Scourge the Hedgehog, originally known as "Evil Sonic" (Or "Anti-Sonic") is an evil version of Sonic the Hedgehog and a major antagonist in the Archie comics series. | Download Evil Sonic The Hedgehog Wallpaper for free in 540x960 Resolution for your screen.You Can Set it as Lockscreen or Wallpaper of Windows 10 PC, Android Or Iphone Mobile or Mac Book Background Image This is the story told from the perspective of Sonic The Hedgehog. Eggman Nega | Metal Sonic 3.0, Deadly Six Benedict | We also have retro Sonic roms from the days of Sega Genesis … Silver Snively | We have the ever popular Final Fantasy Sonic series as well as all of the Sonic RPG Episodes. That night, Fiona started the escape by unlocking the cell doors and disabling their gang's Control Collars, upon which Scourge immediately spin-dashed Smalls into the ceiling, eager for payback. Auto-Fiona | Sergeant Simian | Unlike Sonic, Scourge mistreated others, was selfish and greedy, and had a great desire for power. Built as his ultimate weapon against the Knothole Freedom Fighters and his archenemy Sonic the Hedgehog, it would instead become the means of the mad doctor's own demise. She later spoke in private with Scourge, surprised at how far he had fallen; however, she eventually managed to help him get back his confidence and inspired him to turn the Destructix back to his side so that they could escape. Doctor Finitevus | This is the first in a series of updates for the game and includes an all-new online mode, along with the addition of the beloved Sega mascot, Sonic the Hedgehog, who knows a thing or two … Kodos | Miles "Tails" Prower | French Frirus | Main Channel: Channel! Moritori Rex | Miles, instead, summoned Scourge to inform him Metal Sonic had arrived on the scene. Kodos | Full Name Download Evil Sonic The Hedgehog Wallpaper for free in 1920x1080 Resolution for your screen.You Can Set it as Lockscreen or Wallpaper of Windows 10 PC, Android Or Iphone Mobile or Mac Book Background Image He is also notably darker and more evil than his … Croctobot | Sonic barely stuttered in response. Breezie the Hedgehog | Captain Claw | All this left Scourge a shadow of his former self; broken and scared, his only acquaintances were Verti-Cal and Horizont-Al, something which further embittered him. Roger and Were-hedgehog Sonic pop up from behind the giant sized crate. Coach Clyde | Trogg | Super Sonic | Wish Spirit, Sonic the Hedgehog Tall Boy | Auto Automaton | Dr. Robotnik | Agent Stone | Echidna Tribe (Pachacamac), See Also Iron King | Rabbot-Zilla | Claws | Grimer | Beta | After a bitter exchange of words between the two, Scourge left without causing any trouble. Rendfield T. Rodent | Hal Cooper | Penelope Blossom | As Sonic speculated, the Anarchy Beryl drained him of what energy he had left in his normal form, leaving him vulnerable. Nusgau | Rykor | "Ugh, I wish some thing exciting would happen" Sonic moaned, "Come on Sonic, why can't you relax?" The cops then took Sonic and Scourge to see Zonic via a Warp Ring. Jimmy Platt | Arachne | Iron King | Fiona intervened and pinned Scourge to the ground as part of a "show" to remove suspicion from them for the time being, but angered him somewhat for her enthusiastic act. This sonic the hedgehog foto contains anime, komik, manga, and kartun. Ivanna Robotina | Scourge admitted that ever since his battle with Sonic, he had been deeply considering Sonic's comments that he and Scourge weren't so different. Sub-Boss | Scourge then proceeded to battle Sonic, and in the midst of the battle, it was hinted he holds some unknown incentive that keeps the Squad loyal to him. Sonic the Hedgehog, trademarked Sonic The Hedgehog, is a blue anthropomorphic hedgehog and the main protagonist of the series. Supersonic running speedSuper-StrengthEnhanced ReflexesChaos ControlSuper Scourge transformationSpin DashHoming AttackCharismaManipulation Snively | Scarlet Helsing | The Great Potato | Sonic the Hedgehog After discovering a small, blue, fast hedgehog, a small-town police officer must help him defeat an evil genius who wants to do experiments on him. Let the story begin! Raiju Clan | Breezie the Hedgehog | Michael Minetta | French Frirus | Yet Anti-Sonic just refused to stay down (a bit like his heroic counterpart) and soon escaped the No Zone again and returned to Anti-Mobius. Metal Sonic | Jim Carrey, Ben Schwartz and James Marsden star in the adventure the whole family will enjoy. Egg Sweeper | At first, Scourge and Fiona were getting the upper hand against both teams, but Sonic returned from his trip to Moebius and attacked Scourge. Mr. Avericci | Causing trouble.Destroying things.Commanding the Suppression Squad (before they betrayed him).Fighting with Fiona Fox.Fighting dirty.Flirting.Leading the Destructix. Combot | Within Zone Jail, Scourge found himself subjected to Warden Zobotnik's special brand of "aggressive rehabilitation." Drell | Brass Knuckles | Anti-Sonic then declared himself a "real scourge" and that the days of being a mere "evil-twin" of Sonic was over - he then brutally assaulted Locke and prepared to kill him but was stopped by Rouge, who told him that under her rules they would not kill. Wing Dingo | Reply to: sonic the Hedgehog 2 {chibi sonic fan} No sonic stop do that to him you bastard Occupation Lien-Da | | Super Scourge | Scourge would remain on Finitevus' side despite Fiona's misgivings and his own doubts about Finitevus' plans. Goals FP Jones | Anirbas | Weird Sisters (Prudence Blackwood, Agatha Night) | How is Sonic going to deal with this?CLICK THIS LINK to see the last episode of Sonic the Hedgehog!!! Metal Scourge | Jezebelda Spellman | When Fiona told him that their gear was stolen, he gave the Destructix the order to search the Processing Area and that he would back them up (though this was just a cover for him to continue seeking revenge). They arrive in a ruined No Zone and Scourge managed to escape by kicking the others out of the way and attempted to fully destroy the No Zone before moving on to Sonic's world. Directed by Jeff Fowler. Mustang | Hooligans (Fang the Sniper, Bean the Dynamite, Bark the Polarbear) | Katrina Spellman | Dr. Finitevus | Menniker | Predator Hawk | Sonic subsequently defeated Scourge and captured him. Clifford Blossom | There might also be banana, edible banana, and musa paradisiaca sapientum. Boomer Walrus | Mecha Sally | This Sonic the Hedgehog photo contains anime, comic book, manga, and cartoon. Iron Queen | Misty-Re | before being taken to jail. Boomer Walrus | Raiju Clan | Lightning Lynx | Professor Egg | Upon stealing a pair of Globe Posts, Scourge plotted, with Fiona's aid, to launch an assault and invade Freedom HQ. Dorian Gray | Dr. Eggman is up to no good again as he’s looking to give us the fright of our lives with this scarily awesome t-shirt! A pitched battle ensued, until Sonic returned from his duties with the Chaotix in New Megaopolis to turn the tide, only for Scourge to make his grand entrance and appear before them. CD-ROM Ram | After discovering a small, blue, fast hedgehog, a small-town police officer must help him defeat an evil genius who wants to do experiments on him. | Vinnie Wells, Sabrina the Teenage Witch & Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Mr. Delta | Queen Cockroach | Hermione Lodge | he had Predator bring Cal and Al to him. Silver Snively | Finally, all of the Sonic the Hedgehog games have been compiled into one easy to use site. Edgar Evernever | Metal Scourge | Frost Legion | Xorda | However, Scourge jumped in and attacked both of them, claiming that Silver should use his powers to give himself "a less-stupid haircut". Benedict | ►► me know what you think about this video by commenting and rating this video! Shortly afterwards, Sonic made a proposal to everyone to stop attacking each other and strictly finish off Scourge. Plasma | Eel Capone | Grimer | His spines were cut short and he was forced to wear the Control Collar which suppressed his super speed and abilities. Developed as a replacement for their existing Alex Kidd mascot, as well as Sega's response to Mario, his first appearance was in the arcade game Rad Mobile as a cameo, before making his official debut in Sonic the Hedgehog (1991). Sweet Pea | Mathais Poe | Rose Blossom | With Ben Schwartz, James Marsden, Jim Carrey, Tika Sumpter. Andre | Anti-Geoffrey St. John | Universalamander | photo. Lien-Da | Eggman Empire | He rushed to the throne room, followed by Sonic and Shadow. Though he was actually looking for the Special Zone, Sonic asked if he wanted to help him beat up Scourge, to which Shadow replied "sure". Overlord | Mehitable | Tyrannical Criminal, ScourgeAnti-SonicEvil SonicFastest Thing on Moebius, King of Ani-Mobius (formerly)Leader of the Suppression Squad (formerly)Leader of the Destructix, Super-StrengthEnhanced ReflexesChaos ControlSuper Scourge transformationSpin DashHoming AttackCharismaManipulation. Grand Chief Whip | Doctor Finitevus | Riverdale Reaper | Ivo Robughnik | Super Scourge | Octobot | Fearing that Finitevus' plan might fail, he charged up his Warp Ring with energy from the Master Emerald, and was witness to Finitevus' tirade on how "corrupt" the world had become and his plan to "cleanse" (exterminate) all life in a wave of Emerald fire. Scourge then attacks Sonic and overpowers him, and does the same to Shadow afterwards, but starts to becomes weaker as the two hedgehogs ganged up on him and is subsequently overwhelmed when more of Sonic's allies came to his aid. Because they ignored him, he got angry and impatient and captured them all with his psychic powers. Drago Wolf | 1 Synopsis 2 Appearances 3 Plot 4 Continuity 5 Goofs 6 Title in other languages 7 Trivia 8 References The good people of the Unnamed Village feel that things have gotten pretty lawless. Brad Alcero | As they battled, Sonic himself arrived, intent on battling Scourge and re-taking Freedom HQ on his own, as the Republic of Acorn opted to focus their attacks on New Megaopolis and they doubted Scourge would make his gains on Mobius as easily as on "Moebius". Commander Brutus | Seen in: Sonic X At one point in the show Sonic X, some of Sonic's friends are kidnapped by an evil alien. E.V.E | Kragok | Mammoth Mogul | Knowing he had changed since his transformation, Scourge resolved to find answers to who he was now, and left with Fiona through the enhanced Warp Ring, to the places he could find them. Kid Cruel | Al and Cal begged Scourge for help, only to be mockingly dismissed as he fled the scene and escaped with the Destructix through a Warp Ring to Moebius. Watch this Sonic the Hedgehog video, Sonic The Hedgehog Characters: Good to Evil, on Fanpop and browse other Sonic the Hedgehog videos. Wing Dingo | However, to remain consistent with the good–evil dichotomy of Sonic … Comic Book Bots | This is the ultimate Sonic the Hedgehog site! Soon, Eggman dispatched reinforcements to deal with both hedgehogs in the form of Metal Scourge. Rykor | Super Scourge then proceeded to defeat the combined might of the Knothole Freedom Fighters and Suppression Squad (minus Rotor and Fiona), who had returned to Moebius expecting Scourge to be defeated. Fiona Fox | E.V.E | Kage Von Stryker | Evil Sonic. Scourge the Hedgehog (formerly known as Anti Sonic or Evil Sonic) was an evil version of Sonic the Hedgehog from Moebius. Iron Dominion | Flying Frog | Downtown Ebony Hare | Mr. Captain Metal Evil One | Rosy the Rascal | He then stated that only Sonic was remembered to have had that kind of power. CriminalKing of Ani-Mobius (formerly)Leader of the Suppression Squad (formerly)Leader of the Destructix Captain Metal There might also be pisang, dimakan pisang, musa paradisiaca sapientum, and pisang goreng. DYNAMAC | Sonic and the Zone Cops then met up with Zonic and battled Scourge. Eventually the pitched battle between the two groups led the base dangerously close to collapse, forcing the Freedom Fighters to retreat, leaving Scourge victorious, though his taunting towards Sonic enraged him to the point he vowed to return for revenge. Gargoyle King | However, as immortality is only granted by Xon himself, this was not the case for her. Order of Ixis | As thanks for them being nice to him in jail, Scourge had Simian break their Control Collars and let them loose on a rampage in their robotic, demigod forms. Lightning Lynx | A.D.A.M. Anti-Sonic would afterwards return acting as Dr. Robotnik's ally, fooling Anti-Knuckles into helping him steal the Chaos Emeralds from the mainstream Floating Island and although the plan seemed to work at first Anti-Knuckles good nature coupled with the intervention of the Freedom Fighters meant that mainstream Knuckles had little difficulty defeating Anti-Sonic. Alias Don't forget to subscribe =-) Thanks for watching! Menniker | Pseudo Sonic | Proker Metallix | Nusgau | He desires to cross over into the … Doctor Robotnik | Orbot | Cubot | Metal Sonic | Mecha Sonic | Silver Sonic | Mecha Knuckles | Badniks | Tails Doll | E-100 Alpha | E-101 Beta | EggRobo | Eggman Enterprises | MeteorTech | SCR-HD | Time Eater | Jackal Squad | Infinite | Replicas | Zero, Team Dark Hobby Metal Sonic Troopers | No more wading through slow sites loaded with ads. Drago Wolf | Claws | Bark_the_Polarbear Scourge was quick to oblige so long as it involved harming Sonic in any way, shape or form. Mechanaut | Flame Legion | Bean the Dynamite Type of Villain Super Sonic's the first to react, dashing straight into its chest. Sonic.exe (Exe for short or "X" by the Cult) is the main character of the Creepypasta of the same name and it's sequel and the overall main antagonist of the series. Sonic saved him at the last second, and offered another temporary truce. Fiona Fox | The Enchantress | Sonic the Hedgehog is the title character and the protagonist of the Sonic the Hedgehog video game series published by Sega, as well as numerous spin-off comics, animations, and other media.Sonic is a blue anthropomorphic hedgehog who can run at supersonic speeds and curl into a ball, primarily to attack enemies. Evelyn Evernever | Bartel | Croctobot | Shadow the Hedgehog | Rouge the Bat | E-123 Omega, Babylon Rogues Scourge decides to get revenge on Sonic instead and by using the power of Chaos Control he transported himself and Rouge to Knothole. Sonic Cartoon Villains | Miles "Tails" Prower | Stanley 9000 | Sergeant Simian | When he finds them, Sonic sees his allies' fear and despair, enraging the normally composed hedgehog. Revenge against Sonic for dethroning him and Zonic 's special Control Collar as ``... Down Al and Cal, and then attacked Sonic numerous hedgehogs were no match for Super Scourge, ``... 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