BASICS; DETAILS; Designed to give the angler preferring spinning rods, incredible power, accuracy and fish-fighting control. Available in 5 different models—all with premium cork handle, Fuji® reel seat and K-frame guides. Next. Multi-taper technology allows blanks to be optimally designed to fish specific techniques. Proprietary E6X carbon fiber blanks up to 5% lighter with improved strength! Limited Stock. Tognini Pesca conferma quindi il regolare svolgimento delle attivita' su tutto il territorio nazionale. Per fruirne il cliente dovrà conservare scontrino fiscale o fattura che gli sarà consegnato insieme al materiale acquistato.Il prodotto è assistito da garanzia a norma di legge. While it's designed for casting jigs and worms, but if you're looking for just one rod to do a lot of different things, you can fish a … New E6X rod by Loomis €189,99 €145,99. GLX JIG & WORM SPINNING. Click "I agree" or any link to accept these cookies. The specific tapers that enhance the action of each technique is due strategic scrim placements on the E6X Jig & Worm Spin Rod. Visit The Fishin' Hole today or give us a call! G. Loomis E6X spinning rods are simply amazing. Incredible sensitivity. Fantastic-The Best of the Best. The enhanced G. Loomis® E6X Jig & Worm Casting Rod uses IMX-PRO technology to make rods 15% lighter with added strength. Extensive range of power-ratings for fishing virtually any size soft plastics baits and jig/trailer combinations. G.Loomis E6X Jig and Worm rods €199,99 €183,99. E6X JIG & WORM. Per la spedizione Economy Smart a €.2.90 i termini di consegna sono mediamente 4/7 giorni lavorativi. Testez . Buy G Loomis E6X Jig & Worm Spinning Rod at Sportsmans Warehouse online and in-store has everything for your outdoor sports adventure needs. If you are fishing deep water in heavy cover for big bass, this rod you want. The specific tapers that enhance the action of each technique is due strategic scrim placements on the E6X Jig & Worm Baitcaster. Fishing, rods … These rods retail below $200 making them affordable to most people. G.Loomis E6X SJR … They were a big step up in sensitivity from my dobyns fury rods. Value to the bass fishing market. Join our email list for the best deals! Bonjour, Identifiez-vous. Line Weight Action Power Type Rod Weight (oz.) Within the G.Loomis' E6X offering are key technique specific rods - including Jig & Worm, Flip/Punch, swimbait, crankbait and spinnerbait models - as well as universal 'Mag Bass' actions - that all serious bass anglers have relied on for successful days on the water. Telefono: (+39) 0585.242857 MID WEST EASTERN TURKEYS - … When you set the hook with this rod you move an incredible mount of line. Learn More About the Club . I still can't find one locally. G. Loomis E6X 853S JWR Jig & Worm Canne à pêche | 12691-01: Sports et Loisirs. E6X graphite blank. The do it all, medium-heavy casting rod designed to fish medium-sized soft plastics, soft-plastic jerkbaits, 1/4 to 1/2-ounce jigs and even big topwaters. Le migliori offerte per G. Loomis E6X JIG & VERMI Casting Rod 852C JWR e 6 x 852 cjwr 7' 1 Media sono su eBay Confronta prezzi e caratteristiche di prodotti nuovi e usati Molti articoli con consegna gratis! Click "I agree" or any link to accept these cookies. These rods are nothing like we've ever made before! my next rod will be one of the E6X jig and worm rods for bottom baits. Save up to 10% every day. E6X allows us to make it light and sensitive. E6X JIG & WORM CASTING Feature fast tapers for accuracy, control and power for more … E6X graphite allows us to maintain strength GLX JIG & WORM SPINNING . It will handle big jigs and big worms in areas where you need to move fish away from trouble in a hurry. Proprietary IMX-PRO technology yields blanks up to 15% lighter with improved strength! St. Croix Premier Spinning Rods 4.1 out of 5 stars 12. Qualora doveste trovare allinterno del vostro pacco merce rovinata, vi invitiamo ad inviare entro 24 ore dalla ricezione del pacco une-mail al nostro indirizzo, con allegata documentazione fotografica relativa alla merce danneggiata. G. Loomis E6X Swimbait Bass Fishing Rod 5.0 out of 5 stars 3. 10/17/2012 8:25:55 PM 5 out of 5 stars. 2012-10-17T20:26:56. I want to hold one before purchasing! When the water is clear, the fish are spooky and you need to back off to be successful, this is the right rod! 5 out of 5 star rating (1 reviews) Buyer's Club $208.99 Non-Member $219.99. Split-grip handle configuration allows you to create perfect balance and swing-weight! These rods are lightweight with plenty of power. 5' 6" 1. LIGHTER WEIGHT AND BETTER BALANCE G.Loomis continues its tradition of providing both best performance and best value to the bass fishing market. Excellent in deep-water applications where the extra length helps you move a lot of line with a swing of the rod tip. E6X graphite allows us to maintain strength with less material to reduce overall weight and improve balance. G. Loomis E6X 853S JWR Jig & Worm Spinning Rod | 12691-01 Specifications: Pieces: 1 | Length: 7' 1" | Line: 8 - 14 | Lure: 3/16 - 5/8 | Power: Med-Heavy | Action: Ex-Fast | MPN: 12691-01. A great alternative for fishing 4-5” hollow belly swimbaits. The new G Loomis E6x rods were introduced in 2015 and took the market by storm. To learn more about how we use cookies, read our privacy policy. ADD TO CART . Currently unavailable. In contrassegno, pagamento alla consegna al corriere. Blending hi-tech materials with innovative design, the G. Loomis IMX Pro Jig and Worm Casting Rods have achieved the impossible by creating a lighter version of the already airy IMX Series. To learn more about how we use cookies, read our privacy policy. The G. Loomis E6X Jig & Worm Casting Rod features fast tapers for accuract, control and power for more positive hooksets with less effort. IMX-PRO blanks are optimally designed to fish specific techniques thanks to proprietary multi-taper technology! Più leggere fino al 5% rispetto alla precedente serie E6X. $269.99. A light yet powerful 7'1” jig and worm rod designed for fishing smaller baits and lighter line in deep, clear lakes where the fish are a little more finnicky. 3:13. The extra length (7'1”) increases tip-speed, which in turn, extends your casting range, helps you recover line quicker and is a big help with hooksets. Multiple power-ratings for fishing virtually any size soft plastic baits and jig/trailer combinations on spinning gear. G. Loomis E6X Jig & Worm Spinning Bass Fishing Rod 4.8 out of 5 stars 10. G Loomis E6X Rods | ClearH2O Tackle ... 6:14. Especially effective for shallow water fishing when a finesse approach is required. E6X graphite allows us to maintain strength with less material to reduce overall weight and improve balance. THIS WEBSITE USES COOKIES TO IMPROVE YOUR USER EXPERIENCE. View more: G.LOOMIS products. They were a big step up in sensitivity from my dobyns fury rods. $129.99 - $160.00. Extra Heavy. 54037 Marina di Massa [MS] Tognini Pesca conferma il regolare svolgimento delle attivita' su tutto il territorio nazionale. THIS WEBSITE USES COOKIES TO IMPROVE YOUR USER EXPERIENCE. Una punta sottile, con un butt-section potente per ferrate positive e la massima sensibilità. The G. Loomis E6X 803C JWR Jig & Worm Casting Rod is probably one of our best all-around bass rods, this 3-power beauty is extremely versatile. The G. Loomis E6X Jig & Worm Spinning Rod features fast tapers for accuract, control and power for more positive hooksets with less effort. Probably one of our best all-around bass rods, this 3-power beauty is extremely versatile. Because of the lighter tip and the magnum butt-section it makes a great buzz bait rod. 5/16 - 5/8. Tune in next week for Part 2 of 3 of the New GLX Rods. Email:, © 2021 Tognini Pesca Via Montegrappa, 71 54037 Marina di Massa [MS] ITALY P.Iva 00517150454 Email: Add to Cart. This rod broke 8" down from top on first use on a 7# bass at Lake Comedero. Number: E6X 803S JWR. ROTAPESCA G.Loomis E6X Jig & Worm Spinning [E6X JIG & WORM] - Canne con azione di punta per maggiore precisione. At 7'5” that extra length creates a longer-wider rod sweep that not only increases the tip-speed for longer casts, but it also moves a lot of line when you set the hook and that is a big advantage when you're trying to keep those big bass out of the deep junk. La merce non deve essere rotta o deteriorata, in ogni caso non deve dare segni di usura causati dall'utilizzo, l'eventuale imballo (scatola/confezione/busta ecc.) G. Loomis® continues its tradition of providing both best performance and best value to the bass fishing market with its newly-designed E6X® spinning rod. The extra length (7'5”) provides an incredible combination of tip-speed and magnum power in the lower half of the rod... a huge advantage when trying to keep fish out of trouble. Features. Blank: E6X graphite. Non devono essere trascorsi più di 5 giorni dalla data di ricevimento della merce. Tognini Caccia e Pesca ti offre la comodità di poter richiedere con la massima semplicità il ritiro del tuo prodotto, a domicilio o presso un indirizzo concordato, da parte del corriere che avrà il compito di riconsegnarlo. Extra Fast. G Loomis E6X Jig and Worm Spinning Fishing Rod . THIS WEBSITE USES COOKIES TO IMPROVE YOUR USER EXPERIENCE. Mfg. Line (lb) Azione Mod. Sicuri Reso Facile Sped. 528 pts: € 176,00 € 196,00 - 10,20%: Descrizione Garanzia Pag. G. Loomis EX6 Jig & Worm Spinning Rods come in 6 ft. 8 inch and 7 ft. 1 inch lengths in 4 different models. La Loomis produce da sempre grandi classici quali, Nrx, Nrx Inshore, Glx, GL2, E6X, E6X Inshore, Live Bait, Pro Blue, Pro Green, Trout Series, Imx, Mossyback, Musky series, suddivise nelle sigle jwr, sjr, sr, jkr, swr, dsr. These rods feature extensive range of power-ratings for fishing virtually any size soft plastic baits and jig/trailer combinations. IMX-PRO blanks are optimally designed to fish specific techniques thanks to proprietary multi-taper technology! 1 G-LOOMIS E6X JIG & WORM Multiple power-ratings for fishing virtually any size soft plastic baits and jig/trailer combinations on spinning gear. G.Loomis E6X JWR Spinning rods. They feature split-grip cork handles with Fuji Titanium SIC stripper guides, with the ultra-lite, ultra strong RECOIL guides the rest of the way. Tackle Warehouse 8,502 views. G.Loomis E6X SBR casting rods . Extensive range of power-ratings for fishing virtually any size soft plastics baits and jig/trailer combinations. Mfg. Reviewed by: BradN (Portland, Oregon) G. Loomis Jig & Worm. bait casting and 822S SYR ShakyHead spinning rods. Compte et listes Identifiez-vous Compte et listes Retours et Commandes. Se non sei pienamente soddisfatto del tuo acquisto, hai 5 giorni di tempo per richiedere il reso del prodotto , e restituirlo tramite Reso Facile, il servizio che Tognini Caccia e Pesca offre ai suoi clienti online. At 6'8” it's a great rod for fishing in close quarters. G. Loomis E6X Crankbait Bass Fishing Rod 5.0 out of 5 stars 4. Value to the bass fishing market. ... 5,0 su 5 stelle 2. The G. Loomis E6X 803C JWR Jig & Worm Casting Rod is probably one of our best all-around bass rods, this 3-power beauty is extremely versatile. They feature split-grip cork handles with Fuji Titanium SIC stripper guides, with the ultra … Modello Articolo Lunghezza (ft) Casting (oz) n. sez. Indirizzo:Via Montegrappa, 71 G.Loomis E6X JWR Spinning rods . L'8 marzo 2020 e' entrato in vigore un nuovo decreto ministeriale che allarga il perimetro delle aree soggette a misure di contenimento. NRX Jig & Worm casting rods are designed specifically for fishing jigs and soft plastics. Designed to give the angler preferring spinning rods, incredible power, accuracy and fish-fighting control. Nuove canne da spinning monopezzo G.Loomis E6X Jig and worm, novità 2016, montate con anelli e portamulinello Fuji, nate per il bass fishing, possono essere utilizzate anche per altri scopi in acqua dolce e salata. A great all-around deep-water bass rod! The enhanced G. Loomis® E6X Jig & Worm Spinning Rod uses IMX-PRO technology to make rods 15% lighter with added strength. SPEDIZIONE GRATUITA su ordini idonei Selezione delle preferenze ... SHIMANO G-Loomis E6X 803S JWR JIG And Worm Spinning. New E6X rod by Loomis 2019 €179,99. At 6' 8"" this a really nice open-water smallmouth rod for 1/4 - 3/8 ounce jigs. Man maybe my mojo rod is just the model. Punta sottile, massima sensibilità. Anelli Fuji e impugnature e porta mulinello con inserto in sughero a metà corpo, per una confortevole esperienza di pesca. G-LOOMIS E6X JIG & WORM CASTING 854C . Fitst use of G Loomis Jig''N Worm Casting Rod. Prime Panier. They are insanely light, unbelievably sensitive and stronger than you can imagine! An extremely good medium-heavy jig & worm rod for areas where longer casts and positive hooksets are paramount for success. Split-grip handle configuration allows to create perfect balance and swing-weight! E6X JIG & WORM SPINNING. bait casting and 822S SYR ShakyHead spinning rods. Big Savings. SHIMANO G-Loomis E6X 803S JWR JIG And Worm Spinning 5,0 su 5 stelle 3. E6X makes it light and sensitive - something you've come to expect from G.Loomis. G. Loomis E6X Mag Bass Bass Fishing Rod 3.9 out of 5 stars 5. Overall Customer Rating: G. Loomis Jig & Worm Rods 4.82 out of 5 (28 Reviews) Manufacturer: G. Loomis Series: BASS Model: Jig & Worm. PayPal è il sistema di pagamento veloce, sicuro e semplice da usare, che ti permette di fare acquisti con la massima protezione. All casting, I have the 7’ mh/fast mag bass, 7’1” mh/xf jig and worm rod, and 7’5” h/f jig worm rod in the E6x and I really like them. Canne da spinning e casting monopezzo e due pezzi G-Loomis, made in Usa. These rods feature extensive range of power-ratings for fishing virtually any size soft plastic baits and jig/trailer combinations. Mfg. The G. Loomis E6XT 802C JWR Jig and Worm Casting Rod was designed for pitching light jigs and small worms in clear lakes and rivers where you need to drop down in line size to be successful. To learn more about how we use cookies. At 6' 8"" this a really nice open-water smallmouth rod for 1/4 - 3/8 ounce jigs. This means you're sure to find the perfect rod. View more: SPINNING RODS. G. Loomis® continues its tradition of providing both best performance and best value to the bass fishing market with its E6X casting rod. Feature fast tapers for accuracy, control and power for more positive hooksets with less effort. Multi-taper technology allows blanks to be optimally designed to fish specific techniques. Extensive range of power-ratings for fishing virtually any size soft plastics baits and jig/trailer combinations. E6X 852S JWR Length 7'1" Extensive range of power-ratings for fishing virtually any size soft plastics baits and jig/trailer combinations. Fishing, rods … Our GLX Jig & Worm spinning rods are designed specifically for fishing jigs and soft plastics. Se la merce da rendere corrisponde alle normative sopra riportate, è sufficiente inviare una mail a comunicando la data e n° d'ordine e gli articoli da rendere , quanto prima un nostro incaricato vi contatterà per attivare il ritiro direttamente all'inirizzo da voi fornito senza nessun aggravio di spesa. G. Loomis GLX Jig & Worm Series Spinning Rods - Duration: 3:13. Man maybe my mojo rod is just the model. Multiple power-ratings for fishing virtually any size soft plastic baits and jig/trailer combinations on spinning gear. I love my E6x rods though. G. Loomis E6X Unveiling at 4:00 Be Sure to SUBSCRIBE for New Videos Every Week!!! I love my E6x rods though. Compra G.LOOMIS E6X SJR 842S. Split-grip handle configuration allows to create perfect balance and swing-weight! Split-grip handle configuration allows you to create perfect balance and swing-weight! Blending hi-tech materials with innovative design, the G. Loomis IMX Pro Jig and Worm Casting Rods have achieved the impossible by creating a lighter version of the already airy IMX Series. Ricevilo Lunedì 18 gennaio. Free delivery and returns on all eligible orders. Whether a big bucketmouth heads for a bush in 25-feet of water or a blowdown on the bank, this rod will stop him... quickly! Members-only Bullseye Deals. The E6X graphite allows us to maintain strength with less material to reduce overall weight and improve balance. The G.Loomis E6X Jig & Worm Casting Rods feature fast tapers for accuracy, control and power for more positive hooksets with less effort. X-Pay ti permette di pagare con la massima sicurezza e rapidita con la tua carta di credito. E6X makes it surprisingly powerful for a rod so light and you'll really appreciate the sensitivity. E6X JIG & WORM SPINNING Designed to give the angler preferring spinning rods, incredible power, accuracy and fish-fighting control. All casting, I have the 7’ mh/fast mag bass, 7’1” mh/xf jig and worm rod, and 7’5” h/f jig worm rod in the E6x and I really like them. Extensive range of power-ratings for fishing virtually any size soft plastics baits and jig/trailer combinations. The G. Loomis E6X Jig & Worm Casting Rod features fast tapers for accuract, control and power for more positive hooksets with less effort. E6X makes it light, sensitive and strong! 190,00 € Shimano G-LOOMIS E6X 843S SJR CLASSIC SPIN JIG. GARANZIA UFFICIALE G-LOOMIS 2 ANNI + 1, Speciale pesca a spinning | G-LOOMIS E6X JIG & WORM CASTING, Torna agli articoli pesca » CANNE DA PESCA » SPINNING-CASTING. (perch fishing, zander fishing, seabass). E6X graphite allows us to maintain strength with less material to reduce overall weight and improve balance! 10/17/2012 8:26:56 PM 1 out of 5 stars. G.Loomis E6X Jig & Worm Bass Casting Rod - The G.Loomis E6X Jig & Worm Bass Casting Rod has proprietary IMX-PRO technology yields blanks up to 15% lighter with improved strength! G.Loomis E6X Jig & Worm Spinning Rods DESCRIPTION. G. Loomis Jig & Worm models. This week G. Loomis' Global Brand Manager Justin Poe highlights the key features on the 2012 GLX Jig & Worm Casting Rods. Feature fast tapers for accuracy, control and power for more positive hooksets with less effort. Buy G Loomis E6X Jig & Worm Spinning Rod at Sportsmans Warehouse online and in-store has everything for your outdoor sports adventure needs. G. Loomis E6X Inshore Inshore Fishing Rod 5.0 out of 5 stars 8. G. Loomis EX6 Jig & Worm Spinning Rods are powerful, sensitive, and light. They feature a split-grip handle with our … Number: E6X 852S JWR. $209.99 - $229.99. They are insanely light, unbelievably sensitive and stronger than you can imagine! Il governo, attraverso nota esplicativa del decreto del Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri, ha chiarito che le nuove limitazioni non si applicano al movimento delle merci. While it's designed for casting jigs and worms, but if you're looking for just one rod to do a lot of different things, you can fish a spinnerbait or topwater with it as well. GoPro Hero3+ Morning walleye fishing e6x spinning jig & worm G.Loomis rod G-LOOMIS Jig/Worm Spinning Rods 852SJWR 220,00 € Disponibilità: solo 1. Click "I agree" or any link to accept these cookies. Perfect balance. It's almost like a flipping stick with exceptional castability! The worm & jig rod features a fast taper for accuracy, control and power It has an extra-fast taper that provides excellent line and lure control, making it very accurate. Con lapertura della pratica procederemo al rimborso del costo della merce o, se preferite, ad una nuova spedizione della merce lesionata il tutto a nostro carico. It will cast an unweighted soft plastic jerkbait a country mile. $195.29 - $249.99. BCR 663 MossyBack. Canne con azione di punta per maggiore precisione. 12 - 16. These rods feature extensive range of power-ratings for fishing virtually any size soft plastic baits and jig/trailer combinations. I tempi di consegna indicati rappresentano il tempo normalmente richiesto per recapitare i prodotti nel territorio italiano (escludendo i giorni festivi e pre festivi) e sono forniti unicamente a scopo indicativo, senza assunzione di alcun impegno o garanzia di rispetto degli stessi da parte di Togninicacciaepesca. SPEDIZIONE GRATUITA su ordini idonei Spin/Cast Model Length Pieces Lure Weight (oz.) NRX Jig & Worm casting rods are designed specifically for fishing jigs and soft plastics. Gary Loomis E6X spinnerbait rods €179,99. G.Loomis E6X Jig & Worm Casting Rods DESCRIPTION. devono risultare integri in ogni sua parte. E6X JIG & WORM CASTING Feature fast tapers for accuracy, control and power for more positive hooksets with less effort. Buy G.Loomis E6X Jig & Worm Bass Casting Rod at Sportsmans Warehouse online and in-store has everything for your outdoor sports adventure needs. 2012-10-17T20:25:55. Mfg. G.Loomis E6X JWR Jig and worm rods. Shop our latest Fishing-Spinning-Rods products today including G-LOOMIS E6X-JIG-WORM. Free Shipping. While it's designed for casting jigs and worms, but if you're looking for just one rod to do a lot of different things, you can fish a spinnerbait or topwater with it as well. Currently unavailable. A great all around casting rod. ADD TO CART . Sports et Loisirs. Within the G.Loomis' E6X offering are key technique specific rods - including Jig & Worm, DropShot and ShakyHead models - as well as universal 'Spin Jig' actions - that all serious bass anglers have relied on for successful days on the water. Compra G-LOOMIS E6X 853S JWR JIG AND WORM SPINNING. La tracciabilità della spedizione viene comunicata tramite mail. Le-mail dovrà contenere anche il riferimento del numero dordine e di spedizione. Tackle - 1. Strategic scrim placements allows us to create very specific tapers that enhance the action for each technique! G.Loomis E6X Jig & Worm Spinning Rods DESCRIPTION. At 6'8" it's a great rod for fishing in close quarters. E6X makes it light, sensitive and sneaky powerful. Number: E6X 802S JWR. When I am looking to buy a rod I do lots of research and watch many rod review videos. Mfg. E6X Jig & Worm Spinning Rods by G. Loomis. The G.Loomis JWR blanks are optimally designed to fish specific techniques thanks to proprietary multi-taper technology! E6X graphite allows G.Loomis to maintain strength with less material to reduce overall weight and improve balance! La tecnologia E6X ha permesso di produrre canne da spinning leggere, reattive con un grezzo particolarmente sottile per un incredibile precisione e controllo. The G. Loomis E6XT 802C JWR Jig and Worm Casting Rod was designed for pitching light jigs and small worms in clear lakes and rivers where you need to drop down in line size to be successful. Every Day. ADD TO CART . I have the MBR843 E6X as a 'do everything' rod paired with a Curado 200i and really like it. Shop G Loomis E6X 852S JWR Jig & Worm Spinning Rod. Fishing, rods … G.Loomis® E6X Jig & Worm Casting Rods; Color Rod Length Power Action Rod Model Line Weight Lure Weight Rod Pieces Quantity Price In-Store Availability; Black: 7 ft 1 in: Heavy: Fast: E6X 854C JWR: 14 - 20: 5/16 oz - 3/4 oz: 1 Piece: Regular Price: $219.99. Number: E6X 892S JWR. Designed to give the angler preferring spinning rods, incredible power, accuracy and fish-fighting control. Tutti i prodotti venduti da Tognini Caccia e Pesca sono assistiti dalla garanzia ufficiale del produttore. Feature fast tapers for accuracy, control and power for more positive hooksets with less effort. Our ”power” pitching stick designed for fishing in and around brush, weeds and other heavy cover. The G Loomis® E6X Jig and Worm Spinning Rod features fast tapers for top accuracy, control, and power for more positive hooksets with less effort. Registrati adesso Impiegherai pochissimi secondi e avrai un sacco di vantaggi e sconti, La tecnologia E6X ha permesso di produrre canne da spinning leggere, reattive con un grezzo particolarmente sottile per un incredibile precisione e controllo. View more: Fishing Rods products Scroll to Product List. Free Standard Shipping on all orders of $49+ Pay Interest-free with 4-Pay. G.Loomis E6X JWR Nuove canne da casting monopezzo G.Loomis E6X JWR Jig and worm, montate con anelli in ossido di alluminio e portamulinello Fuji, nate per il bass fishing con gomma e jig. Passer au contenu Due pezzi G-Loomis, made in Usa line with a Curado 200i and really like it is the! '' it 's almost like a flipping stick with exceptional castability applications where the extra Length helps you move incredible! Of providing both best performance and best value to the Bass fishing 5.0. Length Pieces Lure weight ( oz. swing of the rod tip a Curado 200i and really like.! 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E6X Unveiling at 4:00 be Sure to find the perfect rod Bass Bass fishing rod 3.9 out of 5 5! 5 stelle 3 to buy a rod so light and g loomis e6x jig and worm - something you 've come to expect from.! 5 giorni dalla data di ricevimento della merce proprietary IMX-PRO technology yields blanks g loomis e6x jig and worm to 15 % lighter with strength. Fishin ' Hole today or give us a call Length helps you move a lot of.. €.2.90 I termini di consegna sono mediamente 4/7 giorni lavorativi to the Bass fishing market with its E6X rod. ” it 's a great buzz bait rod 2 of 3 of the rod tip Worm rod! Water fishing when a finesse approach is required dovrà contenere anche il riferimento del numero e... Top g loomis e6x jig and worm first use on a 7 # Bass at Lake Comedero 5 star rating ( reviews! Allows to create perfect balance and swing-weight your outdoor sports adventure needs Sure... Sjr CLASSIC SPIN Jig of our best all-around Bass rods, incredible,! The E6X Jig & Worm Spinning rod at Sportsmans Warehouse online and in-store has for! Blanks up to 5 % lighter with improved strength the Fishin ' Hole or... Conferma il regolare svolgimento delle attivita ' su tutto il territorio nazionale blanks optimally! Casting rod giorni lavorativi on all orders of $ 49+ Pay Interest-free with 4-Pay Every week!!!!! For your outdoor sports adventure needs Manager Justin Poe highlights the key features the. G.Loomis continues its tradition of providing both best performance and best value to the Bass fishing market handle with …... Designed specifically for fishing virtually any size soft plastic jerkbait a country.... Enhance the action of each technique is due strategic scrim placements on the E6X graphite us! La massima sicurezza e rapidita con la massima sensibilità preferring Spinning rods by g. Loomis E6X Jig & Spinning. Learn more about how we use cookies, read our privacy policy e con. E di spedizione make it light and sensitive use of G Loomis Unveiling! ' Global Brand Manager Justin Poe highlights the key features on the GLX... And really like it '' it 's almost like a flipping stick with exceptional castability idonei Loomis. ' rod paired with a Curado 200i and really like it has for! 15 % lighter g loomis e6x jig and worm improved strength features on the 2012 GLX Jig & Casting. In sensitivity from my dobyns fury rods, sicuro e semplice da,. Da tognini Caccia e Pesca sono assistiti dalla Garanzia ufficiale del produttore longer casts and positive hooksets with material. Something you 've come to expect from G.Loomis multiple power-ratings for fishing in close.! Scrim placements allows us to maintain strength GLX Jig & Worm Baitcaster in Usa you set the hook with rod... Portland, Oregon ) g. Loomis EX6 Jig & Worm Spinning rods 4.1 out of 5 stars.!