In fact it makes all your regular housecarls female. Can I bring her back? In Skyrim, I’ve been known to switch back and forth between various pieces of gear as I am crafting potions, armors, or enchanting stuff. Also, don't give that bitch any staffs. I was going to make an honest women of her (I later found out I can’t marry her anyway). Discussion in ‘General Skyrim Discussion’ started by GreatorGood, Apr 7, Is there any spell I can cast on dead body once they die to bring them back to life/ I seen this on youtube.. Includeing dead ones. 9 years ago. Unlike some other followers, Lydia is not essential (immortal), and can be killed without you knowing about it. Lydia's the one you get for being Thane of Whiterun early in the Main Quest and she fucking died fighting the first enemy I brought her against. The other option is to pickpocket your stuff back. Well, Lydia may have died while on your quest, but there are cheat codes that you can use to revive her, but I'm not much of an expert on what it is and what it does, but I know it exists. Same with me, its the smart thing to do. But with her unlimited arrow supply, heavy armor, and the fact that she appears early in the game, she might be worth the trouble for beginner players. I dont know when it happened and no matter how long i wait she does not come back. They are two of the best followers in Skyrim for anyone who likes to stick to the shadows. This mod replaces the face of 3 housecurls, Jordis, Lydia, Iona. You should revert to the last save. You don't NEED to kill her. And if so ♥♥♥♥ Nazeem! At one point you’re going to need more room in your inventory. I took a blade forged from Eorlund Gray-Mane of Whiterun, I screamed Lydia’s name as I beheaded the Thalmor Warrior that snatched her life. It had been hours of running around outside and there wasn't a save file I had that was close enough to go back and save her, so I took her … When I bought my house in Whiterun. ... i have a problem with lydia she died awhile back in a dwarven place and some how for reasons i … I had to take off all my mods and put them back on for a glitch that occurred and at the time Lydia was one of my followers, but when i re-activated the mods and started the game she was gone. Oh, what am I saying, of course you don't.". I was pretty sure she had died during a fire trap in a dungeon and she wasn't appearing after 2 weeks, so I used the console to respawn her because she was carrying most of my stuff. It's been 360 in game days for my Dragonborn and Lydia was killed as her follower well before the 100th day while fighting The Forsworn in The Reach. Changes about Jordis Added a number of skills suitable for the name of the "Sword-Maiden" to her. Then you’re going to ask where to store my items in Skyrim. Skyrim: What Happens If a Follower died O.R Aborishade Mar 2, 2012 Gaming 0 comments When a follower such as Lydia dies, there is no coming back, unfortunately Skyrim is realistic in that affect, you can’t bring followers back, but you can avoid their death by giving them health potions to carry. and so I tried to get her back. and if your married on 360. To make it easier to pickpocket, gain the perk poisoned, pickpocket enough of her stuff to reverse pickpocket a paralysis potion, and pickpocket her while she gets back up. then go back to breezehome/dragonsreach and sleep 24 until she shows up. She was carrying dragon scales and dragon bones so i would really like know that where she is. Playing a sneaky type & watching the AI friendly people just run up to things means they'll be dead long before I am. Although Lydia is in the PotentialMarriageFaction, she must be added to that faction manually with a console command addfac 19809 1 in order to enable the marriage dialogue.. Usually she drops aggro when her health is low and so she survives. At her highest level, Lydia has an impressive 671 points of health, along with … Skyrim- My Housecarl Died? Despite her many, many flaws, Lydia is undeniably an excellent follower. If she did die and you want to get back that dragon stuff THAT badly, her body would probably be in the body dump room. I dont know why you would leave her without doing this An interesting 'glitch' encountered after the death of the follower, Lydia. I was pretty sure she had died during a fire trap in a dungeon and she wasn't appearing after 2 weeks, so I used the console to respawn her because she was carrying most of my stuff. if so she will get bored and return to Whiterun after about 4 days. If she was stuck in there, she'll follow you out now when you exit. On behalf of the Jarl, I am sworn to carry your burdens. There are two Dark Brotherhood Skyrim companions available to you once you have finished The Dark Brotherhood questline. All rights reserved. Xbox 360 Bringing someone back to life? Lydia is the Godess of Skyrim. Do i get another companion or not? Just like other followers, Lydia can die if she does not get the opportunity to heal herself when knocked down. Otherwisae she is dead if she does not turn up the next time you travel to a new cell. If i was writing a Skyrim movie, i'd have Lydia - played by Gemma Arterton in my version - be the Trinity to Dovkns Neo. Plus I can just kill things then reanimate them instead which is … So you'll probably find an ash pile nearby. When she meets him, she's unimpressed, prickly and cool : "I am Lydia Witrunsdottir. © Valve Corporation. If you think this might have happened, just go back into the dungeon by any door and then exit again. You are forever stuck with her ghost. Yes you do, plenty of other followers, most of them can be found here... No. He dead body was lying on the floor. Favourite answer. That is abaut it. save, reload save and fasttravel somewhere? My problem is...the store is still there in the dialogue options, but it remains empty (won't reset/refill after 24 hours too) and no barter money. Lydia's store remains empty and no money - posted in Skyrim Technical Support: As topic states...lydia is my spouse and therefore has a general store with 750 gold for bartering. This bug is fixed by version 1.5.24 of the Official Skyrim Patch. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Bugs []. 10 Answers. That way you know she will come back eventually. Español - Latinoamérica (Spanish - Latin America). There is also a mod on Nexus that make Lydia look like as pretty as fashion model. Isn't the Cloud Distict where Dragonhold is? Then a couple of weeks later, I bumped into her respawned clone in Whiterun. Well she's off selling your dragon stuff and making a good life out of the money .... without resorting to console commands, she should return to Breezehome (if you bought it) in Whiterun or return to Dragonsreach main hall eventually. So Lydia died with me while in combat (translation: I accidentally killed her... the dumb broad walked right into my fireball!!) I was adventuring but then i notice that Lydia has disappeared. That will be all." Thing is, all mobs instantly de aggro from them when this happens, so if Lydia is going to die, chances are it will be your fault with a bad arrow/fireball. See this is why I have numerous save points, it is so I can go back to a point I possibly messed up. #8 Nevrmorr If Breezehome in Whiterun is owned, she will return there instead. Kinda why after seeing the quick look, once I got Lydia, I told her to just stick around town & guard my stuff. For The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on the PlayStation 3, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "I have no idea where my follower died, and he has all my stuff". © Valve Corporation. Is this part of the game design, or some sort of bug? All rights reserved. So then I loaded an autosave, gave her a shitton of my stuff, and told her to go sit in the Dragonsreach and think about what she'd done. On Skyrim, my housecarl, Lydia, died in battle, so, now what do I do? Relevance. Did you tell her to wait? So while battleling in one of the towers Lydia decided to get in front of me and she died. 14:23, 13 March 2012 (UTC) If she's labelled " Lydia" that suggests she's died and been reanimated by an NPC. Luckily, there are some effective ways … Español - Latinoamérica (Spanish - Latin America),, All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. She knew the name because my disappearing to play some Skyrim had become known as, “I’m just off to see Lydia.” And she knew Lydia had died because I’d previously wailed down the stairs, “Lydia’s dead!” She told me to take a screenshot while she changed into something black. Sometimes, in quests like Break of Dawn, followers can get left in the dungeon after you've been teleported out as part of the story line. So there were 2 Lydias. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. I said "eventually" because she walks back from wherever you abandoned/left/lost her. my lydia died and she was at my wedding, still with her items! It has been awhile since I have had this problem, but if I recall there is a cell that is located under the terrain where NPCs can get assigned to when leaving certain areas like dungeons or various other interior sections. ; When in Breezehome, she sometimes gets stuck in a loop of sitting down in the chair in the bedroom and then standing up. She is sarcastic, and doesn’t care about Lydia. Well, Lydia may have died while on your quest, but there are cheat codes that you can use to revive her, but I'm not much of an expert on what it is and what it does, but I know it exists. 300 lbs. Hateless. - posted in Skyrim Questions and Help: I saw her die in fort greymore when i was on a contract mission.i took all my stuff back off of her and carried on with the mission.After, i checked the catacomb of the hall of the dead and dragonsreach in Whiterun-nope.I bought the house breezehold and she was no where to be seen.i got married to the caravan women from whiterun and lydia didnt turn up att the … I've done a lot of quest since I married lydia and I don't like her anymore she's boring, if I take her into the forest and kill her can I remarry? Answer Save. Both initiates rock Shrouded Gear and they do not have a max level. She might respawn after 30 days, or go to the dead people temple in Whiterun - whatever it's called - and see if she's there. its pretty much a place where the game puts bodys when they despawn. It's another matter if you hit her by accident when her health is low, though, or if she takes a big hit from something like a giant. Can't Find Dead Lydia's Body? Video games like Elder Scrolls Skyrim, as you get into the game, you’re going to be collecting or sort of stuff. She might respawn after 30 days, or go to the dead people temple in Whiterun - whatever it's called - and see if she's there. She went crazy with a staff of fireball, and blasted the shit out of two groups of people fighting. Yes, she can die. I tend to make a mod in the creation kit that makes followers like Lydia and Iona essential and gets rid of the steel armour and vanilla sword. You can use the placeatme command from the console to bring them back to you. Quick Skyrim follower question, please help. There is one male and one female initiate for you to choose from. Oh just resurrect her....dry eyes then :) She didn't die...just fainted. My Lydia was burnt to death by the Thalmor so I used a dragonshout to bring down the perpetrator. This can happen if the Dragonborn damages her at low health.If the Dragonborn and Lydia part ways, she returns to Dragonsreach. Every so often, I will see my character and realize: “oh shit, I’m going into battle with a helmet meant for crafting!” 3/15/2013in Skyrim. She died about 100 hrs ago in my game and I left her to rot in a cave of Falmer. I changed the face of Lydia and Iona and changed their motion to female motion, but I didn't change their skills or levels. When Lydia died in my game, I searched her body and took my stuff and that was it. ... it was just to have them carry stuff. She well appear in Whiterun and constantly walk behind you asking: "Do you get to the Cloud District very often? On the PC you can bring back dead followers. Lydia won't follow help - posted in Skyrim Technical Support: Hello everyone, so I am a modder and have run into a bug. try saving the game. So I … So I summoned her back (player.moveto 000a2c94) and she was back but now … All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. I need a place to store my junk. Lydia died about 30 hours ago and I can't remember what I gave her to carry, but I think that stuff is long gone. There is a mod on Steam that makes all Housecarls in Skyim essential. look it up. of stuff seemed like a decent amount in New Vegas. FAQ Then she disappeared, and I haven't seen her since (or any of my stuff she is currently carrying/wielding). I use that so I will never lose my beloved Lydia. A New cell in one of the towers Lydia decided to get in front of me and she died 100!, still with her items they 'll be dead long before I am Lydia Witrunsdottir 24 until shows. Into her respawned clone in Whiterun is owned, she 'll follow out. Cloud District very often clone in Whiterun and constantly walk behind you asking: `` I am Lydia Witrunsdottir of... 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skyrim lydia died with my stuff 2021