito non lo consente. You can actually beat engage champions with this combo because of the amount of damage in it. Be careful of the fog of war because if you're standing on a war then, You're going to want to bounce CC off each other. Please consider supporting us by whitelisting us in your ad blocker! We track the millions of LoL games played every day to gather champion stats, matchups, builds & summoner rankings, as well as champion stats, popularity, … The Story Of League of Legends 'Perfect' Champion | Complete History of Jhin ft. @I Keep It Taco - Whether you're playing Solo or Co-op with friends, League of Legends is a highly competitive, fast paced action-strategy game designed for those who crave a hard fought victory. Playing overly safe leads to lowered and less favorable DPS. BEST JHIN,#1 Jhin NA,I KEEP IT TACO JHIN,IKEEPITTACO,Jhin gameplay,Jhin,BEST JHIN EUW,rank 1 jhin,best jhin na,jhin,Challenger Jhin,Challenger Jhin gameplay,ADC Challenger Jhin,High elo Jhin,Challenger Jhin Highlight,Jhin hard carry,Lethality Jhin,Hard carry Jhin,New Meta Jhin,new Jhin build,Mid Jhin,Jhin mid,New Crit Jhin build,1000 AD Jhin,Season 10 Jhin,Season 10 builds,adc jhin… There are comebacks and throws, but you want to take complete control of those results which is best done by understanding how to play the laning phase and taking advantage of it. its legit terrible absolutlely no way an extra bit of dmg proc (its only a little cuz ur not gonna out level enemy solo lanes and jg) … 9 30 seconds. The Tyler1 Experience. You have 3 teammates grouped and the enemy is doing dragon while Herald is up. +6 Armor. The laning phase is one of the most important parts of the game. Sometimes, it's going to hit you no matter what OR you want to run straight into them and need to remove the CC to kill them fast. Fixed Armor Penetration = lethality x (0.6 + 0.4 x level / 18) = 21 x (0.6 + 0.4 x 10/18) = 21 x (0.6 + 0.4 x 0, 55) = 21 x (0.6 + 0.22) = 21 x 0.82 = 17.2. 10:45. The drawback of having a Taliyah support is that she is very squishy and easy to engage on. This, however, means you can engage and all-in her easily if she steps out of line and gets caught. BEST JHIN,#1 Jhin NA,I KEEP IT TACO JHIN You've killed 3 of the enemy team. I've dedicated myself to only playing Jhin and one of the very few remaining Jhin mains in high elo. Look to catch her out with, Make sure you don't give her what she wants. After the laning phase is over, all you're really doing is farming, taking objectives, or teamfighting. Ranked Solo. Stopwatch ! So, just relax and farm a few levels. Her range is 525 while you're at 550. This Jhin build is why Riot wants to nerf Cloak of Agility. Classic Jhin. I'm "I Keep It Taco", resident Jhin League Streamer/Youtuber but my Reddit handle is different, thus the mentioning of my name in my title. History Players Tournaments Teams Leagues Games Tips Forums Search. You must be logged in or register before you cancast your vote. I became well-known around the league community because of my Jhin guides and it's been 2 years+ since my last one. Unranked S2020 Total ; Ranked Solo ; Ranked Flex 5v5 ; Jhin CS 180.0 (6.4) 2.65:1 KDA. Browse. If important fed champions are nearby and caught out then go focus them instead. Well, like some of the other counters. She is a squishy champion with no real way to stop you from smacking her up. clean jhin vs samira ft. galeforce. t1 gumayusi plays adc samira vs jhin - kr challenger patch 10.23. t1 gumayusi plays adc samira vs jhin - kr challenger patch 11.1. t1 gumayusi plays adc vayne vs samira - kr challenger patch 11.1. gumayusi plays adc samira vs kai'sa - kr challenger patch 10.25. Share. If They were near the topside then be on the botside of the fight. XD. A rating system that measures a users performance within a game by combining stats related to role, laning phase, kills / deaths / damage / … Choose your fights wisely and play around your combos with each other. Hopefully, I’ve opened your eyes to the concept of Converted True Damage and join the Church of Lethality Jhin :D #leagueoflegends #Jhin. Look to pick off weakened targets as they run … Shove back with your Q, Avoid long trades and skirmishes at all costs. You have a fed ADC and a fed mid laner. On Saturday, I posted a video to my Youtube channel that featured an 18 second clip of Nightblue threatening to get me banned, and he filed a false copyright claim on my YouTube channel to have my video taken down. Preview. 13:42. It removes all disables except Suppression or Knockups. 86. It is 5v2 and it's only the enemy adc and support. Jhin build with the highest winrate runes and items in every role. Subscribe | - Shared May 31, 2020. 3:07. You can all-in her at full health only if you have enough damage from your support or super ahead as. Otherwise though, it's awful. She has the weakest laning phase of any ADC. Jhin mains. Try not to trade early as she will have an extra potion over you and the only thing she wants to do is trade and heal all lane. Her Q, Take short trades against her. Secure level 2 then slow push (this means only last hit the minions, do not use Q, As always, when you have support with great engage you want to hold your W, Play behind minions and use them as your shields. Catseye. Tell your teammates to take mid tower if it's below 30% HP or go to Herald and take it to take the tower later if the tower is currently at 70% HP. 1350 / N/A . What 5000 HOURS of JHIN Experience Looks Like - Keep It Taco Montage MAKE SURE TO LEAVE A "LIKE" IF YOU ENJOYED THE VIDEO! 1 Champion Spotlight 2 Recommended Items 3 Tips 4 Playstyle 4.1 Ability Usage 5 Runes 6 Items 7 Synergies & Counterpicks 8 References Playing As Jhin Deadly Flourish has incredible range. Don't be afraid to get close and auto attack! “Hey taco, thanks for the report. So four example, you would build. Look to poke with Q, Because she's immobile it's fairly easy to catch her out with your W, After 6 you have to be careful how low you get as her ult. Her ultimate. I Keep It Taco / / Lv. Would you like to add a comment to your vote? You must find a good balance. Death timers are 35 seconds. Jhin is in a good spot right now and he's being played more as well because of it. Today; This Week ; This Month; All Time; 342 26 seconds. i keep it bom senso. INNATE - DEATH IN 4 ACTS: Jhin 's basic attacks consume ammunition, requiring him to reload after attacking 4 times, which takes 2.5 seconds. The positive, however, is that she has a really good setup and burst damage to compliment Jhin’s win condition and aggression. Name: Ayman - Date of Birth: United States. Please login or register. Pre-Season Gaming. Look out for lost tunnelers. 4️⃣https://www.twitch.tv/ikeepittacoJoin Our Discord!https://discord.gg/ikeepittacoFollow Me on Twitter!https://twitter.com/ikeepittacoEdited by: https://twitter.com/TsuniEditing----------------------------------------------------------------------Art by: Riot Games----------------------------------------------------------------------️Song List️Bleach OST - Get SmartBleach OST - La Distancia Para Un DueloBleach OST - Clavar La EspadaBleach OST - Principio de Lucha----------------------------------------------------------------------It's not every day I get to go lethality Jhin. It was the first. Mow down the mid laner and make a great escape Might want to lower voume on this one. Browse. However, be careful with her snare combo as she will use this to catch you and engage with her support most of the time. You want to pay attention to their cooldowns and if the people around you are a threat or not. Expect the update within the next day or two. The Story Of League of Legends 'Perfect' Champion | Complete History of Jhin ft. @I Keep It Taco - Whether you're playing Solo or Co-op with friends, League of Legends is a highly competitive, fast paced action-strategy game designed for those who crave a hard fought victory. Make sure to walk close to, He can jump onto minions that might be on top of you and that will reliably allow him to cast his Q, Be aware that he can no longer charge taunt then, In-general, it's going to feel like a 1v2 so play to farm and wait for the enemy botlane to missposition and make mistakes. Sections with Visual images of the most and avoid being poked one is trying to get into their,! Using your Social Media of LoL matches to give you the best chance to on..., get boots early or upgraded boots too as it will still have increased damage, and. Get the last hit for them to come back up u.gg analyzes of. Has very low damage in the game fed mid laner and make a play with caution around level 6,. 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