<1091>Tj /T1_0 1 Tf /T1_4 1 Tf 67.074 -43.2 67.074 -38.098 v ET FbFCI8FS0eEzFmLwJHKC8SVDNFOSorJjc8I1RCeTo7M2F1RkdMPS4ggmgwkKGBmElEVGpLRW01Uo It’s accessible anywhere! /Span <>BDC r8EchuOJQ8K8l9VW+a9e+SOE8ADAagcZPeEAfJGq/VpovUt5GmjZI/Ud6W7EGpi9GGEfH+1sPcNk BT EMC W n /C2_0 1 Tf [(have )-28(the )-28(knowledge, )-28(training )-28(and )-28(tools )-28(to )-28(do )-28(the )]TJ Why should I encourage my workers to use SLAM? /wA04+Nk/nH5r4MO4O/Q+h/9W60/5ER/804+Nk/nH5r4MO4IHR5qaRYjwtoR/wAIuSzD94fenD/d /Span <>BDC 231.441 -5.669 l Safety Letter from Tim Mallicoat, CEO. /wAmI8VTrFWN6pbeb3vGbSJrZLQqvFZQC1aDlWsbd/fFUJ9U/ML/AJabP/gV/wCqWKu+qfmF/wAt /C2_0 1 Tf These behaviors must be deliberately learned and specifically practiced to enhance personnel observation skills. BT ET -5.669 -245.331 l EMC EMC Q /GS1 gs EMC [(Look )-28(at )-28(the )-28(task )-28(in )-28(hand. 10 0 0 10 60.1102 358.6772 Tm /T1_4 1 Tf 541.467 747.625 l /C2_0 1 Tf q /GS1 gs jI5LwQSXU/qFxMVYgIW6KelFXlmDpYYeDerc3Uzy8e10hdT0nRhHcyWd5CkaRNJFCArsSDWok60L QtsTZG1QmiHcS0b5e+2UTwmRP46OTjziAH462rab5dvbRtWa4nSc6ihRA9WXf1KeovFOnPj1NR4d For it to be fully effective all new workers, including sub-contractors, should get a copy of the procedure for stopping work before entering the site on which they will be working. /T1_3 1 Tf ET EMC turf9Jyf9kuKpx5Y0e6GpC4u7fULQW6l0NxcrLG7H4eJUQR9jXrirMj9sfI/wxVdirsVSXyZ/wAo BT 67qP+/te/wCRY/5qxV313Uf9/a9/yLH/ADVirvruo/7+17/kWP8AmrFXfXdR/wB/a9/yLH/NWKsi /Span <>BDC h ltK/5bbf/kan/NWKu/S2lf8ALbb/API1P+asVd+ltK/5bbf/AJGp/wA1Yq79LaV/y22//I1P+asV /T1_3 1 Tf ET q EMC /Span <>BDC 2aNqw0+O6qeawTtwpX4acpW7YqivqX5dfzWn/I4/9VMVd9S/Lr+a0/5HH/qpiqM0658l6U7yafc2 /Span <>BDC /T1_0 1 Tf 0 Tc 10 0 0 10 490.4059 98.3871 Tm These methods are based on principles of probability, which implies SLAM itself only provides a likelihood of whether the car is within a five-centimeter radius of the traffic pole or what are the chances there is a pedestrian in the way. - Protecting Miners' Safety and Health Since 1978 ToolBox Talks Educational Field and Small Mine Services (EFSMS) has developed a series of weekly ToolBox talks that can be used by small mine operators and others to hold safety and health discussions for their … -5.102 -43.2 0 -43.2 v BT ET ff8AIg/81Yq7/Gunf8sl9/yIP/NWKpvpuoRanai6hSSJCSvGZeDbe2+KovFXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXY Mine Safety and Health Administration SLAM RISKS the SMART Way – Equipment Guarding DVD567-S - 2006 ( English | Spanish) These two programs are really one overall program on DVD to recognize and manage hazards encountered on the job. Escokgjkr3FxDaW8t1cNwhgRpJGoTRUBZjQVPQYSaFsYgk0F6OsiK6GqsAwPiDhQthmS4iSeOvCQ 10 0 0 10 75.6181 646.1053 Tm EMC ET Some well-known implementation techniques are Kalman Filter, Particle Filter, Graph-SLAM, and many more. EMC SLAM process. [( )-28(and )-28(engage )-28(your )-28(mind )-28(before )-28(your )-28(hands. [( )-28(the )-28(effects )-28(the )-28(hazards )-28(have )-28(on )-28(you, )-28(the )]TJ h/8AI+X/ALKcVd6UP/LPof8AyPl/7KcVd6UP/LPof/I+X/spxV3pQ/8ALPof/I+X/spxVPNMtfJj /Span <>BDC BT 469.292 714.629 l BT /Span <>BDC -0.01 Tc 10 0 0 10 60.1102 442.6772 Tm ET 0 0 m Employees should look before, during, and after the completion of their tasks. )]TJ EMC iZDuzjtr9Ln0/S34eG3StaV60rvTHj2pfD3dDrDW7+pAXjelKqaGh7YiZB2U47G7L/y+vmvtUvHk ET -5.669 0 -5.669 -5.669 v EMC 0 0 0 scn ... A helpful technique to do this is to observe the workers while they are performing the tasks. ( )Tj /Span <>BDC Xf4z8n/9X7Tf+kyD/qpirv8AGfk//q/ab/0mQf8AVTFXf4z8n/8AV+03/pMg/wCqmKu/xn5P/wCr /T1_0 1 Tf 2012-06-21T16:08:40+01:00 0 0 l 3SJQA2pT+q6j/wAss3/It/8AmnB4cu5PHHvd9V1H/llm/wCRb/8ANOPhy7l44971vyZ/yh+g/wDb Stop and consider the work involved. fAlTP81G0SPJt4lw0kTwKiuJIACwMZ9SxkYr8GxIgk6fze5w+Ab/AB5MfzIr8eaBHlLVree1tgIX Mum horrified after trolls slam her daughter’s ‘manky’ lunch on Facebook. /Span <>BDC BT NPeADiHYLHyIoQrgD1B9lmX78mdFXVgNXfIL38sQQQ30D3Hq3NokUzOqH4VZJnZEX1PjLcPbD+UA Our commitment to health and safety ... situations, the SLAM process provides a systematic way of managing unexpected safety-related risks. TovE7Doe2KobVLa6u7R4LK4NpcOBwnA5FaMjHbbqBTFUh/w75p/6mB/+RX/N2Ku/w75p/wCpgf8A SLAM Risks - The Video Part 2 of 2 Parts. 10 0 0 10 309.5591 442.6772 Tm -0.01 Tc 10 0 0 10 60.1102 478.6772 Tm EMC SLAM stands for Stop, Look, Assess, Manage (work safety) Suggest new definition This definition appears somewhat frequently and is found in the following Acronym Finder categories: 10 0 0 10 53.8583 734.8173 Tm +qmKu/xn5P8A+r9pv/SZB/1UxV3+M/J//V+03/pMg/6qYq7/ABn5P/6v2m/9JkH/AFUxV3+M/J// BX /Sh0 sh EX Q <1091>Tj 7FVp+2Pkf4YquxV2KpL5M/5Q/Qf+2bZ/8mI8VTrFUi1Xy1o98ZdSuoRJOIwxLyMiExr8PKjAAbb4 /T1_0 1 Tf UP0H/tm2f/JiPFU6xVDXZA0+YkoAIXqZByQfCftLvUeOKvN5byyUgPeaWNtvT04OtKnu0IxVkml2 /T1_0 1 Tf EMC T/mrFXfpbSv+W23/AORqf81Yq79LaV/y22//ACNT/mrFXfpbSv8Altt/+Rqf81Yq79LaV/y22/8A eeagYx3LfV1/1nuKXnrSLweSkvNloBxZupFB0wVO73T+7qtlzXPmN+fM3rerT1K+qeXH7PLxph/e )-28(Ask )-28(yourself )-28(if )-28(you )]TJ EMC 4oVYrV+X2gK/s98njwyjKy15c8ZQoBluXuM7FXYq7FXYqoXv+8dx/wAYn/4icEuRTHmGL+WbXy/+ ET From the SLAM CarWash Marketing experts, get insider tips on growing your unlimited memberships. ReferenceStream 0 0 0 scn 10 0 0 10 53.3583 74.3871 Tm SLAM is a method that should always be shared with all workers and managers to ensure maximum safety. ykYqj7by3f3kCXNrp+kSwyCqOr3NDQ0/377YqyCx8n6ObWM6jp8C3VD6ohaT061NOPJyemKq/wDg )]TJ X/LTZ/8AAr/1SxVMdEt/NEd2512W3ltvTIRYQA3qclodo12pXFU84J/KPuxV3BP5R92Ku4J/KPux The guidelines can assist an organisation … /T1_0 1 Tf /T1_0 1 Tf BT Onboarding is easier. /T1_0 1 Tf /Span <>BDC 61.971 -43.2 l [(the )-28(right )-28(tool )-28(to )-28(use? Home / HSE News / Articles / What is the SLAM technique and why should you use it? 12 0 0 12 59.6102 668.2053 Tm EMC S.L.A.M. Children should always be supervised. -5.102 -38.098 l ET Very often there is so /Im0 Do BT /Span <>BDC /Span <>BDC [(business )-28(performance )-28(and )-28(productivity. qg4CMhHVR4YPRc1z5jc1c3rHpU+qf2WT/iLkfInD+881AxjuX315r+oxQw3UVwyQLxA4ykM3J29R /Span <>BDC /Span <>BDC Each morning, safety is addressed company-wide using the SLAM technique – Stop, Look, Analyze, and Manage. 536.365 709.528 l 71.11 The mantra of ‘simple messages repeated often’ could not be truer than with the SLAM technique used in health and safety. BT 469.292 747.625 l )]TJ 231.441 0 225.772 0 v stop Have new work methods been introduced? 0 Tc 10 0 0 10 83.5998 478.6772 Tm The HSE states that “by using the SLAM technique workers will value the importance of health and safety and so help create a healthy and safe site” and by remembering SLAM, “workers are more likely to stop work if a task appears unsafe or risky to their health, or stop their colleagues behaving in an unsafe or unhealthy way”. )-28(Hosted )-28(by )-28(HSE )-28(06/12)]TJ 10 0 0 10 60.1102 346.6772 Tm /Span <>BDC Squat down keeping normal curve in lumbar spine, chest up, head facing forwards and shoulders over the bar. Protect Players and Spectators With Backstop Netting Youth, middle school, high school, college, professional and semi-professional teams rely on our baseball and softball fencing and backstop netting to keep everyone safe around home plate. Join and be part of a growing network of more than 3,000 HSE Professionals and experts in the field of Health and Safety who are helping to improve best practise and knowledge around the world. /T1_0 1 Tf Commence lift by pushing through the floor with the legs and letting hips and knees rise at the same rate, keeping bar close to shins. /Span <>BDC 71.11 0 0 l Bl5KyGh8VcKw+kYAbSRRVMKHYq7FXYq7FXYqtdlRWdzRVBJPgBiqVf4q0D/lsH/AP/zRlH5rF3t3 z/lD9B/7Ztn/AMmI8VTrFWOar5g1XT7pre20+O4hRVYSvcJGd1BPwtvtiqlp3mu8ubyOG+tbe0t2 Q 10 0 0 10 75.6181 598.1053 Tm )]TJ ET 225.772 -251 l Before starting, workers should stop and ask: Covering these areas of the SLAM principle will help you develop an understanding of the work from a health and safety perspective. ET Adding Grand Slam Safety backstop netting can increase safety for everyone involved. /Span <>BDC BT [(Before )-28(starting )-28(a )-28(task:)]TJ JA6mmKtc0/mH34q7mn8w+/FXc0/mH34q7mn8w+/FXc0/mH34q7mn8w+/FXc0/mH34qpzqk8EkBcK BT BT EMC 10 0 0 10 60.1102 322.6772 Tm 6ZP955saxeTluvMiFCjXymJSkdDKOCnjVV8B8I+7H955rWLyWSS6/LH6MovJI+PDgwlK8ahuNDtS WKu+u6j/AL+17/kWP+asVd9d1H/f2vf8ix/zVirvruo/7+17/kWP+asVd9d1H/f2vf8AIsf81Yq7 /Span <>BDC /T1_0 1 Tf /T1_0 1 Tf /T1_0 1 Tf wEfgBJGY5HHF1rQ8UYbjFUpXWPy6UUEdqR72jn9cJxVv9Nfl1/vu0/6Q2/6oYqn36B0L/q22n/Ii A serious workplace injury or death can cause a drastic change for families, friends, communities and coworkers. ET EMC ET /T1_0 1 Tf [(or )-28(work )-28(pressures )-28(including )-28(working )-28(to )-28(a )-28(deadline )]TJ 12 0 0 12 66.8114 644.2053 Tm /Span <>BDC 10 0 0 10 232.1158 734.8173 Tm )]TJ uuid:6580b42c-2336-f241-b758-408f52cdc8af 7y1/ywJ/wT/814q7/B3lr/lgT/gn/wCa8Vd/g7y1/wAsCf8ABP8A814q7/B3lr/lgT/gn/5rxV3+ h1P/AKT4/wDsmxV31C+/5YdT/wCk+P8A7JsVd9Qvv+WHU/8ApPj/AOybFXfUL7/lh1P/AKT4/wDs [(THINK )-28(ABOUT)]TJ /T1_1 1 Tf [(the )-28(correct )-28(PPE. zJE0msOFttTlZliUNaS8IiSo6AwP9O+Kpjba9qlhbRWf6EuWEKBA0syFyAKVY8Rviqr/AIp1T/qx 10 0 0 10 309.5591 346.6772 Tm 474.394 709.528 l This is also a good way to uncover any issues or worries that individuals may have when performing the work. BT EMC EMC 0.588 0.271 0.102 scn 0 0 0 scn assess EMC 0 0 0 scn By using the SLAM technique workers will value the importance of health … SLAM process. /Span <>BDC DVD012 - 2005 - SLAM Risks Instructional Guide including "SLAM Risks" the video. (People)Tj These balls are designed to be dropped, lifted, slammed and thrown through a variety of movements intended to build your power, strength and endurance. )]TJ /T1_0 1 Tf ET /T1_1 1 Tf BT 0.588 0.271 0.102 scn www.hse.gov.uk/copyright.htm ( )Tj W n FUwxV2KrT9sfI/wxVdirsVSXyZ/yh+g/9s2z/wCTEeKp1iqW3+nadJbzXc1tAZ1iLC4eFJHUovwt [(many )-28(hours )-28(they )-28(are )-28(working, )-28(their )-28(attitudes )-28(to )]TJ bfCD06YDGZ70g4weir9a8yc1l5X3qIWKvWXkC9OVD703w/vPNFYvJas/mFW5r9cDfD8Q9UH4AVTf )]TJ %PDF-1.5 %���� MAP estimators compute the most likely explanation of the … 541.467 752.728 536.365 752.728 v 10 0 0 10 76.6181 634.1053 Tm -0.01 Tc 10 0 0 10 53.3583 98.3871 Tm 481.39 -119.5 481.39 -113.831 v /CS1 cs 0 0 0 scn Safety awareness and safe behavior are not innate skills. BT 10 0 0 10 60.1102 418.6772 Tm Has the task changed since I first completed it? P++de/5GD/mnFU50rVdR0u1Nt+idTuqsX9S4oz702rTptiqN/wAT6j/1Yb7/AIEYq7/E+o/9WG+/ 0.588 0.271 0.102 scn BT EMC EMC A lot of robotic research goes into SLAM to develop robust systems for self-driving cars, last-mile delivery robots, security robots, warehouse management, and disaster-relief robots. -5.669 -251 0 -251 v pt1rj+UHO0fmelIy+8u2UV1E8X7uBzcRmOjyfFF9afkT6qEfDGoUV3p9856WIkO7f9LCGokR57fo The SLAM Risks Process Part 1 of 2 Parts. /kRH/wA04+Nk/nH5r4MO4O/Q+h/9W60/5ER/804+Nk/nH5r4MO4O/Q+h/wDVutP+REf/ADTj42T+ q foP/AGzbP/kxHiqdYqkGoeT9I1O7kvryN2ml4hishUHiqoNqeC4q3p3k/SNKvY7+0jcTQ8uJaQkf EMC BT TSSqqAqiBgea1A3YVxVDr5r0VBRNOulHWgtQP44qqDznpqjitnegDoBb0/42xVv/ABrp3/LJff8A Bounce the balls on a solid surface such as concrete. /Span <>BDC “SLAM” and “SMART” are tools that will help our mining operations attain a new level of risk assessment and long term risk mitigation strategies. 10 0 0 10 75.6181 658.1053 Tm EMC KzIrKysrMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjI+Pj4+PjJAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQED/wAARCAEA /Span <>BDC EMC S EMC Our commitment to health and safety ... situations, the SLAM process provides a systematic way of managing unexpected safety-related risks. EMC -0.01 Tc 10 0 0 10 60.1102 370.6772 Tm 0 Tc 10 0 0 10 81.9398 514.6772 Tm /T1_0 1 Tf pL5M/wCUP0H/ALZtn/yYjxVOsVSPUfNGg6dK2n6jKRIEHqRmNnUq61oaKQag4qibGy0G8tIrqzsr j�T���e���*=�|�ݝ���=3���}�{�~�އ�Èe��Js����e�0ǤZ�Mnu�+s� P"*}{�m�P���� 2�����@���0��e�4�mk���rZWA� ��Gs2���qt�ɺ�L��j/7�����k��Zf,7��4�R\L��������JN���;m��ˌ&s���w�u3��Rj-�j3�p��锥���d����^��n1Y�e�]��a, Part of the Leadership and worker involvement toolkit, Seven steps. [(health )-28(and )-28(safety, )-28(and )-28(any )-28(personal/home )-28(problems )]TJ LwafBpsccjc2B1CNvioB+1KfDFWVWvmHSntonu7+zinZQZI1uI2Ct3APPfFVX9PaF/1crT/kfH/z KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxVaftj5H+GKrsVdiqS+TP+UP0H/tm2f/JiPFU6xVINS826Tpdy2nXS +VaueZ3xn4khuiEccCapprzzMwUM98RGQyAmY8WXYEeBGP7zzTw4vJRkbXJY44pUu5I4f7pGEhVK Whether you know them as slam balls or dead balls, AlphaFit has a range to suit every athlete. EMC /T1_0 1 Tf 9/0kj/snxVGaXpN1f3Yt7ka3YxlS3rS3I41Hb+4HXFU5/wAGwf8AV11P/pIH/VPFXf4Ng/6uup/9 ET AFftN/6TIP8Aqpirv8Z+T/8Aq/ab/wBJkH/VTFXf4z8n/wDV+03/AKTIP+qmKu/xn5P/AOr9pv8A EMC diqS+TP+UP0H/tm2f/JiPFU6xVItQsPM89yZNM1SO0tiq8YmhRyCAK/EyE7nFUN+i/O3/V8i/wCk /GS1 gs BT The balls are intended as training devices for sports and fitness. /GS1 gs Y5rUUOn6rc2VuWMUL8VL/a6DwzGzYxGZAcnDIzgCUD6+QpnTvXxpaSvSba/bSrJktpmU28RUiNiC /T1_0 1 Tf BT 12 0 0 12 310.1378 548.0413 Tm Follow all safety precautions and guidelines. EMC IJ2+FQBsMVReKuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KrT9sfI/wxVdirsVSXyZ/wAofoP/AGzbP/kxHiqdYqwP 0 -85.0393677 -85.0393677 0 -8.5048981 850.3937378 cm /T1_0 1 Tf (Plant)Tj h )-28(If )-28(you )-28(feel )-28(unsafe, )-28(stop )-28(working. BT 10 0 0 10 309.5591 502.6772 Tm q Shooters accustomed to firearms requiring trigger activation for discharge may be unprepared for a slamfire discharge. BT LM5hBZnNSfiXM7s+RlIuHro8MQz/ADYuvdiqS+TP+UP0H/tm2f8AyYjxVOsVdirsVdirsVdirsVa Ŋ��++*V(VT�R��X�XU�J��b�bU�*Ū�U�U��*V)V��T�U����_�W�+�*ſ�!U�U����_�W��&���o��� ���o�7�M������7��&���o��� ���o�7�M������7�;�.������������w�]������w�;�.������������w�뿦���,*.����y4}_�쿝N�e˺TZ�+Z��﫩ח��|����` T�� endstream endobj 579 0 obj <>stream /T1_0 1 Tf /T1_0 1 Tf /Span <>BDC Q Managers should take responsibility for eliminating or minimising any hazards on site. 10 0 0 10 309.5591 418.6772 Tm endstream endobj 2 0 obj <> endobj 422 0 obj <> endobj 423 0 obj <> endobj 428 0 obj <> endobj 574 0 obj <> endobj 427 0 obj <>/Pa1<>/Pa2<>/Pa4<>/Pa5<>/Pa6<>/Pa7<>/Pa8<>/A3<>/A5<>/A6<>>> endobj 429 0 obj [426 0 R 431 0 R null null 435 0 R 437 0 R 438 0 R 438 0 R 438 0 R 438 0 R 438 0 R 438 0 R 438 0 R 439 0 R 440 0 R 440 0 R 440 0 R 440 0 R 440 0 R 441 0 R 442 0 R 443 0 R 444 0 R 445 0 R 446 0 R 447 0 R 448 0 R 449 0 R 450 0 R 451 0 R 452 0 R 453 0 R 454 0 R 455 0 R 456 0 R 457 0 R 458 0 R 459 0 R 460 0 R 461 0 R 462 0 R 463 0 R 464 0 R 465 0 R 466 0 R 467 0 R 468 0 R 469 0 R 470 0 R 471 0 R 472 0 R 473 0 R 474 0 R 475 0 R 476 0 R 477 0 R 478 0 R 479 0 R 480 0 R 481 0 R 482 0 R 483 0 R 484 0 R 485 0 R 486 0 R 487 0 R 488 0 R 489 0 R 490 0 R 491 0 R 492 0 R 493 0 R 494 0 R 495 0 R 496 0 R 497 0 R 498 0 R 499 0 R 500 0 R 501 0 R 502 0 R 503 0 R 504 0 R 505 0 R 506 0 R 507 0 R 508 0 R 509 0 R 510 0 R 511 0 R 512 0 R 513 0 R 514 0 R 515 0 R 516 0 R 517 0 R 518 0 R] endobj 520 0 obj [null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null 549 0 R 549 0 R 549 0 R 549 0 R 551 0 R 552 0 R 551 0 R 551 0 R 553 0 R 519 0 R 521 0 R 522 0 R 523 0 R 524 0 R 525 0 R 526 0 R 527 0 R 528 0 R 529 0 R 527 0 R 527 0 R 527 0 R 527 0 R 530 0 R 531 0 R 532 0 R 533 0 R 534 0 R 535 0 R 533 0 R 536 0 R 537 0 R 538 0 R 538 0 R 538 0 R 539 0 R 539 0 R 539 0 R 540 0 R 540 0 R 540 0 R 540 0 R 540 0 R 540 0 R 541 0 R 541 0 R 541 0 R 541 0 R 541 0 R 541 0 R 542 0 R 543 0 R 544 0 R 544 0 R 544 0 R 544 0 R 545 0 R 545 0 R 545 0 R 545 0 R 545 0 R 545 0 R 546 0 R 546 0 R 546 0 R 547 0 R 547 0 R 547 0 R] endobj 549 0 obj <> endobj 551 0 obj <> endobj 552 0 obj > endobj 553 0 obj <> endobj 519 0 obj <> endobj 521 0 obj <> endobj 522 0 obj <> endobj 523 0 obj <> endobj 524 0 obj <> endobj 525 0 obj <> endobj 526 0 obj <> endobj 527 0 obj <> endobj 528 0 obj <> endobj 529 0 obj <> endobj 530 0 obj <> endobj 531 0 obj <> endobj 532 0 obj <> endobj 533 0 obj <> endobj 534 0 obj <> endobj 535 0 obj <> endobj 536 0 obj <> endobj 537 0 obj <> endobj 538 0 obj <> endobj 539 0 obj <> endobj 540 0 obj <> endobj 541 0 obj <> endobj 542 0 obj <> endobj 543 0 obj <> endobj 544 0 obj <> endobj 545 0 obj <> endobj 546 0 obj <> endobj 547 0 obj <> endobj 436 0 obj <> endobj 266 0 obj <>/Shading<>/ColorSpace<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/ExtGState<>>>/Type/Page>> endobj 421 0 obj <>stream [( )-28(and )-28(apply )-28(the )-28(correct )-28(controls )-28(and )-28(wear )]TJ BT EMC The SLAM (Stop…Look…Assess…Manage) technique reminds personnel to stop work if they think their health and safety is at risk. Some hazards may not be as easy to anticipate, which is why it important to pre-plan your work with safety in mind. 12 0 0 12 59.6102 656.2053 Tm /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tc 10 0 0 10 53.8582 722.8173 Tm EMC fDTIZcOOjRDLFmyWLDH7P01SeV+saAr8IYirqKjltmJCty5U72ZP5PUDVLhhSj2yMKKF6leqjauZ Ns/+TEebd0qdYqlsPmDSp779Gxyv9a5tHwaGVRzVTIV5vGF+yK9cgMkSabDhkI30R8sscETzzMEj In another words engage your mind before your hands. /Span<>> BDC BT /Span <>BDC /Span <>BDC JA/6p4q7/BsH/V11P/pIH/VPFU+t4RbW8VuHaQQosYeQ8nbiAvJjtUmm+KquKuxV2KuxV2KuxV2K /GS1 gs Workplace Safety Posters. H/q9x/8AIlf+aMVd+gvOP/V7j/5Er/zRiqY6NpuuWk8j6tfpfRMlEQRheLVHxbKO2KpxwT+Ufdir S.L.A.M. 2h+s+5w9YfQPezLM9wXYqkvkz/lD9B/7Ztn/AMmI8VTrFWMnyYCSRq+oAHsJaAfLbFXf4M/7XGo/ EMC BT 10 0 0 10 309.5591 526.6772 Tm /GS0 gs /Span <>BDC application/pdf EMC /T1_4 1 Tf /T1_0 1 Tf 0 Tc 10 0 0 10 370.0461 514.6772 Tm BT EMC /Span <>BDC /Span <>BDC lyClxObWJuL0aVeq/Z2+fTB4ke9JwzHTzVrTVtOvrW3vLadWgu3McDMCnN15gqFcKa/A33YYzBFh ET )]TJ Health and Safety Executive (2020) Leadership and worker involvement toolkit, ‘The SLAM technique’, Available at: https://www.hse.gov.uk/construction/lwit/assets/downloads/slam.pdf. Similarly to the STOP method, SLAM (Stop, Look, Assess, Manage) is a technique that workers should use when they feel they are at risk. FARM SAFETY MANAGEMENT PLAN Developed by In conjunction with April 2018 Resource Book 23. Inches mrFXfpbSv+W23/5Gp/zVirv0tpX/AC22/wDyNT/mrFXfpbSv+W23/wCRqf8ANWKu/S2lf8ttv/yN 5Ff83Yq7/Dvmn/qYH/5Ff83Yq7/Dvmn/AKmB/wDkV/zdirv8O+af+pgf/kV/zdirv8O+af8AqYH/ ET uuid:556D736B59B4E0118A39A7809B76862F -0.01 Tc 10 0 0 10 60.1102 514.6772 Tm ET W n 481.39 0 475.72 0 v A job safety analysis (JSA) is a written procedure developed to review work steps and their associated hazards in order to put in place correct solutions to eliminate or minimise the risk of those hazards. BT am3TFV2KuxVJfJn/ACh+g/8AbNs/+TEeKp1irsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdi /Span <>BDC Any concerns should be discussed with fellow workers and be brought to the attention of a supervisor. [(Use )-28(this )-28(information )-28(to )-28(encourage )-28(safe )-28(working )-28(practices. The present state of the art of SLAM technique is mostly based on two approaches, first, the approaches based on portable laser range-finders named the Lidar-based SLAM (Hess et al., 2016) and second the approaches based on computer vision known as the vision-based SLAM (Kerl et al., 2013). 0 0 0 scn )]TJ ET These are all changes that could impact on the health and safety of the work being completed. 10 0 0 10 60.1102 466.6772 Tm [(Any )-28(changes)]TJ 469.292 714.55 469.331 709.528 474.394 709.528 c (At the workplace always spot the hazards.) qtP2x8j/AAxVdirsVSXyZ/yh+g/9s2z/AOTEeKp1iqFuo0NnK4Ri4iYgxAGWoXbh/leGKsEkh1Gc /CS1 CS 0.773 0.776 0.784 SCN [( )-28(you )-28(use: )-28(when )-28(it )-28(was )-28(last )-28(maintained )-28(and )-28(is )-28(it )]TJ This can be done by: After you have taken the necessary steps to analyse previous work, SLAM provides a stage for ongoing safety management. /Span <>BDC When you are in this stage it is worth considering the impact of any variables that may have changed around the work being done (Health and Safety Executive, 2020). cfmvgw7g79D6H/1brT/kRH/zTj42T+cfmvgw7g79D6H/ANW60/5ER/8ANOPjZP5x+a+DDuDv0Pof 231.441 -251 231.441 -245.331 v 256 /wCkyD/qpirv8Z+T/wDq/ab/ANJkH/VTFXf4z8n/APV+03/pMg/6qYq7/Gfk/wD6v2m/9JkH/VTF /Span <>BDC zf8AI5P6Yq7/ABTqn/Vjm/5HJ/TFVy+ZdYcVTQZ2HtKh/wCNcVXf4i1v/qX7j/kYv/NOKu/xFrf/ EMC ET /T1_4 1 Tf AORX/N2Ku/w75p/6mB/+RX/N2Ku/w75p/wCpgf8A5Ff83Yq7/Dvmn/qYH/5Ff83Yq7/Dvmn/AKmB Drastic change for families, friends, communities and coworkers will value the importance of health safety... 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slam safety technique 2021