"Mormon Migration," database and images (www.mormonmigration.byu.edu: accessed 17 February 2018), Dan Jones entry, Church Leader, arrived 23 May 1856 on the S. Curling. We are looking for additional information that will help readers understand the topic and better use the available records. You could then browse the list for individuals that may be your ancestor. Attention: This site does not support the current version of your web browser. June 2, 2010 by J. Stapley. Begin your research by brainstorming keywords - the words and phrases you’ll use to search for books, articles, websites, government documents, and other resources. 1 1872-1887 and Vol 2. This may require viewing multiple records or images. Mormon Migration website from Brigham Young University. See also Ryan T. Cragun and Ronald Lawson, “The Secular Transition: The Worldwide Growth of Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and Seventh-day Adventists,” Sociology of Religion 71, no. 6 March 2018. … Join the community of family history enthusiasts and FamilySearch employees to ask questions and discuss potential product enhancements. When you have located your ancestor’s migration record, carefully evaluate each piece of information given. Database Curator. Ⓒ 2020 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. We welcome user additions to FamilySearch Historical Records wiki articles. Because of this there may be limitations on where and how images and indexes are available or who can see them. The Mormon Pioneer Overland Travel gathers information from journals, church history records, and other materials to locate the company in which an ancestor traveled across the plains to get to Utah. From 1846 to 1848 some twelve thousand Mormons clustered in rough camps across present-day Iowa and Nebraska, before organizing to emigrate further west into what was then Mexico. Joseph B. Everett, MLS, AG, Family History, Local History and Microforms Librarian, Brigham Young University. The Pioneer Database project began more than 30 years ago as staff at the Church History Library began to explore ways to help researchers better understand the experience of the Latter-day Saints as they crossed the plains to the Great Basin between the years 1847 and 1868. The Mormon Migration 1846-47 The Mormons were a religious group who practised a type of Christianity. Whether you have deep-rooted pioneer ancestry or your connection to the original Mormon pioneers is emotional or academic, the Mormon Pioneer Overland Travel database is the right place to begin your research. Identifying your sources helps others find the records you used. Media in category "Mormon migration to Utah" The following 31 files are in this category, out of 31 total. The database now contains information on more than 61,000 pioneers and 384 wagon and handcart companies. This page was last edited on 4 January 2021, at 13:51. Please be aware some collections consist only of partial information indexed from the records and do not contain any images. "Mormon Migration Database, 1840-1932." This database is the most comprehensive record of individuals and companies who traveled to the Salt Lake Valley from both the east and west between 1847 and 1868. Expansion and Reform (1801-1861) Subjects. Huge collection, amazing choice, 100+ million high quality, affordable RF and RM images. http://FamilySearch.org : 12 May 2020. Mormons trace their family trees to find the names of ancestors who died without learning about the restored Mormon Gospel so that these relatives from … For additional information about image restrictions see Restrictions for Viewing Images in FamilySearch Historical Record Collections. They were a people who felt called by God, chosen to create a New Jerusalem. To get the best possible experience using our website we recommend that you upgrade to a newer version or install another browser. Consult the Utah Record Finder to search other records. However, rights to view these data are limited by contract and subject to change. We are very happy to announce a new database today; Denmark: Mormon Missionaries and Migration to America, 1872-1894. The BYU Harold B. Lee Library has an interesting new site called Mormon Migration with information from many ship records. "Mormon Pioneer Overland Travel," database (www.history.lds.org: accessed 17 February 2018), Dan Jones entry, George A. Smith/Dan Jones Company (1849). In June 1845 the leader of the Mormons, Joseph Smith, was murdered. Crossing the Mississippi on the Ice by C.C.A. Missionary Database; Pioneer Database; Mormon Pioneer Emigration Facts. Intricate use of music, paintings, and video to quickly describe the experiences that Mormon Pioneers experienced migrating West Images of the materials are found on the Brigham Young University website at mormonmigration.lib.byu.edu. Add this new information to your records of each family. This collection consists of an index of pioneer immigrants with image links to journals, autobiographies, letters, and other narratives for the years 1840 to 1932. Created By Tona Hangen, Worcester State University, Massachusetts. Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. Server, Storage, SAN, LAN and Database Performance Monitoring and Capacity Planing Tool Mormon Migration Database, 1840-1932. The immigrants were from the British Isles, Scandinavian, Swedish, and Netherlands Missions. Created / Published [no date recorded on caption card] Notes ... - This record contains unverified, old data from caption card. Fred is the founder of the Saints by Sea project, formerly known as Mormon Migration, along with former assistant editor, the late Blain R. Bake from the faculty of BYU-Idaho (formerly Ricks College.) Dr. Fred E. Woods at BYU has recently made available an online database of migration primary sources. 1846. A service provided by, Church Emigration, 1840-1855 Coverage Table, Mormon Pioneer Overland Travel Database, 1847-1868, Membership Records of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Trails of Hope: Overland Diaries and Letters, 1846-1869. Mormon Migration Across the Ocean See also Mormon Migration Database, 1840-1932 on FamilySearch.org. Database migration projects usually include refactoring of the application and database code, and also the schema, which is a time-consuming, iterative process. National History Day. 3 (2010): 349–373. These pieces of information may give you new biographical details. However, they were targeted by other Christians who disagreed with Mormon practices such as polygamy. Database. These may include names of people and places or historical concepts like eras and movements. For starters, the Pioneer Overland Travel database ends at 1868—the official end of the “pioneer” era—and only covers the immigrants’ journey after they arrived in the United States. Historical Pioneer Research Group, Restrictions for Viewing Images in FamilySearch Historical Record Collections, Scandinavia, Mission Emigration Records, 1852-1920. It was fitting, then, that in order to realize the dream, the Mormons endured a 1,300-mile journey of Biblical proportions. Such as in the case of the retornados from Africa to Portugal: Marl L. Grover, “Migration, Social Change, and Mormonism in Portugal,” Journal of Mormon History 21, no. Find the perfect mormon migration stock photo. This covers known and unknown wagon trains from 1847 to 1868. Getting Started . It contains lists of passengers in companies as well as genealogical information about ancestors. No need to register, buy now! This should return a list of everyone with that particular name. A Mormon Maid is a 1917 American silent drama film directed by Robert Z. Leonard and written by Charles Sarver and Paul West. Images of the materials are found on the Brigham Young University website at mormonmigration.lib.byu.edu. Begun during an era of intense religious revival in America, the Church boldly claimed to restore rather than reform traditional Christianity. The immigrants were from the British, Scandinavian, Swedish, and Netherlands Missions. Description. I Can't Find Who I'm Looking for, What Now? Keep track of your research in a research log. Save a copy of the image or transcribe the information. How Can I Contribute to the FamilySearch Wiki? Home Companies Switch to Keyword Search. Mormon Pioneer Overland Travel See also Utah Mormon Pioneer Overland Travel Database, 1847-1868 on FamilySearch.org. Pioneer Database 1847–1868. The Mormon Migration site is a ships passenger list database that extends beyond 1868 and documents the journey from an immigrant’s homeland. FamilySearch. Christensen.png 2,598 × 1,774; 8.39 MB. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The database contains … Christensen - Leaving Missouri (c.1878).jpg 1,280 × 831; 344 KB. Created using mysimpleshow – Sign up at http://www.mysimpleshow.com and create your own simpleshow video for free. Geographic mobility had been a necessity for members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints almost since the Church’s founding in 1830. This project compliments work done by the LDS church on overland trail sources. Mormon Pioneer Overland Travel Database. "At one time the captain said to Knud Peterson, 'If I hadn't d--d Mormons on board I would have been in New York six weeks ago.' This article describes a collection of records at FamilySearch.org. Citations help you keep track of places you have searched and sources you have found. Utah, Mormon Pioneer Overland Trail Database, 1847-1868. Mormon Migration Database: Blacks and Mormonism. The immigrants were from the British, Scandinavian, Swedish, and Netherlands Missions. 1 (1995): 65–79. A service provided by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The sources in this set help place the Mormon migration in geographic, political, religious, and cultural contexts, including other westward movement motivated by Manifest Destiny. They were literally driven out of their own country, since Utah was then still part of Mexico. Index of pioneer immigrants with image links to journals, autobiographies, letters, and other narratives. Sort list by name, departure date, or arrival date by selecting the column header. For specific needs, please visit, Names of others traveling with the immigrant, Whether member, child, or Priesthood office held, The names of family members and their relationships, Use the names of the parents' father and mother to find additional generations of the family, Use the birth date to search for a civil birth record, If your ancestor had a common name, be sure to look at all the entries for a name before you decide which is correct, You may need to compare the information of more than one family or person to determine if any of the individuals in this collection are part of your family, Additional searches of the records may be necessary to identify children, siblings, parents, and other relatives, This or additional information may also be available in the ", Look for variant spellings of the surnames, Search the indexes and records of nearby counties, Try alternative search methods such as only filling in the surname search box (or the given name search box) on the landing page leaving the other box empty and then click on search. The following information may be found in these records: To begin your search it is helpful to know: Compare each result from your search with what you know to determine if there is a match. Full Company List. US History ; Migration; Cite this set. Print. The immigrants were from the British Isles, Scandinavian, Swedish, and Netherlands Missions. Christine T. Cox, Manager of Visitor and Reference Services . The film stars Mae Murray, Frank Borzage, Hobart Bosworth, Edythe Chapman, Noah Beery, Sr., and Richard Henry Cummings. Peterson said to him, 'If you hadn't Mormons on board, you would have been in hell six weeks ago.'" We also need translations for collection titles and images in articles about records written in languages other than English. Between the Mississippi and Missouri BHoU-p222.png 4,448 × 1,394; 95 KB. Whether you’re preparing for a pioneer trek reenactment or researching the Mormon pioneer experience, these fascinating insights into the realities of life in wagon and handcart companies may surprise you. Scholarly Articles. Index of pioneer immigrants with image links to journals, autobiographies, letters, and other narratives. Chang studied European statistics regarding migration patterns, wars, demographics and diseases to conclude that about twenty percent of Europeans alive in 1000AD have no descendants alive today. Whenever possible FamilySearch makes images and indexes available for all users. Filling out the form below will help us to understand the problem you’re experiencing and contact you as we work to address the issue. For many, the journey did not end there, as the Mormon Church continued to settle all the surrounding region, from Chi… The Mormons, U.S. citizens, were driven from their homes and forced to march thousands of miles from Nauvoo, Illinois, located on the Mississippi River, to the Salt Lake Valley in Utah. The refactoring process can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months, depending on the complexity of your application and database. Time Period. It is the most comprehensive list of Mormon immigrants … You should also look for leads to other records about your ancestors. Mormon Migration to Utah. Show full overview. THE TIDE OF MORMON MIGRATION FLOWING THROUGH THE PORT OF LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND Fred E. Woods The year 2007 marked the 800 th anniversary of the city of Liv- erpool.1 Although the city’s inhabitants were certainly aware of this monumental year of celebration, the vast majority were probably una-ware that a chapter of Liverpool’s history was created by nearly 90,000 This page has been viewed 10,844 times (129 via redirect). Work like this allows for extremely precise surveys of lived Mormonism by groups that often fall beneath the radar of history. While traveling westward with her family, Dora must face the proposal to become a Mormon elders sixth wife. It joined the ranks of other recently minted unicorns run by Mormon men, including Domo, the data analytics company that James founded in 2010; CRM platform company Inside Sales, founded by Dave Elkington and most recently valued at $1.5 billion; and Qualtrics, a survey and feedback software company founded by Ryan Smith — a Mormon with five kids — and sold to SAP in November 2018 for … From Autobiography of Peter Gottfredson. FamilySearch Terms of Use (Updated 2019-12-10) | Privacy Notice (Updated 2018-09-01), © 2021 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. In July 1847, Young’s initial expedition arrived at the Great Salt Lake Valley, a territory that had just been acquired for the United States during the Mexican-American War. BYU Harold B. Lee Library, National Frontier Trails Museum Merril J. Mattes Research Library, Early Latter-Days Saints. This collection consists of an index of pioneer immigrants with image links to journals, autobiographies, letters, and other narratives for the years 1840 to 1932. This database contains the complete manuscript of Passport to Paradise, The Copenhagen “Mormon” Passenger Lists Vol. A librarian can suggest “subject headings” to find the … Images of the materials are found on the Mormon wagon trains migrating to Utah from Nauvoo, Illinois. Mormon Migration. 1888-1894 by Shauna C. Anderson Young, Susan Easton Black, and Ruth Ellen Maness. Many translated example sentences containing "Mormon migration" – French-English dictionary and search engine for French translations. It has tens of thousands of emigrant records, so if your ancestor crossed the ocean with the Latter-day Saints, you have a good chance of finding the ancestor in this database. The trek of the Mormon pioneers is one of the most inspiring and heartbreaking episodes in U.S and Mormon history. WikiProject FamilySearch Historical Records/Guidelines for Articles, https://www.familysearch.org/wiki/en/index.php?title=Mormon_Migration_Database_-_FamilySearch_Historical_Records&oldid=4206279, FamilySearch Historical Records Published Collections, FamilySearch Historical Records Image Visibility Notice, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. C.C.A. A support case will be submitted to our FamilySearch team. Database of Migration primary sources Sr., and other narratives ship records on 4 January 2021, at.. To a newer version or install another browser allows for extremely precise of. Date by selecting the column header old data from caption card ] Notes... - this Record contains unverified old! Has recently made available an online database of Migration primary sources and unknown wagon from! Was fitting, then, that in mormon migration database to realize the dream, the Copenhagen Mormon! 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mormon migration database 2021