. Discover (and save!) Hetalia - Belarus << I … Between 2007 and 2008, Himaruya gave human names to some of the characters and she received the name Natalya Arlovskaya (ナターリヤ・アルロフスカヤ, Natāriya Arurofusukaya). Jan 18, 2016 - This Pin was discovered by Lukas Bondevik. This story contains information not suitable for young audiences. Discover (and save!) In his WWII appearances, he usually wears a maroon military uniform with brown epaulettes. your own Pins on Pinterest Her physical age is 19. This is a less popular theme, though it should be taken into account that the depiction is up to the artist. Saved by redfluffykawaiikitten ... . This is primarily a place to share the Hetalia pictures I've collected. [APH] Belarus - Ice Queen [sub] - Duration: 3:44. Discover (and save!) The characters were created by Hidekaz Himaruya, writer and … https://2phetalia.fandom.com/wiki/Belarus?oldid=18001. She is an intimidating, harsh young woman who has a deep infatuation with her older brother Russia, to the point where she wants to get married to him. Height: 169 cm (5' 6.5") First Appearance (volume): Volume 1 First Appearance (strip): Chapter 2: Allied Forces: First Appearance (anime): Episode 01: Japanese VA: Yuki Kaida, Kanae Kasuga (Flower Of Iris) English VA: Clarine Harp She does not like to respect that Russia hates her behaviour towards him, and he is quite cowardly around her. In some drawings, she is shown wearing black gloves and in a clothing style that leans more towards an "Aristocrat" style than her 1P. Belarus Hetalia. Oct 11, 2018 - Step on Your Feet Photo: The characters America and Belarus from the series Axis Powers Hetalia. Belarus, in which she is characterized as cruel, sometimes even sadistic. Funny Height Challenge Pictures .. North Europe ... . Belarus It should be noted that since 1P! Funny Height Challenge Pictures She also wears cat ears in some art. Russia ends many of his sentences with 'da', an informal for… I am hoping to go on cosplay for my first time! Dec 22, 2013 - Fan Art of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine for fans of Hetalia 35004972. Whenever he thinks of how his sisters have become strange, he becomes very depressed, such depression is seen as an "absolutely awful omen" by England. I dont want to be awkward since I am kinda shy and if I saw correctly she stands at almost russia's height (I am 5'8) Feb 4, 2018 - ♔ you play with a Princess to do business with the King ♔ an eastern promises mafia au series North Italy, 2P! Belarus first appeared in a cameo in Episode 01 at the "Meeting Of The World", where she was seen holding the knife to a crying Latvia's back (as in the manga). Feb 1, 2014 - This Pin was discovered by Sophie Windcott. However, he was once shown wearing a traditional f… She is mostly depicted wearing dresses in black and black Mary-Jane shoes or black boots. Anastasia Arlovskaya (human name). Name 2P!Belarus is a fan interpretation of the Hetalia webcomic/anime character of "Another Colour". Most of the fandom depicts her as rather soft-spoken and timid. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Belarus/Norway (Hetalia) Hungary/Norway (Hetalia) Finland/Norway (Hetalia) England/Norway (Hetalia) Norway/Sweden (Hetalia) North Italy is seen to have tan skin, with darker hair. But she is a very big cry baby and can get upset very easy. May 1, 2016 - This Pin was discovered by Ghost Maya. 12.01.2015 - Hetalia (ヘタリア) - Male!Belarus & Fem!Russia ^^; Funny Height Challenge Pictures Funny Height Challenge Pictures .. Hetalia Characters. The condition of the clothing often varies from high quality to being milled at the ends. He is the second tallest of the five Nordics and is often shown carrying aroun… Belamerica ship- Hetalia. Read Heights from the story 2P!Hetalia Info N Stuff by FreedomBean (Asmodeus) with 253 reads. The last time she ate meat she blamed herself for the death and wouldn't even look at her pets. By using this site, you agree to the use of cookies by Flickr and our partners as described in our cookie policy. Jun 14, 2016 - This Pin was discovered by Yukane Yukari. Belarus is intimidating and is occasionally depicted with murderous traits, and 2ps are the opposite, that 2P! 2P! Funny Height Challenge Pictures. yourfaveisyourfave . In the less popular version of 2p!Belarus, she is depicted having pale or faded-seeming out platinum blonde, straight hair which seems to have kind of a grey undertone, giving her a flat or dull presence. He has brown hair and light skin. . However, he doesn't feel the same way, and feels disturbed by her very presence. 28.01.2013 - axis powers hetalia, ukraine, russia, belarus. It is proven on a blog post with the following picture comparing her to Hungary. She also wears cat ears in some art. Between 2007 and 2008, Himaruya gave out human names to some of the characters and he received the name Ivan Braginsky. He is often shown or described with a baseball bat in a darker color with nails lodged into it. America x Belarus (Hetalia) Photo: ♥ AmeBel ♥ ... Belarus Hetalia Latin Hetalia Western Anime Rat Man Hetalia America Hetalia Axis Powers Usuk I Love To Laugh English Roses. He represents Brazil(ブラジル, 'Burajiru)',' and was born on September 7. She is depicted holding a grudge against her family, especially her older brother (this is often in relation to the political relationship Belarus and Russia had in the past). Generally, he dresses in blacks and reds, often shown with a bl… Mar 2, 2016 - This Pin was discovered by Lee Gomez. It's where your interests connect you with your people. He often has a grin on his face. Her official human name is Natalia Arlovskaya. Just thinking about meat will make her instantly sad especially if it's a baby animal like a veil. Belarus Hetalia. Male Belarus/Lithuania (Hetalia) Male Belarus (Hetalia) Lithuania (Hetalia) Russia (Hetalia) Ukraine (Hetalia) OCs; twisted fairytales; Winter; Alternate Universe - Human; Danger; Kidnapping; Letters; Royalty; Nobility; Summary. Shown especially in the anime, Natalya is in love with her brother. She also seems thin-skinned and aggressive and so being prone snapping after being provoked. Discover (and save!) I didnt even see 10 eps of hetalia but I like belarus for some reason. Discover (and save!) PSL 1 Appearance 2 Personality and Interests 3 History 4 Relationships Luciano has brown skin, … Mar 11, 2017 - Tumblr is a place to express yourself, discover yourself, and bond over the stuff you love. 2P! Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. #hetalia height chart #aph sealand #hetalia sealand #aph latvia #hetalia latvia #aph taiwan #hetalia taiwan #aph hungary #hetalia hungary #aph belarus #hetalia belarus #800 followers #i hope i didnt take up too much of your time #hetafacts In some fanfics he is depicted wearing a green necklace or dog tags. It is proven on a blog post with the following picture comparing her to Hungary. Belarus is not given a confirmed height, however, what is confirmed is that her height is over 160 cm (5'3" ft est). First Interpretation Belarus usually wears dresses with a pink colour scheme, though she has been depicted with a black and white one as well (a black dress with a white neck). Latvia is the same height as his 1P! His human name is Vladislav or Nikolai Sidorov. In Always With You... Nordic Five!, Denmark mentions that Greenland along with The Faroe Islands and Finland mentioned The Åland Islands are part of the Nordics as their autonomous territories. Discover (and save!) your own Pins on Pinterest His mouth was noted to be drawn rather big, and he was drawn with a heroic image in mind. Serbia is a man with short, dark brown hair and bangs swept to the side. Typically she appears physically similar to her counterpart. 2P! A tumblr dedicated to Axis Powers Hetalia. Latvia has short, curly blond hair and violet eyes (sometimes colored dark blue). However, because the original Nations can be portrayed the same way by the fandom, how much hold this has depends on the person making the story. Anastasia has an overweighted white bulldog named Bosco and a fat tabby cat she calls Mittens. belarus hetalia hetalia hetalia axis powers. Article from hetascanlations.tumblr.com [blog update] 10th Anniversary!? The largest accepted Brazil's character belongs to hina_teh_shitz for the Latin Hetalia community on LiveJournal. In informal variant was also provided: Natasha (ナターシャ, Natāsha); (Belarusian: Наталля Арлоўская, (Natałlia Arłoŭskaja); Russian: Наталья Арловская (Natal'ya Arlovskaya).[2]. Her hair is mostly shown straight down with a black lace fascinator covering one of her eyes. She makes another brief cameo in a thought bubble in Episode 37, as Lithuania mentions that he planned to go out on a date with her.She finally makes her speaking debut in Episode 42, where she attempts and succeeds in … Requested by @karenusia. More Photoshop drawings, this time with Ivan’s sisters. Main article: Uniform Guide: Denmark Denmark has short, wild blond hair, black eyebrows, and drooping blue eyes. Discover (and save!) Jul 20, 2018 - This Pin was discovered by Anastasia Moonclover. 2P!Italy - 5'6" 2P!Japan - 5'4" He normally wears a dark-green military uniform and a hat of the same color. Unlike 1P! His uniform also originally had frog clasps in the front (rather than simple buttons) and he wore tall boots. Belamerica ship- Hetalia. She stalks him and always finds him, even after he locks himself in the closet. This Photo was uploaded by hoS_Hetalia. Anastasia does not enjoy pranks or jokes as she finds them rude and annoying which is why her relationship with 2P America is not close due to his childish nature and love for teases and japes. ... Hetalia Characters Anime Characters Belarus Hetalia Hetalia Axis Powers 10 Anniversary All Anime Yandere Vocaloid Painting & Drawing. Jun 11, 2016 - This Pin was discovered by Megan. These are little bits of information on each character that come from the Hetalia … Follow. 2P! Her height is over 160 cm. 16 notes. 3:44. Funny Height Challenge Pictures. your own Pins on Pinterest She also experiences schadenfreude when mocking Toris, who is crazy about her. ", "Big brother, I want to be your wife!" He has somewhat tan skin, but it is not very tan compared to the rest of his neighbors. Hetalia Belongs To Hidekaz Himaruya Unfollow. counterpart. America's jacket is a darker color. The characters of Hetalia: Axis Powers (often shortened to just Hetalia) are Japanese manga/anime personifications of various nations, countries and micronations.The personalities of each individual character are based upon stereotypes of the nations, countries and micronations depicted. He wears a Bustina cap with dark feathers or a tassel coming off of it. Her eyes are often depicted in a very dark violet or even dark red. Mar 6, 2019 - This Pin was discovered by Britain # Dog. Reblog. It also includes one of my headcanons of Belarus. Futhermore she seems to strongly dislike the western countries (Refering to the isolationist policy Belarus has in the modern time) and only really have strong bonds with 2p!Poland and 2P!Lithuania .She is also depicted to often drink alcohol and smoke (Since the alcoholism and smoking rates in Belarus are extrodinary high). and along those lines. This site uses cookies to improve your experience and to help show ads that are more relevant to your interests. your own Pins on Pinterest Female North Italy mostly inherits her male counterpart version in terms of appearances; she has a curlier and lighter brown hair that is tied into a ponytail with a curl sticking out from the left side of her head, she has the … Serbia (Србија - Srbija) is a supporting character in the series Hetalia: Axis Powers. ", "Let's become one! Art. Funny Height Challenge Pictures .. . Digimon Vrienden Fandoms Nerd Kunst. Voiced by Rena Maeda in Japanese and Brina Palenciain English. She is one of the lesser known 2P!s, but is one of the few that has a developed personality and appearance in the fandom. Belarus Hetalia. This is a less popular theme, though it should be taken into account that the depiction is up to the artist. His human name is Vuk Mišić (Вук Мишић). [APH] Belarus - Ice Queen [sub] - Duration: 3:44. North Europe. Belarus is depicted with no sign of these traits, or little to no sign as it is up to the writer. Discover (and save!) Funny Height Challenge Pictures.. Discover (and save!) Funny Height Challenge Pictures. Feb 3, 2016 - This Pin was discovered by ☆Yomiii「Yomi-chan 」☆. I also follow fuckyeahhetalia.tumblr.com! Belarus (ベラルーシ, Berarūshi) is a supporting character in the series Hetalia: Axis Powers.Between 2007 and 2008, Himaruya gave human names to some of the characters and she received the name Natalya Arlovskaya (ナターリヤ・アルロフスカヤ, Natāriya Arurofusukaya).In informal variant was also provided: Natasha (ナターシャ, Natāsha); … He is commonly depicted as a man with a sepia complexion with a strong muscular build, auburn hair, and deep pink or in some interpretations, red, eyes. Himaruya posted a height chart. Belarus usually wears dresses with a pink colour scheme, though she has been depicted with a black and white one as well (a black dress with a white neck). Discover (and save!) 2P!Belarus usually has her hair down or tied up using a pink or white bow. . Hetalia Heights, According to a Statistic Chart I Found Australia: 178.4 cm (5' 10.2") Belgium: 163.3 cm (5' 4.3") Cameroon: 170.6 cm (5' 7.2") Canada: 174 cm (5' 8.5") China (PRC): 164.8 cm (5'... Hetalia Heights, According to a Statistic Chart I... - pyromaniacqueen Jan 22, 2016 - View and download this 685x724 Axis Powers: Hetalia image with 31 favorites, or browse the gallery. Belarus 250AS Price, Reviews, Specs, Engine Oil Capacity, Weight, Serial Numbers, Attachments, History, Features & Pictures. your own Pins on Pinterest To keep her safe from "Big nasty nations" by showing how good of a wife she would make. Note: Serbia is a fan-made character. Hetalia 2p!Belarus and 2p!Russia. He is also portrayed with dark spots underneath his eyes, mostly from not enough sleep.His clothes have further variations as his scarf is often seen as grey or red. She has a strong heart and a strong will, but both manifest in negative ways. your own Pins on Pinterest Feb 24, 2017 - This Pin was discovered by Smooches Loveberry. The uniform is brown with a black shirt and tie underneath, and r… Photography Subjects. Greenland (グリーンランド, Guriinrando) is a fan-made character in the anime and manga series: Hetalia: Axis Powers. North Italy keeps his magenta-colored eyes open with a calm expression. He represents the sovereign state of Serbia, a Balkan country. Tags. Discover (and save!) His outfit is a decorated WW2 Italian Brigade Uniform. Photography. Hetalia - Belarus << I love her more in blue, but this art is too ... Hetalia Characters. When she is not cleaning, cooking, sewing or scrapbooking she is most likely watching game shows because she finds them educational and funny. info, 2p, hetalia. It has also been depicted that she has scars on her wrists or bleeding hands in some art, though such a depiction needs to be further investigated to learn th… your own Pins on Pinterest Jun 2, 2017 - This Pin was discovered by SnowyPuddles. 2. Article from fanpop.com. your own Pins on Pinterest I Do Not Own Anything About this Video !! Her hair is usually depicted as long with a light golden or strawberry blonde colour. Aug 16, 2013 - This Pin was discovered by Tia Finn. Belarus is shown to carry around a knife at points, most notably in the "Meeting Of The World" strip where she's holding it to a traumatized Latvia's back as her brother scares hi… She is usually seen hollering "Marry me! According to Lithuania, he has his calm moments at the strangest of times. Belarus is a fan interpretation of the Hetalia webcomic/anime character of "Another Color", also known as the Republic of Belarus ((Рэспубліка Беларусь)Respublika Belarus). your own Pins on Pinterest Explore. It has also been depicted that she has scars on her wrists or bleeding hands in some art, though such a depiction needs to be further investigated to learn the meaning of such injuries. your own Pins on Pinterest Nyo! It is common for 2P!s to be portrayed as murderous, sociopathic and possibly insane which is completely incorrect for the most part. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. He has light brown/caramel eyes, and has a rather normal height of 177.8 cm, or 5'10". 2P Belarus is a shut-in, she will not go outside if she doesn’t have to and she rarely lets anyone inside of her house. 3:44. See more ideas about belarus hetalia, hetalia ships, hetalia. 2P Japan was originally designed by Hidekaz Himaruya for "Another Colour".His appearance is official, though his personality is usually experimented with by the fandom. 1. Latvia is a fan interpretation of the Hetalia webcomic/anime character of another color. She also is shown to have a hatred for Lithuania, who is in love with her. Her birthday is 25 August 1991, which corresponds with the day of Belarus' independence from the Soviet Union. If you find any of these pictures are yours, please tell me. Funny Height Challenge Pictures .. Funny Height Challenge Pictures. He wears a long black coat with red cuffs, a red shirt and black tie, red pants, and brown boots, as well as a small black hat. your own Pins on Pinterest It is very rarely seen through. His eye colour has universally agreed to be red. His eyes are either a dark blood red, violet like 1P! Xenya194 108,953 views. She cares about her family deeply, but unlike 1P!Belarus , she holds no obsession or incestuous feelings towards her big brother, BUT she does want to marry her brother for another reason. Even though this version is not very well known across the fandom, there is also another version of 2p! Luciano da Silva is a fan-made character in the anime and manga series: Hetalia: Axis Powers. 1 Personality 2 Acts of Evil 3 As a Villain 4 Fanon 5 Hetalia Fan Games 6 Navigation A large young man who is seemingly bighearted and innocent, but is … Article from fanpop.com. Nov 30, 2016 - この作品 「返して欲しいのならば」 は 「こんな可愛かったら結婚するしかないじゃないか!」「なにを言う結婚するのは俺だ」 等のタグがつけられた「ルス子」さんのイラストです。 「結婚してくださいませ、お兄様! America x Belarus (Hetalia) Photo: ♥ AmeBel ♥ They're just so cute together and I don't know why but I just love them ... Belarus Hetalia Latin Hetalia Western Anime Rat Man Hetalia America Hetalia Axis … Discover (and save!) Jan 16, 2014 - View and download this 700x700 Axis Powers: Hetalia image with 15 favorites, or browse the gallery. Hetalia - Belarus << I love her more in blue, but this art is too pretty ... Hetalia Characters. Her eyes vary from purple to bright blue. Nov 17, 2015 - View and download this 500x1375 Belarus image with 27 favorites, or browse the gallery. The Female Villains Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. your own Pins on Pinterest https://femalevillains.fandom.com/wiki/Belarus_(Hetalia)?oldid=166158. Toyls is the son of the god of frost and a mortal woman. Belarus (ベラルーシ, Berarūshi) is a supporting character in the series Hetalia: Axis Powers. Aug 27, 2012 - この作品 「小雪」 は 「ヘタリア」「ナターリヤ・アルロフスカヤ」 のタグがつけられた「kotoko」さんのイラストです。 「※誰が何と言おうとベラルーシです。似てないけど。最近なんか暑いからちょいと涼しげなのを。(追記)ブクマ、評価ありがとうございます! An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Xenya194 108,953 views. He usually wears beige or brown. Typically no murderous traits are shown for 2p! (5'3") The dress that she is often shown wearing was given to her by Russia. Funny Height Challenge Pictures .. Hetalia Characters. She also is jealous of her sister Ukraine, who Ivan seems to spend more time paying attention to. Nyotalia!Belarus x Pregnant!Reader - Basically the whole story is when the Reader is just about to give birth to Nikolai's child, and then a little bit after the birth. He is shown to be physically similar to his counterpart. your own Pins on Pinterest May 27, 2013 - Explore Hetalia Pairings's board "AmeBel", followed by 268 people on Pinterest. Oct 10, 2014 - This Pin was discovered by Wing Leaf. Mar 23, 2016 - View and download this 744x962 Russia image with 268 favorites, or browse the gallery. Lithuania, he does n't feel the same way, and r… Funny Height Challenge... Aggressive and so being prone snapping after being provoked than simple buttons ) and he was once wearing... His human name is Vuk Mišić ( Вук Мишић ) these Pictures are yours, please me. Mortal woman share it is often shown or described with a black shirt and tie underneath and! Uniform also originally had frog clasps in the Anime and manga series: Hetalia image with 15 favorites or... `` another colour '' Pinterest Jun 2, 2017 - this Pin discovered. Ukraine, Russia, Belarus is intimidating and is occasionally depicted with sign! ``, `` big nasty nations '' by showing how good of wife... [ APH ] Belarus - Ice Queen [ sub ] - Duration: 3:44 her very presence Natalya is love. A mortal woman Feet Photo: the Characters America and Belarus from Hetalia: Axis Powers Anniversary. 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hetalia belarus height 2021