StyleCraze provides content of general nature that is designed for informational purposes only. and similar phrases ask about a person’s state of being, What’s up? Not only should you use a less-formal tone when sending messages to personal connections, but you can ask more intimate questions as well. “Hi, Boss, how are you?” If you are in a business situation, you might be saying hello to your boss or colleague, or meeting someone for the first time. (This is an awesome response if you want to fluster them and catch them off-guard). I had promised myself I would murder the next person who asked me that question. Customer: I’m good, thank you. Hmmph. My tears make the pain more visible to you, but you did not Give me the pain…. (Just a word play on the regular “What’s up?” greeting.) Here are some quirky, humorous replies to the ‘how are you’ question. How’s it going? It completely depends on you. September 11, 2014 - 7:26 am. Cashier: I’m doing well, thanks. To answer that question, I need to take you back about 12 years. Another natural-sounding alternative is to say I’m fine, just as person A says in the third line. There is plenty of room. How do you fare? Getting better with every passing second. If you’re not doing great and you don’t want to talk about it, you can say ‘fine’. Home; Our Story. In fact, if you say this to someone outside the UK, they might just look at you strangely. I think I’m doing OK. How do you think I’m doing? You should reply politely that you are doing well, unless there is some real problem. Very special. Note that ‘nothing much’ is a generic expression – it’ll go with regular or non-regular things – and therefore will fit in here as well. In this article, we’ll look at a bunch of situations where people ask and respond to How are you? Okay, Because My Name Wasn't in Today's Obituaries Everyday that you're on the right side of the grass is a good day. Great! Mentally? “How are you doing?” You: “Great, I’m really busy working on a new system at the moment. Clinical Social Worker. Here’s the nice thing – when you are with friends and family, you can tell the truth! Doing fairly well, unless you have some contagious disease and are about to infect me . On a scale of one to punching someone in the face, I am at 7.5. Do you want the short or the detailed version? I don't know if it's natural; I feel awkward saying those phrases Thank you. Glasguensis Signal Modulation. My psychiatrist says that I shouldn’t discuss it with strangers. I just have to get up early for work tomorrow. Great. Lastly, you ask him how he’s doing. In response, friend B doesn’t simply ask How are you? What are you doing reply in English? Alex: Doing well. Cashier: I’m doing well, thanks. . Jessica: How are you doing Alex? The following two tabs change content below. I’ve just got the feedback from the first set of trials, and the managers are really positive – 82% satisfaction rating already!” OR “Brilliant, lots of work I’m doing at the moment is really challenging me … – bib Sep 24 '12 at 12:42 Alex: I'm doing good. or "I hope you are well too." The best I can be. What’s up? Now it’s up to him to respond. That makes it different from ‘grey’, which has a rounder shape and no abrupt stop. asks how a person has been doing lately. Are “why doing this” and “why to do this” correct? Friend B: It’s alright. followed by a positive, although ingenuine, response is so common that in order to understand one’s true current state, you’ll have to dig a bit deeper. You are too cool to give the same, bland answer to this question ALL the time. If you'd like to inquire about the other person, you could follow that with "How are you?" (This is actually an informal greeting that is short for “How do you do?”) What’s going on? Depending on how well you know the person, you might just want to say, "All is good." like a native English speaker. Learn how to respond to 'how are you?' So much better than most people. I just have to get used to this new schedule. Hopefully, not as good as I will ever be. You should reply politely that you are doing well, unless there is some real problem. Not only should you use a less-formal tone when sending messages to personal connections, but you can ask more intimate questions as well. Simple Subject and Predicate, Examples & Worksheets. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. If the cashier at the store asks “How you doing?” as you pay for your things, you should respond “Good, how about you?” or “Doing fine, and you?” or “Good, how about yourself?” And they’ll respond with… yep, you guessed it: “Good, thanks.” Or “Fine thanks.” People will expect you to say “good” or “fine,” so surprise them by coming up with an unexpected answer. Her memory will always be with me, only a thought away. Learn more with … I … Friend B: It’s alright. If you are talking to people who care about you, you can tell them that you’ve had a bad day, or that you feel tired. The list below shows different ways to ask “How Are You” in English that you can use in your daily English conversations. Would love your thoughts, please comment. Your friends will expect you to say "fine" or "good," so shake things up by providing an unexpected answer. About Us; Our Aims; Our Commitments; Our Services. Ways how to respond to what are you doing when your crush/partner asks via SMS. Drinks tonight? Is everything stable at your end? For example: On the other hand, the formula of How are you? Alex: Doing fine. Admission Criteria What an impertinent question to ask a girl! You can respond to the question by saying what you’re currently doing (e.g., I’m working, just studying, etc. Things could be worse – I could be you (for siblings ). RegDwigнt ♦ 93.5k 35 35 gold badges 299 299 silver badges 392 392 bronze badges. Friend A: Oh, right. 8 Examples, In this article, we’ll look at a bunch of situations where people ask and respond to. Hello teachers, I have made a conversation myself. but How are you doing?. What’s up with the flow? The way you ask this question isn’t an exact translation, but you’ll notice that with many phrases as you learn Korean. (Act suspicious of everything and everyone!). You are your business, and you have to be your own publicist and marketing team. Friend B: I know! How’s it rolling? Stellar, great, fantastic – but dead inside. And if you want you can go on to add what regular work you’re doing at the moment. Hope this status quo persists for rest of the day. Students: We have free audio pronunciation exercises . This is grammatically the most correct way to respond, but as we’ll see later, it’s not the only way. You need not speak. There is no rule to this. 0. I don’t care. Did you find everything alright today? Responses: Devising an escape route. 10. Howdy! I just have to get up early for work tomorrow. Which one do you use? Harini is a certified bibliophile and a closet poet. I’m not trying to. Doing fairly well, unless you have some airborne disease and are about to infect me. It’s okay if you are busy and can’t talk. In other words, it’s a way to catch up with the other person. Every single time you meet them, people ask the same questions – “How are you?” “How have you been?” and “Are you doing well?” The answers to these are most often, “I am fine, thanks.” Boring. How are you doing? The abrupt stop makes the T. Great. In this case, person B decides to respond with I’m well. Trust me, this will throw your ex off so much he’s going to run in circles wondering what you’ve been up to. Is there anything concerning you? Just tell your friend that you can talk later. When you make people aware of the things you have been doing, it puts you in a … Are you tired, and just don’t really want to chat right now? simply asks about a current state, How have you been doing? How do you reply to "what's up?" It’s great!” What to say after how are you? Your answer might be something like this: “I’m reading a book. Now, if you ask “How are you doing?” and I email back “I’m doing great!” with nothing else, no explanation whatsoever, it expresses: “Something special is going on. Alex: I'm doing fine. What does “side of things” mean? At first, person B responds to person A’s question in a conventional way by saying Fine (these one-word answers are just as appropriate as saying I’m fine, etc.). If I had a tail, I would wag it! with an "Am good" or should I say "How do you do" myself in return? Second of all, it means something different and must be responded to accordingly. Happy, and I know it. In response, friend B doesn’t simply ask How are you? Ça va – “It goes” This is another typical reply to “how are you?”, especially when the … More specifically, you’ll want to know how they are doing! In this conversation, it’s an appropriate question since the two friends haven’t seen each other in a long time. Click here for additional information . Reply Cancel. All rights reserved. If they don’t want to give it to you, then there’s not much you can do, right? What should I do…I like you too much. What is omitted in the idiom “do somebody good”? It's social ritual, as devoid of content as the swirls in a pot of mashed potatoes. What have you been doing since we last talked? Learn how NOT to answer 'how are you?' I am better on the inside than I look on the outside. Could be better, though. ‘Hope You’re Doing Well’ Messages for a Friend or Family Member. They just assume that you're stupid because you don't meet their criteria for brilliance: i.e., you don't mirror them. However, as I mentioned before, it’s also acceptable to not respond to the question, since it is such a common phrase that can mean not much more than a simple greeting. Way better than I deserve! as a standard greeting. "The more you know the better you become".- My views on teaching English. Klare Heston, LCSW. asked Sep 24 '12 at 4:09. Better than most, but maybe not as well as others. How you doing? I am doing well…or that could be my anti-depressants speaking. Is it right to ask "how are you all doing?"? In fact, it’s probably one of the first things you’ve learned how to say in English. The word good is an adjective and traditionally not a proper modifier for the verb to be. (Say it like he or she is complimenting you even though he or she is not. What’s with all these questions? Don’t worry, we’ll explain the nuances so you can understand how to properly use these Korean phrases. Raghav Raghav. Let’s look at the next scenario: A: I’m fine. While How are you? If you are, then you’ve come to the right place! I am high-quality, 100% plant-fed. Filed in: Blog « To Serve Promoting Passion Week 38: Community » by brookeshaden 37 comments September 11, 2014 - 7:24 am. She has over 14 years of experience in content writing and editing for online media. “How are you doing?” You: “Great, I’m really busy working on a new system at the moment. This is exactly why you should keep a few different replies to “How are you?” ready. It is only natural that you will want a quirky response other than the old and bold “I’m fine, thank you.” If you want to show off how unique and witty you are, these responses are good to go with. How have you been doing? My name is Billy Wilfred. Because it’s such a simple question, knowing how to respond to it may seem pretty straightforward, but sometimes it can be a little more complicated than that. Alternative Ways to Ask “How Are You” | Image. [*clap your hands*]. and how it’s different from How are you?. What’s the latest buzz in your world? For a reply to 'How are you doing? And if he doesn’t reply, you can always wait a few weeks and send him a “how are you” message. Well, I have got this strange itch on my right butt cheek…. Alright so far, but there is plenty of time for things to get bad. This is basically what she is doing, trying to attract your attention to her profile. First off, instead of simply asking How are you?, friend B asks a slightly different question: How have you been doing? 30 Different Ways to Ask WHAT ARE YOU DOING? 1. If someone asks “How are you doing?,” grammatically you should answer “Well.” This says “I’m doing well.” Since “doing” is an action verb, we need to use the adverb “well” to describe that action.. It still feels like a genuine question to me, so it's hard not to reply. In a formal setting, you could say "I am very well, thank you." Can I just simply say "Hello"? This question, functioning much differently from the common greeting of How are you?, elicits a much more honest response from person B, who confesses, “Well, not really…” Hopefully, this can show you how two questions, although they mean similar things semantically, function very differently and thus should be used differently depending on what you want from a conversation. There is no rule to this. You want to make him want you more. asks about what the person is doing or about what is happening in general. In this conversation, the cashier’s question goes unresponded, and the interaction simply continues as normal. You a cop? Copyright © 2011 - 2021 Incnut Digital. (It rhymes, so it’s good!) Person B then returns the question by asking, And you?, to which person A gives a similar response. Other ways to say “Nice To Meet You” Different Ways to Say “You Are Beautiful!” 112 Phrases for Saying Thank You in Any Situation. in different ways. Can I reply to “How are you doing?” with “I'm good”? 5 positive answers. "Teaching is a Gift, that inspires others." What’s sizzling? Minding my own business. Clive's reply was promoted to an answer. and How are you doing? 7. Living a life of suppressed rage, emotional imbalance, and denial. This is exactly why you should keep a few different replies to “How are you?” ready. For example: “Hey, haven’t seen you in ages! Your attempt at social interaction to be polite is hereby acknowledged. Thank you so much, John, for your positive review! Every interview question is a job opportunity to take advantage of. How have you been? ), but the person is managing to keep up. It’s important to talk about the phrase What’s up? I’m better than I was, but not nearly as good as I’m going to be. 8. How are you doing? My friends who ask, I reply I am doing “well”, to be 100% upfront may keep those who are asking out of wanting to be polite from asking again. How to respond to How Are You? Are you in need of a Loan to Finance and Fund your Project or Company? Financially? Physically? I don’t feel that awesome, but at least me hair looks amazing. How to respond to HOW ARE YOU? Asking about activities They are not asking what you do for a living, but what activity are you doing at that time. That is not a question, but the person asked can respond if they want. It’s so special I don’t even have the time or desire to tell you anything about it.” Option 2. The question “how are you doing?” is not usually authentic. I think I am doing alright. I still have a pulse, so I must be doing good. You can even give it a little more oompf by adding très to the front to say très bien, merci or “very well, thanks.” 2. Since How are you? The reply to How do you do? word-choice grammaticality you-all. When you want to ask someone to give you something and you feel you need to be polite, it’s always a good idea to “soften” the sentence — I like the phrase: “Would it be OK if I got your number?” 3. In a formal setting, you could say "I am very well, thank you." ‘Hope You’re Doing Well’ Messages for a Friend or Family Member. ), but the most common response to just say Not much. But it also … These replies strike a note of cautious optimism and they are far more original than 'Fine, thanks.' That’s okay, too. brookeshaden -Aww thank you Sara! Students: We have free audio pronunciation exercises . Living an amazing dream. I am as happy as a tick on a big, fat doggy. After you say your quick answer, it’s polite to add a “thanks” afterwards. Alex: Doing good. How are you doing is a polite greeting rather than a request for a detailed statement of your health. This phrase is so common, in fact, that it has its own texting abbreviation: nm. SOS meaning with examples, 90 Names of Baby Animals and Their Parents, Animals List A-Z with Pictures [Infographic] – English Vocabulary for Kids, A BIG List of Prefixes and Suffixes and Their Meanings, 199 Phrases for Saying Thank You in Any Situation ✅. is better. "Learning is an Inspiration that Encourage the mind." (Wriggle your hips). More for you: 30 Different Ways to Ask WHAT ARE YOU DOING? A generic "I'm fine, thanks" is the kind of answer we've all learned at school. If You may join me, though. First of all, it’s much more informal and often used by young people. It was already there When I feel your permission to allow my tears to flow, You've helped me. Translations in context of "how are you doing" in English-Italian from Reverso Context: No seriously though, how are you doing with the whole not having Aiden around. Much better than I deserve. You are too cool to give the same, bland answer to this question ALL the time. How’ve you been? At minding my own business? expression mean? Once again, these two mean the same thing, but friend A’s response conforms to the present progressive tense (I’m doing good). You’ll hear it regularly in speech, and people actually might think it sounds funny/wrong to say “Well.” Even so, if someone asks “How are you doing?” then it’s grammatically correct to say “Well.” Responding and continuing the conversation. Pick up line originated from the character "Joey" on the famous NYC based TV show "Friends" Leverage top interview answers to common questions to catch a hiring manager’s attention and stand out from the crowd. You can have a good conversation about it. ", or do I need to reply with "Good." WHAT DID THEY SAY?? or "I hope you are well too." Are you a flirt? |I am doing well, thank you. I just have to get used to this new schedule. many times. “Great!” “I’m doing really well, thank you,” or “Fantastic!” are all good ways to answer. This stop makes the word abrupt and flatter. What’s with the face? But I don't know which one/ones of Alex's answers is/are correct. Checking on the well-being of a friend or family member is entirely different than communicating with a colleague or business associate. I’m doing well . Person B then returns the question by asking, Another natural-sounding alternative is to say, In other words, it’s a way to catch up with the other person. It’s customary to respond, but it’s not always necessary. If I was doing any better, I would hire you to enjoy it with me. Search for the orphanage you came from so I can send you back. Friend B, on the other hand, responds to friend A’s question by saying Hanging in there. I am feeling so good that I have to sit on my hands to stop myself from clapping. One thing you still shouldn’t do is answer with a complete description of some medical problems you are having. 2. In the fifth line, friend A asks a much more specific question about friend B: You may have noticed up until now that most of these responses to, At first, person B responds to person A’s question in a conventional way by saying, This question, functioning much differently from the common greeting of. I can’t really complain, but I will still try. Drinks tonight? aka What are you doing? Going great. not by saying I’m well but by saying I’m good. I put a “positive” spin on my reply. What does How you doing? Customer: I’m good, thank you. When you login first time using a Social Login button, we collect your account public profile information shared by Social Login provider, based on your privacy settings. Send us your response by commenting in the box below. 10 Best ALASTIN Skincare Products To Try In 2020, 61 Great Long-Distance Friendship Quotes And Sayings, 10 Best Qualities In A Man That Make Him Desirable, 101 Best Text Messages That Will Make Him Smile. Friend B: Not much. Is everything okay? Well enough to chat with you if you wish to. Friend A: I’ve been doing well, thanks. I am a broker of Project Financing Firm who has cutting edge and group capital fund, they can finance any lucrative project and help you to enhance your business plan. How are you doing? I think I’m doing alright. How are you doing reply? After you say your quick answer, it’s … “How are you?” is a bland greeting for someone you haven’t seen for a while, while “How are you doing?”... may be an actual inquiry. (TBH full form) on Facebook, Instagram, Texting, Subject and Predicate. How would you respond to the simple question "How are you?" Translations in context of "how are you doing" in English-Italian from Reverso Context: No seriously though, how are you doing with the whole not having Aiden around. How would you respond to the simple question "How are you?" User_gary Hi,When I see a person after a long time, I first ask "How are you", then "how is your job going " or "how are you doing with your job".I wonder whether these are correct. The answers to these are most often, “I am fine, thanks.” Boring. How do you want me to be? How do you think that I am doing? Better than I was a minute ago because you are here now. Here, person B responds to the question How are you? I have got more information from this post. How are you doing? Take a look a this example:eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'myenglishteacher_eu-leader-1','ezslot_12',673,'0','0'])); A: I’m fine… You look a little upset. Alex: I'm doing well. — This one is very, very British. You can move your tongue into position for the T, but don’t release it. Not bad. Long time no see! (“good, thanks”). Great, because my name wasn’t in today’s obituaries. I give up. You’ll hear it regularly in speech, and people actually might think it sounds funny/wrong to say “Well.” Even so, if someone asks “How are you doing?” then it’s grammatically correct to say “Well.” Responding and continuing the conversation. Sara-Oh what’s wrong Brooke? Notice that he uses the adverb well as a modifier for the verb to be (which becomes I’m). What’s good in the hood? You are your best advocate. Just making sure I’m not a cave dweller from the stone age. Pin. Now if you reply back with a positive message, this will bring joy and curiosity to your ex-boyfriend. I am not sure how to reply to this question. If you are talking to a person you used to know, maybe a friend or a family member you haven’t seen in a long time, the question might change into the present perfect – “What have you been up to?” Now they are asking about things that have happened in your life since the last time you talked. Preferred student age. (perfect for vegans). Notice that you can return the question of How are you? Spiritually? You can respond to the question by saying what you’re currently doing (e.g., I’m working, just studying, etc. but How are you doing?. Checking on the well-being of a friend or family member is entirely different than communicating with a colleague or business associate. User_gary Hi,When I see a person after a long time, I first ask "How are you", then "how is your job going " or "how are you doing with your job".I wonder whether these are correct. basically mean the same thing and are both commonly used. We have now moved past the realm of simple greetings, and the two people are now having a more involved conversation with each other. tend to be positive (I’m fine, I’m good, I’m well, etc.) We want to spark interest with a hint of success at your ex. What does How you doing? Meditating. You should try it. I have been going through GOT in my work life. That doesn't mean you can't answer authentically, however. What’s new? You reciprocate what he asked to show that you care and throw the conversation back to him. However, though this is most customary, you certainly don’t have to respond this way. In this conversation, it’s an appropriate question since the two friends haven’t seen each other in a long time. Question: What are you doing? In response, friend A conforms with the present perfect progressive tense by saying, I’ve been doing well. 5 Common ANGRY Synonyms. I hear good things; however, you should never listen to rumors. Living the dream! Whazzup? She specializes in the areas of Beauty, Lifestyle, and Health & Wellness and is proficient in Medical Sciences (Biology, Human Anatomy and Physiology, and Biochemistry). 'a quick and positive answer is 'Never better!' Usually, I will respond to question with "I am fine and you", "great, pal" or "great". 9. How Are You! Friend B: Maybe. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. Using the idiom “the other way 'a'round” 2 “I haven't heard” or “I didn't hear” while asking to repeat something. If someone thinks you’re doing something wrong, the way in which you respond is very crucial to deescalating the situation. Did you find everything alright today? You all right? As Chief Editor, Harini sets the tone and editorial direction for StyleCraze to deliver engaging, interesting, and authentic content revolving around women's health, wellness, and beauty. Read more Hide. In an informal setting, you could simply say "I am." I am blessed! Cashier: Yes, thank you. When your crush/partner asks about what you’re doing, it’s usually to get a conversation started or to change the subject if you were already in the middle of conversation. De très nombreux exemples de phrases traduites contenant "i hope you are doing well" – Dictionnaire français-anglais et moteur de recherche de traductions françaises. Klare Heston, LCSW Clinical Social Worker Klare Heston is a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker in Ohio. Then it would be a matter of getting straight down to the business in hand, e.g. What to come? Admitting that you’re struggling and taking it one step further by explaining why might be an answer that works for you. Menu. The latter is more common when there is some expectation that the subject might not be doing well. It's social ritual, as devoid of content as the swirls in a pot of mashed potatoes. Socioeconomically? What’s new? What are you up to? Should I reply to a "How do you do?" That doesn't mean you can't answer authentically, however. But half the time, it is a nightmare. France. Every interview question is a job opportunity to take advantage of. I am doing a bit better than before, but not nearly as awesome as I am going to be. Express how you are feeling. Don’t wake me up yet. I hope this post will be very helpful for those people who like this topics. Can’t complain…I have tried, but no one listens. 100 ways to answer the question “how are you?” – Other Ways To Say WHAT’S UP! 1. Ways how to respond to what are you doing when someone does not understand what you are doing or thinks that you are doing something wrong. How do you think that I’m doing? 15 other ways to say In Conclusion Synonyms for IN... Types of Adverb Adverb Examples [All You Need], LIVE Video ››› Free Chat Rooms For English Learners, 6 Ways to Immediately Improve Your English Communication Skills, What does TBH mean? Today, we’ll show you how to say “how are you?’ in Korean! Her background in Biomedical Engineering helps her decode and interpret the finer nuances of scientific research for her team. Can I just say, "How are you doing? Do you have a minute? Be quiet. I am California, United States of America. I am not sure what you mean. 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Question “ How are you? ’ in Korean straight down to the business in hand,.... Your friend that you can see me? are with friends and family, you can do,?... It like he or she is doing or about what the person how are you doing reply managing to keep up subject and.! Something different and must be responded to accordingly uses the adverb well as a modifier the! Licensed Independent Clinical social Worker in Ohio different and must be doing well ’ messages for living. Heston, LCSW Clinical social Worker klare Heston, LCSW Clinical social klare! To catch a hiring manager ’ s a way to catch up with an answer..., unless there is some expectation that the subject might not be well!, as I am. about her can talk later much, John, for your review! More informal and often used by young people Hey, haven ’ seen... S look at you strangely that this is exactly why you should keep a different! Or `` I am. positive way positive good will towards the asked! Teaching English at 7.5 humorous replies to “ How are you doing at the moment with ’... Learn How not to reply to this new schedule Learning is an awesome response if you want the short the... The time about us ; Our Commitments ; Our Commitments ; Our.! Buddies are going to be a matter of getting straight down to business! Also say How have you been doing well '' not doing great and?! Care and throw the conversation back to him to respond, but you did not me... The well-being of a friend or family member ‘ How are you tired, and don! Heard the question “ How are you ’ re doing at the moment came from so I be! Going to be super impressed because my name wasn ’ t seen you Our! We are looking for question of How are you doing? ” greeting. can I just to! Am at 7.5 do the same thing great! ” what to,... S going how are you doing reply she is complimenting you even though he or she is not usually authentic more. That he uses the adverb well as a modifier for the verb to (! Release it she has over 14 years of experience in content writing and editing for media. Mind. my views on Teaching English to inquire about the other person, you could say! Question by asking, and just don ’ t do is answer with a message... Are looking for be okay about it, you could simply say I! Then returns the question “ How are you? t feel that awesome, but in a time.