It was during this time the peaceful and tender country grew increasingly catatonic and paranoid, swinging between immense fits of rage and bitter crying; unable to accept the reality of it all. She was also more scarred and bruised, despite being a country capable of healing in a day, and had lost weight. Despite this, she’s described as having the aura of an elegant princess. North Vietnam is very confused, as is Thailand, who saw and wanted to sneak up on her but is now intrigued. Vietnam smiles at this sight and begins to cry. She always has a small first aid kit in her jacket and some small weapons like a dagger.In her Demon form, Vietnam now has wings, tail and h… He had met with North Vietnam during WW2, but did not actually get to see South Vietnam until the first Indochina War. She eventually just started ignoring him in favor of pursuing her own goals. Initially berating her deceased sister for being a moron, and pleasantly getting lost in nostalgia with the stories South Vietnam wrote, she stumbles on the pages where she moved away - finally reading what South experienced by herself, alongside America. South's outlook on the world had also changed, rendering her peaceful disposition to become more hostile. Taiwan also invites Vietnam to a meeting about anime in Comic Birz episode 17, in which the members talk about "the feeling you have when you have a favorite anime and the voice actors get firmly associated with the characters in your head, and then there is the slightest change and you suddenly get this strange hazy feeling that something isn't right". This article is about the character representing the northern portion of Italy. North also enjoyed getting showered with affection by South immensely (though she would often hide it), and would be vehemently against South offering the same treatment to other countries. South Vietnam /// I'm da South & I know it /// OC Hetalia. #aph vietnam #hetalia vietnam #aph korea #hetalia korea #aph south korea #hetalia south korea #aph asia #aph asians #hetalia asia #hetalia asians #aph #hetalia #aesthetic #moodboard #aph aesthetic #hetalia aesthetic #hetalia moodboard #aph moodboard. Vietnam makes an official debut in 2011 with her first appearance in the manga. See more ideas about hetalia, vietnam, anime. China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Macau or Thailand? Both North and South ignore him, and agree to just put Le on the throne. (Ex: California has the highest GDP of the states by far, but is also currently one of the top-10-most-in-debt) Thus, GDP doesn't define a state's vitality. She has some arrows nearly hit her, and she screams in shock. Her human name is Nguyễn Thiên Hương. 4.4K likes. America is pleasantly surprised as South Vietnam gives him a pleased thumbs up, and America calls up his boss to order more slinkies. Though, she can't help but feel like she's being watched from afar. With a reassuring angel expression, South Vietnam tells him it'll all be okay; pulling out a tube of superglue. According to him, the last he saw her, it seemed South Vietnam was still quietly processing the awful truth that she was signing away her last hope of survival. Communications between South Vietnam and Cambodia became scarce after that. The USA did not want this and help South Vietnam while Russia did not fight directly but still supplied North Vietnam with gun, tank and etc. As Vietnam asks Thailand how to smile, she notices that he wore a funny shirt, which then caused her to smile as she asked where he got it. Nguyễn Thiên Hương (グエン・ティエン・フォン, Guen Tien Huon). In the volume four strip Ilha Formosa ~Beautiful Island~, Vietnam claims that she is not photogenic. 7 notes. Italy, unable to handle the sudden jump scare runs away, with Germany and Japan giving chase. South Vietnam, feeling betrayed and falling into the depths of bitterness and depression, knew that North would not stop until she completely took over. Prussia and Romano are confirmed to be one of the few countries who can actually see and interact with the ghost of South Vietnam. North speaks for both the sisters at first in that they want to be unified, and South Vietnam agrees under the condition that they don't listen to China and Russia. She is sometimes referred to as Nam-Ha (ナムハ) reflecting her older sister 's Bac-Ha. Okay, I know that this character can be sort of controversial. Australia panics, asking them where the bandages and morphine are - South Vietnam says they run out, but America's superglue idea has worked out just fine; they can remove and replace the superglue when they get back to base. Still, she did aid him in the fight against Burma, something he greatly appreciated but she really saw nothing to. 1.2K likes. Even so, South’s face of anger is also noted to be incredibly terrifying, and that it's easy to tell when she's angry because even her neutral expression is horrifying. He was unable to handle the grief and humiliation of failing to save South Vietnam, and questioned whether or not he was actually a hero capable of protecting the people dear to him. Her former mentor and closest friend, America and South Vietnam had a powerful, tragic, and bittersweet relationship which resonated with the rest of the world, even after her death. "Cộng sản." Italy, Germany and Japan watch all of this unfold around the corner, and are taken aback by the bizarre situation; Italy wonders if the story between those two is worth a scoop in of itself, saying that tragic romance always sells - Germany hits him despite Japan agreeing with the sentiment, suggesting they interview South's twin sister for her thoughts. Thailand leaves the house in silence, and though he makes some ways, he stops and stands on a bridge over a river. Vietnam has something of a panic attack as she experiences flashes of her childhood with South Vietnam; the happy times and South's rescue from France; how South Vietnam died in her arms as she wailed, how in her grief she tried to get rid of any trace of her sister, and America stopping her, the two countries coldly attempting to keep things civil. Her back against the wall, Champa confusedly and quickly asks Vietnam, who is getting closer what she means, what she's doing, and what she's planning to do with that weapon. Notice: In this version, we are using Deviantart user "meocherry's" depiction of 2P!Vietnam. Just please don't kill me... or write me hate comments... or anything. America says he doesn't! The Republic of Vietnam (ベトナム共和国, Betonamu Kyoowakoku), or South Vietnam (南ベトナム, Minami Betonamu) is a somewhat posthumous character for the series Hetalia: Axis Powers. The joint ruling ended when France stepped in. 2 X HETALIA AXIS POWERS ITALY GERMANY AND JAPAN FILE FOLDER . The two had a good relationship however, until she was stolen away by North Vietnam. aph north vietnam aph south vietnam aph central vietnam aph vietnam hetalia aph ocs kayleens art. ... Anime & Manga Love & Friendship Japan China Taiwan Vietnam ... (Asia Family) - [If you ask the mirror nicely, maybe it'll show you who you're meant to be with South Korea promised to keep South Vietnam safe, but like USA, he caused her more grief than reassurance. France asks him who he's meant to be looking after, and America can only list South Vietnam. Hetalia Axis Powers America USA Travel Guide Book Anime Comic Manga F/S w/Track# $40.65. As South Vietnam and the rest continue their trek, America wonders if he should start opening an underground market for stolen AK-47's. He also took the role of being her mentor, training alongside together. I found it on Google. Another was quite similar, but her hair was chopped messily to chin-length and had two Hoa Mai flowers placed between both her ears. 10 years ago | 436 views. The aftereffects of the effort to help was awful on his home as it was key to the downfall of his boss at the time. Out of the two, South tended to be heavily favored by other countries for her agreeable nature, something North would often get annoyed with South for. For South Vietnam's sake, USA brought the world together in their fight against North Vietnam; a move which benefited both of them and brought the two into world spotlight - though, South had her apprehensions about the USA doing that. An authors note says that "yes, duct tape was used in the Vietnam war to fix helicopters". South Vietnam spends time with France and realizes that he's actually okay as a teacher, and with his help it's possible that she could win against North Vietnam. However, North Vietnam always sends them flying. She backs away on all fours in fear however, when she sees a quite terrifying looking Vietnam laughing softly about how she's ready to be with her again. Even as the war escalated and grew increasingly violent by the day, the two found comfort in each other. Below is the list of AUs for our fandomly that we have come up with. #hetalia #aph vietnam #aph south vietnam #introduction #drawn #hetamon au #ask blog. North Vietnam casually says that an assassination just happened, which freaks the younger sister out; she rushes through a series of questions as she wipes away the blood from her sisters face. 115 notes . Browse through and read or take hetalia south korea stories, quizzes, and other creations . He truly wanted to make her happy being with him, since he knew that she missed her sister, and often surprised her with gifts. Though Thailand and Vietnam came to the Halloween 2011 party in the same group, their main interaction has been in the Christmas 2011 event, in which a fan requested that Vietnam smile. At the same time, North would always rush to her sister’s rescue, due to how frequently other countries bothered South. A hero protects and cares for people equally. And you edited it to make it seem like your own. Hetalia: Cold War (ヘタリア:冷戦, Hetaria: Reisen) is a Japanese comic, later adapted as a manga and an anime series, by Hidekazu Himaruya (日丸屋秀和, Himaruya Hidekazu). In spite of how she was spoiled by France over her sister, disliked anything that was too expensive to afford. I do not own Hetalia nor the pictures. South Vietnam still exists, but only as a ghost living in Vietnam's house. In a full page, Vietnam is on the ground, having dropped South Vietnam's diary. ; Kimono Fan Service: In the Halloween event 2013, she wears a short kimono which was made by Taiwan. I ship it even though Vietnam didn't appear in the anime and I haven't read Hetalia manga. And you edited it to make it seem like your own. Anime/Manga Hetalia - Axis Powers. Jan 28, 2015 - Hetalia (ヘタリア) - The Asian countries - China, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, & Hong Kong Though, South often found herself needing to rely on others to get by - a trait she despises. That is one of my reasons. At the Many Flags Campaign meeting, America introduces the main 6 countries who are to support her throughout the war; Australia, New Zealand, Philippines, South Korea, Thailand, and himself. Vietnam is described as "headstrong" due to the number of strong women in Vietnamese history. An authors note is written below this omake, saying that despite agreeing to share power, both sides hoped to gain more influence than the other. I shivered whenever I hear that term, in Vietnamese or English. She continued to fight two years after everyone had left, out of desperation, and survival instinct kicking in. They were described as having completed each other; the peaceful but dependent South, and the fearsome but lonely North. After some silence, South Vietnam tells Thailand she's worried about the blossoms in her orchard. Vietnam. During the Trinh-Nguyen war, Cambodia planned to aid South Vietnam in the bid to place her boss on the throne and unify Vietnam after she helped him with Thailand once again. Goodbye to White Ribbons and South Vietnam "There is no doubt that the Capitalist class will blast and burn this world before it leaves the stage of history. She reads the escalating sadness, isolation and bitterness nearing the final entry. Korea has short black hair, with a flyaway curl on the right side of his head. The North Vietnam attacked South Vietnam to get control of it and make that communist as well. In short, she wasn't afraid to beat sense into people who wouldn't listen to her. A drawing/omake is included where North Vietnam is seen peacefully sleeping on South Vietnam's lap who is stroking her head and singing a vietnamese lullaby. Therefore, fans speculate that Vietnam had a brother/sister that was the South until their potential death in 1975 after the annexation of Saigon. South Vietnam and Taiwan had only met once or twice, though Taiwan was one of South Vietnam's first supporters. From shop japancharacotors. England says it's just impressive that someone like South Vietnam is able to strike at America's heart and psyche so quickly and efficiently. She scolds him like a stern older sister which shuts him up pretty quickly, and he apologizes. Payment . Still, they tried to keep in contact with her, but to no avail due to North Vietnam's influence slowly forcing South Vietnam to forget her existence as Champa. As a nation working underneath the Nguyen, South worked with China for anti-pirate activity, and their friendship was rekindled - though he despaired over how South was gradually forgetting her existence as the kingdom of Champa. He regrets that he couldn't help her like he was able to help South Korea, and now she has to deal with a communist government she doesn't want. She also defended them from Thailand, albeit to have them for herself. In a nod to Fatal Frame, Japan spots her through his camera lens and takes a picture. Her original design was a young woman wearing an orange ao dai with long front bangs and a short back. She was aware of her own beauty, and after coming home from France often fretted about her looks. In short, America and South Vietnam's deep attachment to each other became their downfall. 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